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- 20:23 Gavaroni: voided in wasteland 3 times I think
- 20:23 Gavaroni: then thought bottom of fountain was str 3
- 20:23 Gavaroni: so farmed for 30
- 20:23 Gavaroni: it's a goron tunic
- 20:23 Gavaroni: only had 4 arrows for map chest in spirit and I missed
- 20:23 Gavaroni: so had to go farm more arrows
- 20:23 Gavaroni: it was bad
- 20:23 dastar512: if it helped, toilet enthusiasts like myself appreciated you farming for irons on 30.
- 20:24 Gavaroni: was str3 even needed
- 20:24 WTHH: yeah my racetime is fucking up too
- 20:24 dastar512: yes gav
- 20:24 Gavaroni: I didn't have chus for spirit trial 2 and suck at bow extension
- 20:24 Gavaroni: kk I figured
- 20:24 Gavaroni: str 3 in well or?
- 20:24 dastar512: KS in light trial
- 20:24 Gavaroni: and where's magic
- 20:24 WTHH: oh fuuuuck you peaked ZF bottom as a strength damn
- 20:24 dastar512: Well, magic hasn't appeared on restream yet lol
- 20:24 Gavaroni: I didn't peek it really as anything
- 20:24 Gavaroni: it was nighttime
- 20:24 WTHH: i thought it was lens for a sec
- 20:24 Gavaroni: and it wasn't a rupee/stick/bow/bombs/wallet/sling
- 20:25 Gavaroni: so it was just a glowing object for me
- 20:25 Gavaroni: somehow the goron tunic sparkles
- 20:25 Gavaroni: idk why
- 20:25 WTHH: ah shit
- 20:25 Gavaroni: but I knew it wasn't either sword
- 20:25 Gavaroni: and I saw lens in ice
- 20:25 Gavaroni: so I'm like kk idk what else it can be other than str
- 20:25 dastar512: WTHH, do you also want to join for interview in about 12 min?
- 20:25 WTHH: yeah i'll join
- 20:25 Gavaroni: where was magic and str3 wthh
- 20:25 WTHH: magic in botw
- 20:25 Gavaroni: kk I was about to enter botw
- 20:25 WTHH: str3 in child spirit
- 20:25 Gavaroni: kk tht was my str2 lol
- 20:26 WTHH: uhhh
- 20:26 Gavaroni: crater/x/child spirit
- 20:26 WTHH: ohhh hot rodder
- 20:26 Gavaroni: -.-
- 20:26 WTHH: monkaS
- 20:26 WTHH: was my str1
- 20:26 Gavaroni: you did solo hot rodder with chus?
- 20:26 WTHH: yeah
- 20:26 Gavaroni: actually kms
- 20:26 Gavaroni: yeah I was almost doneish then
- 20:26 Gavaroni: I was going well to child goron
- 20:26 dastar512: At least it's not *all over* with the Bo3 with the crap seed! lol
- 20:26 WTHH: was gonna scum and then i got mirror and strength back to back
- 20:27 Gavaroni: yeah I basically never scum anymore so just use chus on the way to sfm
- 20:27 WTHH: spoilers uhh i may have died to knuckles
- 20:27 Gavaroni: then didn't feel like using 1 for just hot rodder was useful
- 20:27 Gavaroni: I died to lizalfos in gtg lol
- 20:27 WTHH: niiiice
- 20:27 Gavaroni: did you even touch gtg then?
- 20:27 Gavaroni: I guess not
- 20:27 WTHH: yeah i did gtg
- 20:27 WTHH: without bow
- 20:27 Gavaroni: ah kk
- 20:27 Gavaroni: I was heading out there without bow then got hammer in lake
- 20:28 Gavaroni: and decided with saria path to forest it's probably better to dip forest first
- 20:28 Gavaroni: so got the 2 fairies with hammer and got bow
- 20:28 Gavaroni: o that was nice for me
- 20:28 Gavaroni: everything post gtg was justa nightmare tho
- 20:28 WTHH: def was a weird seed
- 20:28 dastar512: I'm gonna send you both the link for the comms channel in discord, we've got about 10 min tho
- 20:28 WTHH: alright
- 20:28 Gavaroni: kk
- 20:28 dastar512: i gotta clock out of work kekw
- 20:29 Maera/Miraba: look forward to hearing this interview
- 20:29 Gavaroni: I do suppose it's good to know regardless of how shit I played I was fucked from 15 minutes in anyways lol
- 20:29 WTHH: i'm too scared of child goron city now i just do it
- 20:30 Gavaroni: I do it with bombs not with just chus usually
- 20:30 Gavaroni: too many more impactful things to use chus on most of the time I feel
- 20:30 Gavaroni: but if you're scumming then it's fine
- 20:30 Gavaroni: I just don't bother scumming ever with random spawn
- 20:31 WTHH: yeah i usually only scum when its really easy like in LW
- 20:31 Gavaroni: yeah the scum is easy it just puts you back in castle, which I guess is fine this seed since you're always going river after lw stuff anyways
- 20:31 WTHH: yeah i was going to hike to lake right after
- 20:32 WTHH: i think i ended up savewarping anyway
- 20:32 Gavaroni: I didn't end up doing child lake since I had letter/rang anyways
- 20:32 WTHH: ah yeah i thought of maybe skipping it
- 20:32 Gavaroni: itw as just gonna be bombs or scale
- 20:33 Gavaroni: turns out I think it was hammer for scale in field
- 20:33 Gavaroni: unless child lake actually had something
- 20:33 WTHH: yeah i was hoping for BB
- 20:34 WTHH: cause i skipped the wallet in ZR so felt a bit bad when it was time to cross wasteland
- 20:34 Gavaroni: now ay youre drinking this milk bottle rn
- 20:34 Gavaroni: holy
- 20:34 Gavaroni: and yeah I skipped the wallet too
- 20:34 Gavaroni: I do river in the opern and typically always skip wallets
- 20:35 Gavaroni: up in the air on if it's correct or not
- 20:35 Gavaroni: eels like you don't buy chus often enough to make it worht picking up
- 20:35 Gavaroni: if it's at the top check maybe since that one is fast
- 20:35 Gavaroni: i do a pretty slow setup for lower river tho
- 20:36 WTHH: i know LOL i drank a blue potion and milk
- 20:37 WTHH: felt horrible
- 20:37 Gavaroni: lmfao
- 20:37 WTHH: my brain froze when i first got hit by the knuckle
- 20:37 WTHH: its like i was in autopilot