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- 15:30 Mido: Welcome to this Groups Round 1 race! Learn more about the event at
- 15:31 Mido: starting_age: default (Random Starting Age), child (Child Start), or adult (Adult Start)
- 15:31 Mido: random_spawns: default (Random Spawns Off) or on (Random Spawns On (both ages))
- 15:31 Mido: consumables: default (Start With Consumables On) or none (Start With Consumables Off)
- 15:31 Mido: rupees: default (Start With Max Rupees Off) or startwith (Start With Max Rupees On)
- 15:31 Mido: cuccos: default (7 Chickens) or 1 (1 Chicken)
- 15:31 Mido: free_scarecrow: default (Free Scarecrow Off) or on (Free Scarecrow On)
- 15:31 Mido: camc: default (CAMC: Size + Texture) or off (CAMC Off)
- 15:31 Mido: mask_quest: default (Complete Mask Quest Off) or complete (Complete Mask Quest On)
- 15:31 Mido: blue_fire_arrows: default (Blue Fire Arrows Off) or on (Blue Fire Arrows On)
- 15:31 Mido: owl_warps: default (Random Owl Warps Off) or random (Random Owl Warps On)
- 15:31 Mido: song_warps: default (Random Warp Song Destinations Off) or random (Random Warp Song Destinations On)
- 15:31 Mido: shuffle_beans: default (Shuffle Magic Beans Off) or on (Shuffle Magic Beans On)
- 15:31 Mido: expensive_merchants: default (Shuffle Expensive Merchants Off) or on (Shuffle Expensive Merchants On)
- 15:31 Mido: beans_planted: default (Pre-planted Magic Beans Off) or on (Pre-planted Magic Beans On)
- 15:31 Mido: bombchus_in_logic: default (Bombchu Bag and Drops Off) or on (Bombchu Bag and Drops On)
- 15:32 interloper: !ban keys
- 15:32 Mido: toburr, lock a setting to its default using “!ban <setting>”, or use “!skip” if you don't want to ban anything.
- 15:32 toburr: !ban ow_tokens
- 15:32 Mido: interloper, pick a major setting using “!draft <setting> <value>”
- 15:33 interloper: !draft fountain open
- 15:33 Mido: toburr, pick a major setting.
- 15:34 toburr: !draft trials 3
- 15:34 Mido: Sorry toburr, that's not a possible value for this setting. Use one of the following: on
- 15:34 toburr: !draft trials on
- 15:34 Mido: toburr, pick a minor setting.
- 15:34 toburr: !draft beans_planted on
- 15:34 Mido: interloper, pick a minor setting.
- 15:35 interloper: !draft cuccos 1
- 15:35 Mido: Your seed with Zora's Fountain Open (both ages), 3 Trials, 1 Chicken, and Pre-planted Magic Beans On will be posted in 9 minutes and 42 seconds.
- 15:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 15:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 15:55 interloper: gl hf
- 15:55 interloper#0934 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:56 toburr: do you want to start now?
- 15:56 interloper: if you are ready, we can start
- 15:56 interloper: but take your time
- 15:56 toburr: nah, i'm ready
- 15:56 toburr: glhf!
- 15:56 toburr#2847 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:21 toburr#2847 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:25:01!
- 19:22 interloper#0934 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:22 Race finished in 3:25:21.9
- 19:22 interloper: gg
- 19:22 toburr: ggs
- 19:22 interloper: just finish trials
- 19:22 toburr: dang close
- 19:22 interloper: delay a little cmg after jabu
- 19:22 interloper: market path, mybad
- 19:22 toburr: cmg?
- 19:22 toburr: oh chest game?
- 19:22 interloper: chest minigame
- 19:22 toburr: i see
- 19:23 toburr: yeah i did that early cause i had the market path but i didn't have the frogs 2 hint
- 19:23 toburr: so i was like "ok guess we're going water"
- 19:23 interloper: i get dins early in market
- 19:23 toburr: and then nothing was there which was very confusing
- 19:23 toburr: oh right din's was in market too, i totally forgot
- 19:24 interloper: overall a full clear seed
- 19:24 interloper: just leave adult lake
- 19:24 interloper: and ogc
- 19:24 toburr: yeah i had very little left to do
- 19:24 toburr: ogc, big poes and south field, child fishing, slingshot game
- 19:24 toburr: oh and child domain
- 19:24 interloper: i do child domain after jabu
- 19:24 interloper: and child goron city
- 19:24 toburr: ah cause no irons yet?
- 19:25 interloper: before go to market
- 19:25 toburr: makes sense
- 19:25 interloper: yes iron go mode for me
- 19:25 interloper: 2-1 for you ?
- 19:26 toburr: 1-2
- 19:26 interloper: ok, same
- 19:26 toburr: we have a tiebreaker race now, the three of us
- 19:26 interloper: oh
- 19:26 interloper: didn't realize that
- 19:26 interloper: jax have 3-0
- 19:26 toburr: yeah
- 19:26 toburr: so you, me, and mrtriple need to race for 2nd in the group
- 19:26 interloper: ok
- 19:28 interloper: admin will contact us on discord to schedule ?
- 19:28 toburr: yes, i think they'll make a scheduling thread for us
- 19:28 interloper: ok
- 19:28 toburr: i think we have ~2 weeks to schedule it?
- 19:28 interloper: i think
- 19:29 interloper: gg again
- 19:29 toburr: ggs
- 19:29 interloper: see you soon
- 19:29 toburr: crazy seed
- 19:29 toburr: looking forward to the next one :)
- 19:29 interloper: and have a nice weekend
- 19:29 interloper: yes !
- 19:29 toburr: ty, you too!