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- 13:48 TobiasG_91: actually no :p
- 13:48 Hellknight86: oh
- 13:48 TobiasG_91#4630 promoted Hellknight86#4990 to race monitor.
- 13:48 Hellknight86: thanks anyway!
- 13:48 TobiasG_91#4630 removes Hellknight86#4990 from the race.
- 13:48 Hellknight86: dastar is american?
- 13:48 BearKofca: Just put Dastar on twice
- 13:48 TobiasG_91: LUL
- 13:49 TobiasG_91: but yes, I think I'm okay with being restreamed. Who says Germans don't have a sense of humor
- 13:49 dastar512: oh hi
- 13:49 dastar512: yes US East
- 13:50 TobiasG_91: holy shit how are we 10 minutes from go time
- 13:51 dastar512: yes
- 13:52 dastar512: i've got clean audio and DJShark's music set.
- 13:53 TobiasG_91: clean audio here as well
- 13:58 TobiasG_91: autostart is off, so we should just be able to ready up
- 13:58 TobiasG_91#4630 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 13:58 thequeenehelena#5592 requests to join the race.
- 13:58 thequeenehelena: helknight said i can mod
- 13:58 dastar512: i'm confirming logic fro map tracker.
- 13:58 dastar512: gimme a minute
- 13:58 TobiasG_91: ok
- 13:58 TobiasG_91#4630 accepts a request to join from thequeenehelena#5592.
- 13:58 TobiasG_91#4630 promoted thequeenehelena#5592 to race monitor.
- 13:58 TobiasG_91#4630 removes thequeenehelena#5592 from the race.
- 13:58 thequeenehelena: ty
- 13:58 thequeenehelena: gl guys
- 13:59 TobiasG_91: thx
- 14:01 TobiasG_91: tell us when restream is ready :)
- 14:02 dastar512#4581 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 14:02 dastar512: ready. (not panicking
- 14:03 TobiasG_91: force start us when ready, HK or Helena
- 14:04 dastar512: GLHF tobias. I'm gonna be breathing over here a bit lmao
- 14:04 TobiasG_91: glhf :)
- 14:04 thequeenehelena: okay we will start soon glhf
- 14:04 thequeenehelena: i will <3
- 14:05 dastar512: file names on display lmao
- 14:06 thequeenehelena: just double checking with helknight if we are good
- 14:06 dastar512: silvergPride
- 14:07 thequeenehelena#5592 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 14:07 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:08 thequeenehelena: you guys in a good posion to pause?
- 16:10 dastar512: sorry didn't see this, but yeah, Bear's got us organized.
- 16:11 dastar512: do me a favor and ask someone to keep track of how many ice traps i hit for today?
- 16:11 thequeenehelena: i think you guys are good to start back up when ever you guys are ready
- 16:12 dastar512: sure. I think i'm good?
- 16:12 TobiasG_91: start back at 2:05?
- 16:13 thequeenehelena: sounds good
- 16:13 dastar512: wait
- 16:13 dastar512: i didn't see that
- 16:13 thequeenehelena: go go dastar
- 16:13 thequeenehelena: XD
- 16:13 thequeenehelena: dont forget to take off your brb
- 16:13 thequeenehelena: star
- 18:07 dastar512: on pause
- 18:08 dastar512: Tobias?
- 18:09 TobiasG_91: paused at 4:00, resuming at 4:05
- 18:10 dastar512: stop setting resume times without me >.<
- 18:10 dastar512: but yes 4:05 is good
- 18:11 dastar512: i am ready for 4:05
- 18:12 dastar512: 15 seconds
- 18:12 dastar512: you good?
- 18:13 TobiasG_91: I'm good, gogogo
- 18:25 thequeenehelena: pause
- 18:25 dastar512: wqhat?
- 18:25 dastar512: i'm paused
- 18:25 thequeenehelena: stream died
- 18:26 dastar512: is tobias paused?
- 18:26 dastar512: cuz runners don't pause on that
- 18:26 thequeenehelena: @tobias pause
- 18:27 thequeenehelena: okay we are back
- 20:07 dastar512: back at 6:05
- 20:07 TobiasG_91: I'm paused until 6:05
- 20:12 dastar512: ready to go exactly at 605 - 35 sec
- 20:12 dastar512: 35 more sec*
- 20:12 TobiasG_91: ready as well
- 20:12 dastar512: GL. Last leg.
- 20:12 dastar512: bring it home.
- 20:20 TobiasG_91#4630 has finished in 1st place with a time of 6:12:33!
- 20:20 dastar512: gg!
- 20:20 TobiasG_91: thanks! ggs!
- 20:22 thequeenehelena: interview tobias?
- 20:22 TobiasG_91: sure
- 20:23 Hellknight86: GG
- 20:38 dastar512#4581 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 6:30:37!
- 20:38 Race finished in 6:30:37.2
- 20:38 gutrune: ggs!
- 20:38 TobiasG_91: ggs!
- 20:38 dastar512: wheewwwwwwwwww
- 20:38 gutrune: Ready to join dastar?
- 20:38 thequeenehelena: interview star?
- 20:38 dastar512: for a bit yeah
- 21:35 Race result recorded by Cola#5395