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- 21:21 HyliaHale#6965 quits the race.
- 21:21 HyliaHale#6965 joins the race.
- 21:23 Ethannoe7: Yo no tengo inconveniente por esperar a Hylia y a los que se hagan algo de comer!
- 21:23 CuarzoLego: me gua hacer un chanwuich
- 21:24 Kaede Rukawa#4676 joins the race.
- 21:24 Kaede Rukawa: no generaron seed aun?
- 21:24 CuarzoLego: ño
- 21:25 HyliaHale: oigan, ustedes saben como arreglar el problema de que el LiveSplit no me permita unirme con racetime?? se me traba y se cierra la ventana
- 21:26 Nasho3D: y si lo descargas denuevo v:
- 21:26 iOliver: Según hubo una actualización de LiveSplit
- 21:26 iOliver: pero la verdad no lo sé
- 21:26 HyliaHale: D:
- 21:26 iOliver: yo solo tengo el problema que el programa crashea
- 21:26 Ethannoe7: Podria ser :(
- 21:26 HyliaHale: intente reiniciar la compu
- 21:26 HyliaHale: y nada
- 21:26 Skuby: solo me pasaba que vinculaba el livesplit a la sala y tardaba un poco en mostrar la lista, pero de no poder hacer nada nop
- 21:26 kzeldero: hola
- 21:27 Skuby: o/
- 21:27 iOliver: yo no pongo eso porque pensaba que el livesplits empezaría solo el timer de racetime
- 21:27 andres3456: Buenas. Creo que en la carrera semanal hubo otras personas con problemas con el livesplit y le dieron al boton desde la pagina
- 21:27 iOliver: pero na xD
- 21:27 HyliaHale: pues no me deja D: creo que tendre que hacerlo con la pagina :c
- 21:27 kzeldero: a mi tampoco me funciono bien hoy
- 21:28 HyliaHale: bueno, solo denme 15 minutos
- 21:28 Ethannoe7: Va, yo creo que pueden ir generando la seed no?
- 21:28 HyliaHale: Que la genere Linkpon
- 21:28 Ethannoe7: Bueno el pimpon jeje
- 21:35 iOliver: eoooo
- 21:35 Ethannoe7: eeeeeooooooo
- 21:35 CuarzoLego: si bueno...
- 21:35 CuarzoLego: que procd?
- 21:36 Ethannoe7: Ya le mande mensaje a Linkpon a ver si nos genera seed
- 21:37 Linkpon#8526 promoted HyliaHale#6965 to race monitor.
- 21:37 Linkpon: !seed s5
- 21:37 RandoBot: Linkpon, here is your seed:
- 21:37 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 21:38 Linkpon#8526 quits the race.
- 21:38 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 21:38 iOliver: efe
- 21:39 MolaG_17: chin
- 21:39 CuarzoLego: shales
- 21:39 iOliver: Bueno, la carrera no se inicia sola, vamo a juga
- 21:39 iOliver: digo
- 21:39 HyliaHale: bueno
- 21:39 HyliaHale: ya prendere
- 21:40 Ethannoe7: Sip vale
- 21:40 Nasho3D: HashDekuNut
- 21:40 iOliver: HashFrog
- 21:40 HyliaHale: Pense que Linkpon iba a jugar :o
- 21:40 Ethannoe7: Igual yo
- 21:40 Nasho3D: pinpon ya no nos quiere :c
- 21:41 HyliaHale: D: saben si paso algo??
- 21:43 Skuby: padece en estos momentos de un síntoma muy fuerte llamado... hueva HashFrog
- 21:43 Kaede Rukawa: HashSoldOut
- 21:44 HyliaHale#6965 is ready! (9 remaining)
- 21:44 iOliver: HashCucco
- 21:44 Ethannoe7#9562 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 21:44 CuarzoLego#0813 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 21:44 Skuby#3113 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 21:46 Kaede Rukawa#4676 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:47 Mano501#5640 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:47 iOliver#1400 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 21:48 Ethannoe7: GL :3
- 21:48 Nasho3D#2787 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:49 HyliaHale: GLHF!
- 21:49 Kaede Rukawa: hf gl
- 21:49 andres3456#9754 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:49 CuarzoLego: que significa? :o
- 21:49 Skuby: moma HashCucco
- 21:49 MolaG_17: Boi
- 21:50 HyliaHale: Good Luck Have Fun
- 21:50 MolaG_17: La pecerda me andaba troliando
- 21:50 MolaG_17#9157 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:50 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:50 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:05 Kaede Rukawa#4676 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:15:25!
- 01:06 Kaede Rukawa#4676 added a comment.
- 01:15 Mano501#5640 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:28 Skuby#3113 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:38:04!
- 01:32 Skuby#3113 added a comment.
- 01:37 iOliver#1400 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:44 iOliver#1400 added a comment.
- 01:51 andres3456#9754 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 4:01:04!
- 02:02 Nasho3D#2787 has finished in 4th place with a time of 4:11:55!
- 02:07 CuarzoLego#0813 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:39 HyliaHale#6965 has finished in 5th place with a time of 4:48:39!
- 02:43 Ethannoe7#9562 has finished in 6th place with a time of 4:53:07!
- 02:44 Ethannoe7#9562 added a comment.
- 03:28 andres3456#9754 added a comment.
- 05:04 MolaG_17#9157 has finished in 7th place with a time of 7:14:19!
- 05:04 Race finished in 7:14:19.4
- 05:08 MolaG_17#9157 added a comment.
- 23:31 Race result recorded by felixoide4#9489