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- 17:55 Neil: yeah
- 17:55 TobiasG_91: Huffpuff, Sly, which flags do we put next to your names on restream? Don't know your nationalities offhand.
- 17:55 SlyRyD: USA
- 17:55 huffpuff1337: Her Majesty's United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- 17:56 SlyRyD: Thonk
- 17:56 Fenhl: 🧐
- 17:56 tenacious_toad: HashFrog
- 17:56 tenacious_toad: HashFrog = bad seed Pepega
- 17:56 T-RIS: HashFrog
- 17:56 huffpuff1337: HashSoldOut
- 17:56 BananaLord: Are the two spiders a hint of what is to come?
- 17:57 Fenhl: 100 tokens/100 tokens yup
- 17:57 West0pher: monkaS
- 17:57 SlyRyD: When should we start streaming?
- 17:57 SlyRyD: Any time I guess?
- 17:57 Fenhl: asap
- 17:57 Fenhl: so the race can be started
- 17:57 huffpuff1337#4259 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 17:57 tenacious_toad: just went live
- 17:58 West0pher: same
- 17:58 Fenhl: ready up when your pilot is ready to start the 30 minutes of preparation
- 17:58 Neil: I'm good whenever
- 17:58 tenacious_toad#5453 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 17:58 SlyRyD#6654 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 17:58 Markars#9224 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:58 BruZZler#7185 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:59 West0pher#1532 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:59 Fenhl: glhf
- 17:59 SlyRyD: gl hf pilots!
- 17:59 huffpuff1337: gfhl
- 17:59 BananaLord: aaaaaa
- 17:59 West0pher: gl hf!
- 17:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:59 Markars: glhf
- 18:00 SlyRyD: runners can goof off for 30 minutes?
- 18:00 huffpuff1337: yeah
- 18:00 huffpuff1337: dunno about you but i have gacha to grind
- 18:00 Markars: 30 minute dance party
- 18:26 huffpuff1337: is everyone still awake
- 18:26 Markars: aye
- 18:26 tenacious_toad: I'm awake I swear 😃
- 18:27 BruZZler: :)
- 18:27 tenacious_toad: Oh course I have water temple music making me sleepy
- 18:27 huffpuff1337: i have hollow knight bench music
- 18:27 Markars: moo moo farm :)
- 18:27 huffpuff1337: surprised im not asleep already
- 18:27 Markars: or wait choco mountain maybe
- 18:29 huffpuff1337: gfhl, for reals this time
- 18:29 West0pher: gl hf
- 18:29 BruZZler: GL HF :-)
- 18:29 tenacious_toad: Glhf!
- 18:29 Neil: gllhf
- 18:29 Fenhl: oh yeah, glhf to the runners as well :)
- 18:29 Neil: lol
- 18:29 SlyRyD: gl hf!
- 19:19 BruZZler#7185 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:20:18!
- 19:20 SlyRyD#6654 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:21:09!
- 19:20 SlyRyD: GG
- 19:20 BruZZler: GG
- 19:20 Neil: gg
- 19:21 Ramond: GG!
- 19:21 BananaLord: GG
- 19:23 melqwii: sly and neil interview?
- 19:23 Neil: sure
- 19:24 SlyRyD: sure
- 19:24 melqwii: okay, join any VC and we can drag you in :)
- 19:35 tenacious_toad#5453 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:35:47!
- 19:38 babyshark3: who want to go again ?
- 19:38 Fenhl: you know the second seed will be 6 hours
- 19:39 babyshark3: yep
- 19:39 huffpuff1337#4259 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:40:22!
- 19:42 West0pher#1532 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:42:44!
- 19:45 Markars#9224 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:46:00!
- 19:45 Race finished in 1:46:00.8
- 19:45 Markars: ggs :)
- 19:45 West0pher: ggs!
- 19:45 Ramond: gg! kind of a disappointing seed tho
- 19:46 melqwii: GGs all!
- 19:46 melqwii: salty runback for anyone interested XD
- 19:46 Ramond: (for an RSL)
- 19:46 melqwii: stream was short=P
- 19:46 Neil: GG all
- 19:46 West0pher: :eyes:
- 19:47 Fenhl: I can roll a seed for anyone interested in going again
- 19:47 Fenhl: I'm out though
- 19:48 Neil: it's a little late for me as well
- 19:48 Neil: also I think sly is not even here
- 19:50 West0pher: banana and i are down for another if any other team wants to go
- 19:51 Ramond: I'd like to but it's late in europe too, could be too long :(
- 19:56 BananaLord: Oh well, this was still fun! You know next time we're going to get a 6 hour allsanity seed after this...
- 19:56 huffpuff1337: so long as it has trials i'm fine with whatever
- 20:00 BananaLord: Technically this one had trials, it was trials on with a random number... it just happened to be that the number was 0
- 03:41 Race result recorded by felixoide4#9489