
Ocarina of Time Randomizer OoTR Standard Ruleset S8 XX:15 HashBeans HashMaskOfTruth HashSlingshot HashSlingshot HashBombchu | Password: NoteCdown NoteA NoteCdown NoteA NoteCleft NoteCright https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1827803
Opened by
Alpha #9053
Race monitors
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  1. 1st Alexis #1759 he / him Finished 14
  2. 2nd Keipi3 #8934 he / him Finished 13
  3. 3rd NarvilBase #4895 he / him more Did unrequired forest, but at least I got 3 key forest first try :D Finished 29
  4. 4th Christopho #4256 he / him Finished 4
  5. Susato #2100 more my bad, too exhausted DNF DNF 16
  6. Alpha #9053 more LL'd Hookshot. Was out of Chu's when I ran by it the first time DNF DNF 8
  7. Incacola #4621 he / him more failed a trick 3 times in a row, lost 5 minutes, unrecoverable DNF DNF 8
  8. Jarek #8410 he / him DNF DNF 9
8 entrants (4 inactive)