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- 18:16 RSLBot: Welcome to the OoTR Random Settings League! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 18:16 RSLBot: If no preset is selected, default RSL settings will be used. For a list of presets, use !presets
- 18:16 AlexanderHD#8749 joins the race.
- 18:26 Chimpanreeve#9719 joins the race.
- 18:26 Chimpanreeve: Hellooo o/
- 18:26 AlexanderHD: o/
- 18:26 AlexanderHD: zsrGrin Welp time for a spicy seed for the last swiss round.
- 18:27 Chimpanreeve: I'm fine with that, my last seed should have lasted an hour and somehow me and Alf made it last over 3 KEKW
- 18:28 AlexanderHD: That was me and Brot was the seend only really being about 2.5 to 3 hours and we made it last 6.5 hours
- 18:28 Chimpanreeve: LUL
- 18:28 AlexanderHD: Because of unhinted strength 3 casino with it ending up in Hammer Chest.
- 18:29 AlexanderHD: Both of using triple dipping fire
- 18:29 Chimpanreeve: eugh, well at least that's just a terrible check
- 18:29 Chimpanreeve: I left LLR after doing Talon's chickens, hoping to find bombchus in Ganon's to beat trials and beat the seed
- 18:29 Chimpanreeve: where were my chus you ask?
- 18:29 Chimpanreeve: LLR tree Skull
- 18:29 Chimpanreeve: PepeHands
- 18:30 AlexanderHD: Yeah, once to beat fire, 2nd after dins and leaving for shadow and the last location HashFrog
- 18:30 Chimpanreeve: (my hammer was on Talon's Chickens so I was theoretically in go mode, didn't realise til after I tried to buy chus that it was chus in logic)
- 18:31 AlexanderHD: Oof
- 18:31 Chimpanreeve: oh well
- 18:31 Chimpanreeve: the joys of being aggresive
- 18:31 AlexanderHD: Yeah, my last match was pretty close. I was only 1 GC SK behind Xuross
- 18:31 Chimpanreeve: damn
- 18:34 AlexanderHD: I had a really strong start, but lost so much time not being more aggressive with my shadow keys and meandering in fire instead. With those + getting map chest in water (Where the key was for my go mode) I would have had that. THough that's on me considering it was RO
- 18:35 AlexanderHD: My only win was so one sided on the luck. :x
- 18:35 Chimpanreeve: my only win was a fluke LUL
- 18:35 Chimpanreeve: here's hoping for another ;)
- 18:35 AlexanderHD: Who knows
- 18:36 AlexanderHD: Kak skulls gave me a 4 med lead, so if OW skulls are on I may survive a bit.
- 18:36 Chimpanreeve: note to self - rush kak skulls
- 18:37 AlexanderHD: Imagine if it was TFH, I haven't had a single one yet in the matches.
- 18:37 AlexanderHD: Lots of OW ER and MP
- 18:38 AlexanderHD: btw Any breaks or nah?
- 18:39 AlexanderHD: I almost forgot to ask since I usually go without.
- 18:39 Chimpanreeve: I'm fine with 5 mins per 2 hours
- 18:39 Chimpanreeve: bit of a sore back atm
- 18:39 Chimpanreeve: so could do with those stretch breaks
- 18:39 AlexanderHD: Fair
- 18:40 AlexanderHD: I don't remember the break command though
- 18:40 AlexanderHD: rip
- 18:40 AlexanderHD: !break
- 18:40 RSLBot: Sorry AlexanderHD, I don't recognize that command.
- 18:40 AlexanderHD: !breaks
- 18:40 RSLBot: Breaks are currently disabled. Example command to enable: !breaks 5m every 2h30
- 18:40 AlexanderHD: Ah
- 18:40 AlexanderHD: !breaks 5m every 2h
- 18:40 RSLBot: Breaks set to 5 minutes every 2 hours.
- 18:40 Chimpanreeve: !fpa on
- 18:40 RSLBot: Sorry Chimpanreeve, only race monitors can do that.
- 18:40 Chimpanreeve: oh LUL
- 18:40 AlexanderHD: There we go, set up.
- 18:40 AlexanderHD: !fpa on
- 18:40 RSLBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell đŸ”” icon below chat.
- 18:40 Chimpanreeve: imagine being racetime admin, but not being able to put FPA on
- 18:40 Chimpanreeve: badbot
- 18:41 AlexanderHD: It's MvM monkaS
- 18:43 Chimpanreeve: just gonna go to the loo, feel free to roll the seed whenever
- 18:43 AlexanderHD: !seed
- 18:43 RSLBot: Rolling a Random Settings League seed…
- 18:43 AlexanderHD: Here we go then
- 18:43 RSLBot: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 18:43 RSLBot: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 18:43 RSLBot updated the race information.
- 18:44 AlexanderHD: Definitely going to have to reset my machine soon
- 18:52 Chimpanreeve: 289 monkaOMEGA
- 18:52 Chimpanreeve: files*
- 18:53 AlexanderHD: Smells like some MQ Pog
- 18:53 AlexanderHD: HashFrog
- 18:55 Chimpanreeve: Right I'm ready when you are
- 18:55 Chimpanreeve: GL HF
- 18:56 Chimpanreeve: lets end with a bang
- 18:56 AlexanderHD: Yeah same
- 18:56 Chimpanreeve#9719 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:56 AlexanderHD: glhf
- 18:56 AlexanderHD#8749 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:51 RSLBot: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 20:56 RSLBot: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 20:56 Chimpanreeve: Breaking
- 20:56 AlexanderHD: Same
- 20:56 AlexanderHD: ngl Pretty fun seed
- 21:01 RSLBot: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 22:33 Chimpanreeve#9719 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:37:11!
- 22:34 AlexanderHD: gg
- 22:34 Chimpanreeve: GG dude
- 22:34 Chimpanreeve: how mny you at?
- 22:34 AlexanderHD: 84 right as you finished
- 22:34 Chimpanreeve: nice, where were you heading/what were you doing? I just found my last at the back of shadow
- 22:35 AlexanderHD: I haven't gone into shadow that was my next play.
- 22:45 AlexanderHD#8749 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:48:48!
- 22:45 Race finished in 3:48:48.6
- 22:55 Race result recorded by Jimbo