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- 16:37 Spikevegeta: yoyo gamer
- 16:37 Cubsrule21: spike, hop into tourney VC race 1-2 when you get a chace
- 16:37 Spikevegeta: yep yep
- 16:37 Cubsrule21: !fpa on
- 16:37 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 16:38 Cubsrule21: !seed s5
- 16:38 RandoBot: Cubsrule21, here is your seed:
- 16:38 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 16:39 Melrose: glhf guys
- 16:39 Cubsrule21: @sponge check VC when you can - just wanna verify you can hear me
- 16:39 Cubsrule21: in the event of FPA
- 16:40 Sponge: say something
- 16:40 Sponge: ok I can hear you
- 16:40 Sponge: its a little far away, but its noticeable
- 16:40 Sponge: i also will have racetime open the whole time
- 16:41 Cubsrule21: sounds good
- 16:41 Cubsrule21: don't figure it'll be a problem for either of you, but just making sutre
- 16:43 Spikevegeta: oh, I guess it won't let us ready up until the 20 minute delay is done
- 16:43 Cubsrule21: also spike checked the rules - emote only is not required, but strongly recommended
- 16:43 Spikevegeta: were we wanting to start at the top of the hour?
- 16:43 Cubsrule21: yeah
- 16:43 Spikevegeta: of like, now
- 16:43 Cubsrule21: race starting at 1200
- 16:43 Spikevegeta: oh, so restream will see us start at 12:20
- 16:43 Cubsrule21: yeah
- 16:44 Cubsrule21: I can override the stream requirement if we're cutting it close
- 16:48 Sponge: we can discuss starting stuff right?
- 16:48 Cubsrule21: as in starting items?
- 16:48 Sponge: ya
- 16:48 Sponge: on the file screen
- 16:48 Cubsrule21: yeah, that's fine imo
- 16:48 Sponge: cause this start is ass lmao
- 16:49 Cubsrule21: you let me roll. you expected otherwise?
- 16:49 Sponge: >:(
- 16:51 Sponge: also as a shoutout, dont forget to local record if you can
- 16:51 Sponge: you never know
- 16:51 Cubsrule21: personal experience, record with the mkv format as well
- 16:51 Cubsrule21: better chance to recover the file if OBS crashes
- 16:52 Sponge: also make sure preserve cutoff point is unchecked
- 16:54 Spikevegeta: yo, so yeah, Beans/Rang/Tunic/Ocarina/Map
- 16:55 Sponge: yep
- 16:55 Spikevegeta: sorry, was taking care of GDQ stuff
- 16:55 Sponge: tunic color spoiler on the main menu >:(
- 16:55 Spikevegeta: comin' in with that HOT Ruby start
- 16:55 Sponge: stone start xD
- 16:55 Sponge: again
- 16:55 Spikevegeta: dude, I was so used to med starts in Quals and ASyncs
- 16:55 Sponge: and every seed since has been stones galore
- 16:55 Spikevegeta: like literally 22 out of 25 of those were Med starts, I swear
- 16:56 Sponge: and somehow almost all of them were crap
- 16:56 Sponge: ootr finds a way
- 16:56 Spikevegeta: alright, looks like I'm able to be seen
- 16:57 Sponge: im ready to rock
- 16:57 Cubsrule21: alright - I'll leave on the hour, if you two wanna go ahead and ready
- 16:57 Sponge: sounds good
- 16:57 Sponge: glhf dude!
- 16:57 Spikevegeta#8733 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:57 Sponge: lets kick it off
- 16:57 Sponge#5863 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:58 Spikevegeta: gl hf dude!
- 16:59 Cubsrule21: alright, here we go
- 16:59 Cubsrule21: glhf!
- 16:59 Cubsrule21#2508 quits the race.
- 16:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:13 Sponge#5863 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:13:08!
- 20:13 Spikevegeta: GG!
- 20:13 Sponge: gg!
- 20:14 Spikevegeta#8733 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:14 Race finished in 3:14:01.5
- 20:14 Spikevegeta: where was Mirror Shield?
- 20:14 Sponge: in gtg wolfos room
- 20:14 Spikevegeta: yeah, I skipped most of GTG to try and make up time
- 20:14 Spikevegeta: makes sense
- 20:15 Sponge: I went in and did the first two, then left to do water/shadow
- 20:15 Spikevegeta: yeah, I got the Irons and immediately went back
- 20:15 Cubsrule21: GG! you two up for an interview when the delay catches up?
- 20:15 Sponge: yep!
- 20:15 Spikevegeta: sure sure
- 20:15 Sponge: the beginning of this seed suuuuucked lol
- 20:16 Cubsrule21: alright - I'll ping you both when we get close
- 20:16 Spikevegeta: Gotta love that double Lab spawn
- 20:16 Sponge: that was amazing lol
- 20:16 Sponge: I did adult lake sub 10 minutes and im like "I hope my spawn is in kak"
- 20:17 Sponge: and im just back in lake again xD
- 20:20 TreZc0_: gg friends
- 20:20 Sponge: ggs
- 20:34 Cubsrule21: @sponge hop on in VC
- 20:34 Cubsrule21: @spikevegeta you're almost done on stream as well
- 20:35 Sponge: im not in the zsr discord?
- 20:35 Sponge: nvm I am lol
- 20:35 Cubsrule21:
- 20:35 Cubsrule21: spike youre good to join as well
- 21:08 Race result recorded by Cubsrule21#2508