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- 13:30 Mido: Welcome to this Bracket Finals race! Learn more about the event at
- 13:30 Mido: This race is being restreamed in English at and in French at — auto-start is disabled. Tournament organizers can use “!monitor” to become race monitors, then invite the restreamers as race monitors to allow them to force-start.
- 13:59 SeYsEy#2150 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 13:59 dastar512: alright
- 13:59 Gavaroni: glhf
- 13:59 dastar512: We'll launch in a moment
- 13:59 Star1468: GL HF!
- 13:59 SeYsEy: gl hf Gavaroni !
- 13:59 dastar512: GLHF!
- 13:59 dastar512: (wiating for top of hour)
- 14:00 dastar512#4581 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 14:00 dastar512: LETSGO GLHF
- 14:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:26 SeYsEy#2150 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:26:02!
- 16:26 Gavaroni: god damn he's fast
- 16:26 Gavaroni: gg
- 16:26 dastar512: GGs!
- 16:26 Gavaroni#9139 has forfeited from the race.
- 16:26 Race finished in 2:26:10.9
- 16:26 SeYsEy: gg !
- 16:26 dastar512: that was a good race guys, GGs and congrats Seysey!
- 16:26 Gavaroni: did you do fire in 1 trip?
- 16:26 SeYsEy: Played this really well haha
- 16:26 SeYsEy: No, 2-trip, but I had FW
- 16:27 Gavaroni: yeah I mean I played about as well as I can tbh, not gonna beat you in a seed like this very often lol
- 16:27 Star1468: GG!
- 16:27 Gavaroni: actual every check required basically
- 16:27 dastar512: you both played really well!
- 16:27 SeYsEy: Yeah, everything was required
- 16:27 Gavaroni: and yeah I didn't set fw because I wanted to put in water after gtg
- 16:27 Gavaroni: so time was probably about neutral since you had to run to water I assume
- 16:27 Gavaroni: just a big ole execution seed
- 16:28 dastar512: so yeah, you got about 15 minutes to relax, if you still want to join us for interview after catchup on restream
- 16:28 SeYsEy: Yeah, went water through HF, only did big poe and lab on the way
- 16:28 Gavaroni: yeah I jumped down after gtg, got irons and set fw
- 16:28 Gavaroni: then did deku/jabu
- 16:29 Gavaroni: you already had LS before going lake then I guess?
- 16:29 SeYsEy: Yep
- 16:29 Gavaroni: interesting
- 16:29 Gavaroni: I didn't want to commit to fire before doing frogs 1 / gtg
- 16:29 dastar512: yeah it was really close at some points, because you found some out of the way items first, Gav. But I think Seysey's routing and FW left in fire was just omegabrain.
- 16:29 SeYsEy: Never picked IB
- 16:29 Gavaroni: yeah I mean fire was pretty often required because of the path
- 16:30 Gavaroni: just risky to go back before doing gtg imo
- 16:30 Gavaroni: since gtg was guaranteed required also
- 16:30 SeYsEy: Yeah, I wanted to do all the SoS/hammer checks before doing fire, so I did gtg and then Jabu
- 16:30 Gavaroni: ah kk so you just didn't jump down from gtg
- 16:30 Gavaroni: that makes sense
- 16:31 SeYsEy: Nope, specially that GV was barren
- 16:32 SeYsEy: Got KS really late also
- 16:32 Gavaroni: yeah I mean I was doing it mostly to just set fw
- 16:32 Gavaroni: did lose time because I had to get irons to do that though
- 16:33 Gavaroni: having irons lost me time in water itself too since I tried to not lower the water
- 16:33 Gavaroni: and ofc both checks are an item instead of a key
- 16:33 SeYsEy: Oh, never did compass chest
- 16:33 dastar512: yeah we had an oof on comms when we saw that
- 16:33 Gavaroni: ye ofc
- 16:33 SeYsEy: Yeah, that's unlucky...
- 16:33 Gavaroni: didn't make the difference tho so w.e
- 16:33 Gavaroni: time diff is basically the exact same as ytesrday
- 16:33 Gavaroni: I was about to go to ganons
- 16:34 Gavaroni: just killed bongo
- 16:34 Gavaroni: when you finished
- 16:34 Gavaroni: what was the major item in goron city btw?
- 16:34 Gavaroni: or did the hints just bug
- 16:34 Star1468: there was no major item? GC wasn't path
- 16:34 Gavaroni: right but it wasn't foolish
- 16:34 Gavaroni: and ogc was
- 16:34 dastar512: GC had nothing
- 16:34 Star1468: hot rodder had a bottle
- 16:34 Gavaroni: bottle
- 16:34 Gavaroni: right
- 16:34 dastar512: oh
- 16:34 Gavaroni: I knew i was forgetting something
- 16:35 Gavaroni: only reason I rechecked the left side
- 16:35 Gavaroni: was like wtf was here
- 16:35 Star1468: lol
- 16:38 Gavaroni: did you do river in the opener today seysey?
- 16:38 SeYsEy: Nope
- 16:38 Gavaroni: oh wow
- 16:38 Gavaroni: when did you get hook?
- 16:38 SeYsEy: Did river as child, SW after ranch, lake/domaine/river/LW
- 16:38 dastar512: oh lemme get you the link for the commentary server, we should be caught up in 3/4 min
- 16:38 Gavaroni: oo kk
- 16:38 Gavaroni: yeah that s/q came in clutch then
- 16:38 SeYsEy: Specially the scale
- 16:38 Gavaroni: if s/q isn't lake do you think you put off river longer?
- 16:39 Gavaroni: I assume so
- 16:39 SeYsEy: No, I know you woulkd have done it
- 16:39 Gavaroni: yeah that's fair
- 16:39 SeYsEy: I don't want to lose because of river
- 16:39 Gavaroni: lmao
- 16:39 SeYsEy: I would have done it child 1 no matter what
- 16:39 dastar512: just sent you both the link, but you got like 3 min or so
- 16:40 Star1468: will send a French invite as well
- 16:40 Star1468: will do the French interview after the English one