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- 23:27 Jaybone25: mine is prob the easiest of the 5s
- 23:27 Kevin_818: Icola I think your group of 6 is really interesting
- 23:27 Jaybone25: i think
- 23:27 Icola: yeah spicy
- 23:28 mrmartin: I thought I was gonna be lower but it looks like good competition overall in all divisions
- 23:28 alfalfa: i'm nervous about our group icola
- 23:28 Kevin_818: I think almost everyone in your group is underrated Icola/alfalfa lol
- 23:28 alfalfa: i feel like it's really competitive
- 23:28 Jaybone25: i feel bad that aceslayer is in 6
- 23:28 Jaybone25: and bad for the people in aceslayers gorup
- 23:29 mrmartin: I feel like ace hasn't played in a long while so that's probably why he was placed lower than expected
- 23:29 Jaybone25: give him a race or 2 though and he prob gets back into it
- 23:30 mrmartin: yeah, you don't need that much time to get back on track
- 23:31 alfalfa: especially since the settings are basically just s3 plus random spawns
- 23:31 Marreparres: I mean I think it's hard to put people in divisions
- 23:31 incoherent: I feel like a lot of people took breaks either when they saw the S4 settings or when they got knocked out of S4
- 23:31 alfalfa: yeah i felt kinda aimless with rando after losing out of the CC
- 23:31 mrmartin: I came back a little bit before s4 qualifiers
- 23:32 Jaybone25: i felt mad since i shoulda beat cola in cc XD
- 23:32 Jaybone25: so i played more
- 23:32 incoherent: I'm just here to get elaborately trolled and then lose by 40 minutes
- 23:32 Marreparres: Well 40 minutes is better than 2 hours
- 23:33 incoherent: at least I didn't completely embarrass myself on restream on Saturday
- 23:33 jaybone25#7000 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 23:33 incoherent: I'm counting that as a win
- 23:33 Marreparres: That does sound like a win
- 23:33 Jaybone25: oh yeah you were on restream last week
- 23:33 Icola#8220 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 23:33 Jaybone25: i was gonna put you on this week XD
- 23:34 Jaybone25: there goes that idea
- 23:34 incoherent: Saturday's weekly was definitely a seed that happened
- 23:34 incoherent#6156 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 23:34 alfalfa#3653 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:34 incoherent: also I've been somewhat irregular to weeklies lately since I joined a Saturday D&D group
- 23:35 Icola#8220 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 23:37 Kevin_818: ok sorry was getting some stream stuff ready
- 23:37 Kevin_818: bathroom then I'm good
- 23:37 Jaybone25: its ok apparently my steram was straight static
- 23:37 incoherent#6156 is not ready. (4 remaining)
- 23:38 Icola#8220 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 23:38 Icola: gl hf
- 23:38 mrmartin#9054 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:39 incoherent#6156 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:39 mrmartin#9054 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 23:39 Kevin_818: alright gl all
- 23:39 mrmartin#9054 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:40 alfalfa: glhf folks
- 23:40 Jaybone25: glhf everyone
- 23:40 Icola: gl!
- 23:40 mrmartin: glhf!
- 23:40 Kevin_818: water med sot right
- 23:40 alfalfa: ya
- 23:40 mrmartin: yeah :(
- 23:40 incoherent: water med sot child
- 23:40 Kevin_818: cool gl
- 23:40 Kevin_818#9130 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:40 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:40 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:50 Kevin_818#9130 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:50 Kevin_818#9130 added a comment.
- 02:13 jaybone25#7000 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:32:28!
- 02:14 mrmartin: gg
- 02:14 Jaybone25: ggsx
- 02:20 mrmartin#9054 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:39:30!
- 02:20 Jaybone25: ggs
- 02:22 mrmartin: ggs
- 02:26 alfalfa#3653 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:46:00!
- 02:26 alfalfa: gg folks
- 02:27 Jaybone25: ggs alfalfa
- 02:27 Icola#8220 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:28 incoherent#6156 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:47:55!
- 02:28 Race finished in 2:47:55.9
- 02:28 Jaybone25: ggs as well inco
- 02:28 incoherent: gg
- 02:28 mrmartin: ggs
- 02:29 mrmartin: did anyone find the last woth?
- 02:29 Jaybone25: kokiri forest
- 02:29 Icola: gg guys
- 02:29 mrmartin: the other last woth?
- 02:29 Icola: I just skip gerudo fortress RIP
- 02:29 incoherent: kak?
- 02:29 mrmartin: oh, I didn't write down kak woth, right
- 02:29 incoherent: for the amusing longshot placement
- 02:29 Jaybone25: yeah lol
- 02:29 mrmartin: lol
- 02:30 incoherent#6156 added a comment.
- 02:30 mrmartin: I skipped goron city for the longest time, nice kokiri forest hint, lol
- 02:30 incoherent: that kokiri forest hint makes this seed like 30 minutes faster
- 02:30 incoherent: even if it is just for lights
- 02:31 mrmartin: you can do jabu when you go for beans
- 02:32 Icola: Lac Woth, GTG woth and Force3 woth so I skip Gerudo fortress.. big mistake
- 02:32 incoherent: also I had exactly 10 rupees when I got to Talon and walked out the door
- 02:32 mrmartin: I skipped hba only
- 06:34 Race result recorded by JasonArilani