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- 17:43 Kirox: HashFrog
- 17:43 Schulzer: HashFrog
- 17:44 Schulzer: So who wants to roll the seed, the one I rolled took over 5hrs
- 17:45 Kirox: well, my last match was 54min lol
- 17:45 Kirox: Timmy too strong
- 17:45 Schulzer: Timmy too strong indeed
- 17:46 Schulzer: I mean even if I beat you today it would still be the 2nd best thing I would do today :D
- 17:46 Kirox: :o
- 17:46 Kirox: alright, guess i'll roll
- 17:46 Kirox: !seed
- 17:46 RSLBot: Rolling seed…
- 17:47 Schulzer: monkaS
- 17:47 RSLBot: Kirox, here is your seed:
- 17:47 RSLBot updated the race information.
- 17:56 Schulzer#3184 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:56 Chimpanreeve: gl RSL gamers
- 17:56 Schulzer: gl hf
- 17:56 Schulzer: thanks :)
- 17:56 Kirox: thanks Chimp !
- 17:56 Kirox: ready to go
- 17:56 Kirox: GL HF !
- 17:56 Schulzer#3184 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 17:56 Kirox: xD
- 17:56 Kirox#6033 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:56 Kirox: the old switcheroo
- 17:56 Schulzer#3184 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:57 Schulzer: forgot to show emulator settings KEKW
- 17:57 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:27 Kirox: PAUSERS
- 20:28 Schulzer: bot down
- 20:28 Schulzer: my plan to dodge TFH did not work out Pepega
- 20:29 Kirox: nobody can stop RSLBot from eating doritos
- 21:15 Schulzer#3184 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:18:45!
- 21:16 Kirox: gg !
- 21:16 Kirox#6033 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:16 Race finished in 3:18:53.9
- 21:16 Schulzer: gg
- 21:16 Kirox: 32
- 21:16 Schulzer: I think I last located my last piece
- 21:16 Kirox: missing just one and then was gonna finish MoT
- 21:16 Schulzer: My last one was LS-chest
- 21:16 Kirox: i think i have lens game and dark link left
- 21:16 Kirox: welp
- 21:16 Kirox: lol
- 21:16 Schulzer: I even did big poes :D
- 21:16 Kirox: i just finished poes
- 21:16 Kirox: you did mask of truth right?
- 21:17 Schulzer: yeah
- 21:17 Schulzer: I just fullcleared everything after I realized it was beatable
- 21:17 Schulzer: 34 reachable smh
- 21:17 Kirox: YEP
- 21:18 Kirox: made a huge mistake at the start, but i'm not sure how much it cost me
- 21:18 Schulzer: what happened?
- 21:18 Kirox: i'm playing on a new setup and i accidentaly reset at 20 min
- 21:18 Schulzer: oh no
- 21:18 Kirox: but that was not a 20 min loss cause i routed it in and didn't redo much
- 21:18 Schulzer: Dark link also takes forever because vanilla small keys
- 21:19 Kirox: maybe 5 or 10 min top
- 21:19 Schulzer: I definlty learned some key locations today :D
- 21:19 Kirox: yeah i was gonna do dark link last
- 21:19 Kirox: didn't take keys for it
- 21:19 Schulzer: I mean, you could not save keys, only if you do it before boss, but that seems stupid with vanilla boss keys
- 21:20 Schulzer: nice wallet path
- 21:20 Kirox: yeah and i did water early-ish so i had plenty of places to check
- 21:20 Kirox: so no reason to do more than map/compass/morpha
- 21:21 Kirox: i hate vanilla keys so much man lol
- 21:21 Kirox: fire and water and even more trash
- 21:21 Schulzer: I skipped out on map the first time, but I didn't know about keys at that point
- 21:22 Schulzer: It was nice "knowing" str2 could not be available after I had 30 pieces otherwise WOTH would have made no sense
- 21:22 Kirox: could have been spirit completely empty i guess lol
- 21:23 Schulzer: it could, in the end it had one piece :D
- 21:23 Schulzer: I still dislike TFH so much, alteast beatable makes it kinda interesting
- 21:23 Kirox: so yeah i was like.. 10 min i guess?
- 21:23 Schulzer: probably
- 21:24 Kirox: time to do lens, give spooky mask, give bunny hood, give mot, warp to water, do dark link
- 21:24 Kirox: would have been close then if i didn't just pressed reset sadKEK
- 21:24 Schulzer: I also forgot to check suns song grave the first time, I was so scared it could have something
- 21:25 Kirox: oh well, only myself to blame
- 21:25 Kirox: even then i'm not sure i beat you
- 21:25 Schulzer: :(
- 21:25 Schulzer: the warp songs were super nice in this one
- 21:25 Kirox: i was really expecting prelude to be nocturne warp pad lol
- 21:26 Schulzer: yeah, I was expecting something like dc or shadow myself
- 21:26 Schulzer: but hammer already was good enough I guess
- 21:27 Schulzer: I even had to buy new sticks because I only had 2 for Barrinade monkaS
- 21:27 Schulzer: One of the best lines in the beginning: I will not do skulls, 5 minutes later at a hint stone, ok I guess I will do skulls anyway :D
- 21:27 Kirox: ah i was missing a stick too, put FW in there and went to do other checks while grabbing sticks
- 21:28 Kirox: ok HBA was hinted, i was getting scared cause i didn't write it down and it was a long time ago
- 21:29 Schulzer: My main reason I was out of stick because I did Gohma with 3 because I didn't wanted to do skulls, it did not work out
- 21:29 Schulzer: I was scared there was a TFP there and I overread it :D
- 21:32 Schulzer: gg anyway could have gone both ways, I hope you gonna join my bracket again next week :)
- 21:33 Kirox: ggs ! gl on the next rounds
- 21:52 Race result recorded by Jimbo