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- 19:43 Race finished in 2:39:32.4
- 19:43 Drooness: ll mirror lmao
- 19:43 Jimbo: OMG
- 19:44 Jimbo: i almost did the same thing lol
- 19:44 Jimbo: I got the str2 and mirror back to back
- 19:44 Jimbo: when I got the str, I was gonna warp to spirit, played the song and stopped myself
- 19:45 Drooness: 20 skulls is so hard for me in league
- 19:45 Jimbo: yeah I get it
- 19:45 Jimbo: I tend to play a little safe with skulls
- 19:45 Jimbo: so it just ended up working out
- 19:45 Jimbo: but it definitely loses time over the duration of the seed
- 19:45 Jimbo: so I understand not getting them
- 19:47 Drooness: probably just a perspective thing but I think grabbing skulls is riskier than not grabbing them
- 19:48 Jimbo: I was worried about that bb in river
- 19:48 Jimbo: I miscounted chus in the beginning and couldn't scum to get access to river
- 19:48 Jimbo: I pushed it hard as adult before doing kak
- 19:48 Drooness: Ohhh
- 19:49 Drooness: Yeah I did gv lake and got scale lol
- 19:49 Drooness: Cuz pierre bk
- 19:49 Jimbo: yeah when I saw that scale I was like...fuck lol
- 19:49 Jimbo: I always get bodied by gv lake
- 19:49 Drooness: Yeah I was and then I decided no more
- 19:49 Jimbo: hahahaha
- 19:50 Jimbo: but yeah if it wasn't for the ms, I would have gotten destroyed
- 19:50 Drooness: Dude I swear 75% of the time theres a scale there
- 19:50 Jimbo: one of my viewers just said you had str2 at 1:15 lmao
- 19:50 Jimbo: I literally got bailed out
- 19:51 Drooness: Oh well I'm not so upset about skulls having a thing
- 19:51 Drooness: Was more tilted at the paths
- 19:51 Jimbo: yeahhhh
- 19:51 Drooness: I went back to fountain for FA to check wasteland lmao
- 19:51 Drooness: Even though it was more likely I was looking for mirror
- 19:52 Jimbo: lmao I did that on my way to gtg
- 19:52 Jimbo: then my dumb ass set fw and left before getting hammer
- 19:52 Jimbo: cleared what I could in water and went back
- 19:52 Jimbo: it was so stupid
- 19:52 Drooness: lmfao
- 19:53 Drooness: I had my fw in fire like all seed
- 19:53 Jimbo: fire was worrisome
- 19:53 Jimbo: I realistically should have set mine as well when getting the song
- 19:54 Drooness: yeah thats what I did, cleared what I could and left fw
- 19:54 Jimbo: yeah that's the correct thing to do lol I just tend to not do the correct things
- 19:54 Jimbo: I'm pea brain
- 19:55 Jimbo: I just get lucky lol
- 19:55 Drooness: im poo brain
- 19:55 Jimbo: sometimes
- 19:55 Jimbo: nahhhh
- 19:55 Drooness: most of the time :P
- 19:55 Jimbo: you should realistically beat me all the time lol like I said I just got lucky
- 19:55 Drooness: nah I think you're selling yourself short
- 19:56 Jimbo: eh idk lol
- 19:56 Jimbo: who do you play next?
- 19:56 Drooness: zorro
- 19:57 Drooness: you?
- 19:57 Jimbo: flee game 2
- 19:57 Jimbo: tonight at 8 est KEKW
- 19:57 Jimbo: double header
- 19:57 Drooness: oh shit lmao
- 19:57 Drooness: good luck
- 19:57 Jimbo: tyty
- 19:57 Jimbo: should have probably scheduled with zorro as well but they weren't talking at the time in the channel
- 19:58 Jimbo: I don't want to hear about these strikes lol
- 19:58 Drooness: yeah I kinda didnt realize mid season was approaching so soon lmao
- 19:58 Drooness: was too absorbed in wwr
- 19:58 Jimbo: nice
- 19:59 Jimbo: I'll prob get into that eventually...
- 19:59 Jimbo: we'll see
- 19:59 Jimbo: idk if I wanna play that or mm
- 19:59 Drooness: im just glad I didnt feel any worse when I came back to ootr
- 19:59 Drooness: not really rusty at all
- 19:59 Jimbo: that's good
- 19:59 Drooness: I was scared it would take a while to get back into it lmao
- 19:59 Jimbo: nah I feel like it's pretty easy to get back into this game
- 19:59 Drooness: I think WWR and MMR are both good, kinda depends what you're looking for I guess?
- 19:59 Jimbo: my exec was a little rusty because I haven't played that much either but it comes back quickly
- 20:00 Drooness: WWR seems to be more full clear so its execution heavy and lots of tech but its fun
- 20:00 Drooness: MMR I guess is pretty similarly execution heavy
- 20:00 Drooness: and the tech is weirder
- 20:01 Jimbo: the clock is what scares me with mmr lol
- 20:01 Drooness: I'm just really bad at remembering I have items immediately after picking them up lmfao
- 20:01 Drooness: so I drop checks a lot
- 20:02 Jimbo: oh I can relate
- 20:02 Jimbo: you should hear me commentating over my seeds
- 20:02 Jimbo: I sound like a moron
- 20:02 Drooness: I think thats something I struggle with in general, I get a plan in mind and then forget to work outside of it
- 20:03 Jimbo: yeah I struggle with that as well
- 20:04 Jimbo: my reads are so whacky though so my plan is usually crazy
- 20:04 Jimbo: and rarely works out haha
- 20:05 Drooness: okay actually my reads have been pretty strong the last little bit
- 20:06 Drooness: anyway I'm gonna go vibe for a bit before some friends start their FF4 rando matches lmao
- 20:06 Drooness: GL later tonight, might tune in ;)
- 20:06 Jimbo: alright later dude ggs!
- 20:06 Jimbo: thanks for the gl!
- 20:06 Drooness: GGs
- 20:06 Drooness: oh dont forget to submit the result
- 20:07 Jimbo: oh yeah I did no worries
- 20:07 Jimbo: we're good
- 20:07 Drooness: cool cool
- 20:07 Race result recorded by Jimbo
- 20:07 Drooness: -14 smh