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- 20:30 Mido: Welcome to this Bracket Winners Quarterfinal race! Learn more about the event at
- 20:30 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 20:30 Mido invites tanjo3 to join the race.
- 20:30 Mido invites ALPHAMARIOX#7392 to join the race.
- 20:30 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors (if any) should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 20:30 Mido: Your seed will be posted in 15 minutes.
- 20:30 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 accepts an invitation to join.
- 20:31 ALPHAMARIOX: o/
- 20:33 tanjo3 accepts an invitation to join.
- 20:33 tanjo3: o/
- 20:36 ALPHAMARIOX: I do hope Ganon's Castle is required, since it happens so rarely.
- 20:37 tanjo3: yeah, it's kinda wild
- 20:38 ALPHAMARIOX: I hope they use SGL settings for season 2.
- 20:39 tanjo3: nah, give me 12mq mixed pools
- 20:39 tanjo3: or 12mq in mw
- 20:40 ALPHAMARIOX: That also sounds fun. Speaking of MW, Alex and I have done a few practice seeds with 12 MQ. Kinda fun, though the Twinrova hints are probably the wildest ones.
- 20:40 tanjo3: makes sense
- 20:41 ALPHAMARIOX: Had symphony room AD required in one world for another world's completion.
- 20:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 20:45 Mido: HashBigMagic HashHeart HashStoneOfAgony HashHammer HashBottledMilk
- 20:45 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 20:45 Mido: Please note that this seed is password protected. You will receive the password to start a file ingame as soon as the countdown starts.
- 20:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 20:48 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:51 tanjo3: alright glhf!
- 20:51 tanjo3 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:51 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:51 Mido: This seed is password protected. To start a file, enter this password on the file select screen:
NoteCright NoteA NoteCdown NoteCup NoteA NoteCdown
You are allowed to enter the password before the race starts.
- 20:51 Mido updated the race information.
- 20:51 ALPHAMARIOX: gl hf
- 20:51 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:28 tanjo3 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:36:52!
- 00:28 ALPHAMARIOX: ggs
- 00:28 tanjo3: gg
- 00:28 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:28 Race finished in 3:37:06.2
- 00:28 ALPHAMARIOX: Where were hovers?
- 00:28 tanjo3: iirc water longshot chest
- 00:29 ALPHAMARIOX: Dang. I should have done more in WT. LUL
- 00:29 r0bd0g: if your scarecrow screws up btw you're allowed to call fpa to fix it
- 00:29 tanjo3: i see you're a central piller first person too huh
- 00:29 ALPHAMARIOX: Looks like I'll be up against Rafa next.
- 00:29 ALPHAMARIOX: Yes.
- 00:29 tanjo3: i struggled with finding dins
- 00:29 tanjo3: i failed pot with chus twice and gave up
- 00:29 ALPHAMARIOX: Ah.
- 00:29 tanjo3: little did I know what a bad idea that was
- 00:30 ALPHAMARIOX: GGs and good luck on your next match against r0bd0g.
- 00:30 tanjo3: yes ggs gl vs rafa