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- 18:58 LePlopeur: speedrunnig dinner was a really bad idea monkaS
- 18:58 felixoide4: You alright?
- 18:59 cheamo#8696 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:59 LePlopeur: we got 15min of wait
- 18:59 LePlopeur: I should be
- 18:59 LePlopeur: and if I'm not well meh,
- 19:00 Slingshats: gl
- 19:00 felixoide4: Have fun!
- 19:00 Markars: gl hf :)
- 19:02 Majarkin: gl hf
- 19:02 LePlopeur: gl hf
- 19:02 Slingshats: gl hf
- 19:02 Hellknight86#4990 quits the race.
- 19:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:03 Majarkin: do we wait for 15 minutes to start the seed? right haa
- 19:03 cheamo: do we?
- 19:03 Hellknight86: Yes
- 19:03 Majarkin: idk haha
- 19:03 felixoide4: yeah
- 19:03 Majarkin: ok good didn't start it
- 19:03 Hellknight86: At the 15 minute mark you can start
- 19:04 cheamo: oh lol, thought we went and they had 15 minutes to look the spoiler while we did some stuff
- 19:04 cheamo: I didn't check anything yet
- 19:04 Majarkin: just reset to the menu
- 19:04 Majarkin: wonder if you can set a 15 minute countdown in here for the future races
- 19:08 LePlopeur: got the worst setup ever, but I made it in time Kappa
- 19:09 Slingshats: thats how i feel LUL
- 19:10 Majarkin: I need to get my girlfriends tablet working on my comp
- 19:10 felixoide4: My setup looks fucking atrocious and I'm not even the one drawing KEKW
- 19:10 Majarkin: for when I draw
- 19:10 Slingshats: glad im not still on 1 monitor, this would be painful
- 19:10 Majarkin: otherwise I use paint haha
- 19:10 felixoide4: I'm on 1 monitor
- 19:10 Majarkin: oh rip
- 19:10 felixoide4: I can tell you it's really fun LUL
- 19:10 Majarkin: having 2 helps a lot haha
- 19:10 Slingshats: big oof
- 19:10 cheamo: wishing badly for a 3rd monitor right now lol
- 19:11 Majarkin: I am thinking about a third just not sure where to put it
- 19:11 Majarkin: maybe I can mount it to the wall above my other 2
- 19:11 felixoide4: I don't really have space on my desk for a 2nd monitor
- 19:11 LePlopeur: got the same issue felix
- 19:11 felixoide4: My first one is already really large
- 19:11 Majarkin: I use the mounts so I don't take up space on the desk
- 19:12 Majarkin: I have a 2 monitor mount where you can adjust height and everything
- 19:12 Majarkin: costs like $80 or so and saves a lot of space
- 19:12 felixoide4: that sounds handy
- 19:12 Majarkin: will message you after race
- 19:12 LePlopeur: I got one hell of a mess on my desk and only 1 monitor Kappa
- 19:12 felixoide4: Yo same
- 19:12 LePlopeur: I got 4 controler on my desk LUL
- 19:13 Majarkin: poor drawers having to work for 15 minutes longer than us haha
- 19:13 LePlopeur: with 2 broken omegaLUL
- 19:13 felixoide4: I got a box of perudo, a joycon holder, a québécois comedy CD
- 19:13 felixoide4: And a fuck ton of cables
- 19:13 felixoide4: Oh and some scotch tape because why not /shrug
- 19:14 LePlopeur: still more usefull than 2 broken controler LUL
- 19:14 felixoide4: Not much more though LOL
- 19:16 felixoide4: 2 minutes monkaS
- 19:16 LePlopeur: hope there will be a lot of cow Kappa
- 19:16 felixoide4: Link's House Cow let's go
- 19:16 Majarkin: all cow seed
- 19:17 LePlopeur: it's ok I'm used to the race for it now
- 19:17 Slingshats: ugh, forgot link cow was a thing
- 19:17 felixoide4: hopefully it won't be required :)
- 19:17 LePlopeur: yep and doing a 50sec on the race doesn't work
- 19:17 LePlopeur: u got to do a sub 50
- 19:17 felixoide4: and Epona's a monstertruck
- 19:17 Slingshats: ive done it a lot, try not to
- 21:03 felixoide4#9489 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:00:10!
- 21:03 Hellknight86: GG Top32 player
- 21:03 felixoide4: KEKW
- 21:03 Hellknight86: interview you two?
- 21:03 felixoide4: Sure
- 21:25 LePlopeur#3629 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:22:03!
- 21:25 LePlopeur: gg
- 21:25 felixoide4: gg!
- 21:26 PandaCerise: gg
- 21:42 Majarkin#2474 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:39:03!
- 21:42 Majarkin: gg
- 21:43 LePlopeur: gg
- 21:43 felixoide4: gg!
- 21:56 Markars#9224 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:53:42!
- 21:57 Markars: gg :)
- 21:57 Slingshats#5287 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:54:04!
- 21:57 Slingshats: got sniped :(
- 21:57 Lexxanite: gg
- 21:57 Slingshats: gg
- 21:57 Hellknight86: GGs
- 21:58 felixoide4: GGs!
- 22:01 MillyMoon: gg
- 22:51 cheamo#8696 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:48:02!
- 22:51 Race finished in 3:48:02.9