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- 19:31 RSLBot: Welcome to the OoTR Random Settings League! Create a seed with !seed
- 19:31 SlyRyD#6654 joins the race.
- 19:31 Kirox#6033 joins the race.
- 19:31 Kirox: hey :D
- 19:31 shirosoluna: hi hi!
- 19:32 SlyRyD: o/
- 19:32 SlyRyD: :D
- 19:32 shirosoluna: you both opted into FPA right? can you please join the VCs 1-1/1-2?
- 19:32 Kirox: hoping there's no MQ Fire today :eyes:
- 19:32 shirosoluna: also, will breaks be taken today and at what intervals/duration?
- 19:32 shirosoluna: zsrGrin
- 19:32 SlyRyD: I would love 5 minutes every 2 hours :D
- 19:32 SlyRyD: perfect restroom breaks for me
- 19:33 Kirox: I'm fine with 5min every 2h
- 19:33 SlyRyD: :D
- 19:34 shirosoluna: awesome! I will remind you when time is approaching for them
- 19:37 shirosoluna: and of course if anything is needed for FPA I'll jump in VC or can either ping/DM me at any time :)
- 19:45 shirosoluna: !seed
- 19:45 RSLBot: Rolling seed…
- 19:45 shirosoluna: BlessRNG
- 19:45 RSLBot: shiroaeli, here is your seed:
- 19:45 RSLBot updated the race information.
- 19:45 RSLBot: The hash is Bottled Milk, Bottled Milk, Heart Container, Mushroom, Frog.
- 19:47 Kirox: showing my retroarch options right now
- 19:47 shirosoluna: :thumbs_up:
- 19:52 SlyRyD: alright, i should be good to go :P
- 19:52 Kirox: i'm ready too
- 19:53 SlyRyD: alright gl hf!
- 19:53 SlyRyD#6654 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:53 Kirox: Can we start a bit early shiro?
- 19:53 Kirox: I guess there's no restream so it shouldn't matter :p
- 19:53 shirosoluna: sure! completely up to you. Race will start when you both ready up
- 19:53 shirosoluna: Im not gatekeeping yeah lol
- 19:53 Kirox: nice, thanks, i'll ready up then
- 19:53 SlyRyD: have a good time!
- 19:53 Kirox: GL HF
- 19:53 Kirox#6033 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:53 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:53 shirosoluna: good luck, have fun!
- 19:53 shirosoluna: <3
- 19:54 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:52 shirosoluna: break coming up in 2 minutes ^^
- 21:52 Kirox: break in 2 min :o
- 21:52 Kirox: lol
- 21:52 shirosoluna: lol Kirox :D
- 21:52 shirosoluna: gynx!
- 21:53 shirosoluna: jynx* if I could spell
- 21:54 shirosoluna: break time :)
- 21:59 SlyRyD: thx
- 23:52 shirosoluna: break in 2 min!
- 23:54 shirosoluna: break time :)
- 00:16 Kirox#6033 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:22:13!
- 00:16 shirosoluna: GGs Kirox!
- 00:16 SlyRyD: ggs
- 00:16 SlyRyD: lols
- 00:16 Kirox: ggs ! holy sh** my heart is beating so fast since go mode
- 00:16 Kirox: so stressful
- 00:17 SlyRyD: not even close to go haha
- 00:17 Kirox: oh
- 00:18 shirosoluna: well, no spoils then if you're going to continue it out. I have to dip for a restream but please ping me for anything if needed. GGs both <3
- 00:29 Kirox: well gg Sly, i'm gonna sleep cause it's 1:30am here, gl !
- 00:52 SlyRyD: ggs!
- 00:52 SlyRyD: thanks for the race!
- 02:02 SlyRyD#6654 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 6:08:02!
- 02:02 Race finished in 6:08:02.3
- 02:02 RSLBot: Here is the spoiler log:
- 02:02 SlyRyD#6654 added a comment: "jeez........ not good"
- 02:04 shirosoluna: GGs!!
- 02:04 shirosoluna: :)
- 22:51 Race result recorded by Xopar