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- 21:30 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! It's dangerous to go alone. Take this?
- 21:30 RandoBot: If this is a draft race, use !s7 tournament for official matches, otherwise use !s7 practice <draft|auto>.
- 21:30 picks#2164 invites AnimusUnited#6600 to join the race.
- 21:30 picks#2164 invites karu#7734 to join the race.
- 21:31 picks: !fpa on
- 21:31 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 21:31 karu#7734 accepts an invitation to join.
- 21:31 karu: hi pix
- 21:31 picks: o/
- 21:31 karu: hi pix
- 21:34 AnimusUnited#6600 accepts an invitation to join.
- 21:34 karu: my opponent is here
- 21:34 karu: HashFrog
- 21:34 AnimusUnited: hello there!
- 21:34 karu: HashSweating
- 21:34 picks: hello- will you both have clean audio?
- 21:34 AnimusUnited: this is zelda 2 right?
- 21:34 karu: ya no mic
- 21:35 AnimusUnited: yea I will
- 21:35 picks: awesome. thank you both. I'll get us rolled at XX:45
- 21:35 AnimusUnited: sweet Ill be ready
- 21:36 karu: pix you dont see me in the scrubs channel or anything right
- 21:37 karu: still paranoid since that dock made issues lmao
- 21:42 picks: Sorry I wasn't here lol
- 21:42 karu: ya its all good
- 21:42 picks: No if you closed out of all the restream stuff and changed your obs profile back off the restreamer one you won't show as in chat
- 21:43 karu: HashThumbsup
- 21:43 karu: :)
- 21:45 picks: !seeddev scrub
- 21:45 RandoBot: picks, here is your seed:
- 21:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 21:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 21:45 karu: hey picks
- 21:45 karu: you roll jets or fucked up seeds
- 21:45 karu: HashFrog
- 21:46 picks: yes
- 21:46 picks: and nothing in between
- 21:46 karu: that was supposed to be a question
- 21:46 karu: my bad
- 21:47 picks: for WWR all my seeds have been omega jets or absolute trainwrecks though
- 21:47 picks: nothing in between
- 21:47 picks: autostart is off, so ready up at your convenience :)
- 21:47 picks: the sooner I get everyone cropped, the sooner we can get started
- 21:49 AnimusUnited: Im just getting it installed and Ill be good
- 21:49 picks: hardware gamers GIGACHAD
- 21:49 karu: go ahead and get me cropped
- 21:49 karu: im gonna go pee
- 21:51 AnimusUnited: im all setup so gl!
- 21:51 AnimusUnited#6600 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:52 karu: yes
- 21:52 karu: glhf!!
- 21:52 karu#7734 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:53 picks: lmao okay thanks yall
- 21:53 picks: we just started up restream so i'll start us right at the top of the hour
- 21:53 karu: works 4 me
- 21:57 AnimusUnited: looking forward to this thanks for taking the time to restream picks and thanks for the oppurtunity to race karu!
- 21:58 karu: now im even more nervous
- 21:59 AnimusUnited: nah dont be
- 21:59 picks: youre gonna do great
- 21:59 picks: glhf gamers
- 21:59 picks#2164 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:52 AnimusUnited#6600 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:52:06!
- 00:52 picks: ggs animus, would you care to join for the interview?
- 00:52 karu: gg
- 00:52 karu: i am going to dnf
- 00:52 AnimusUnited: gg
- 00:52 picks: ok ggs karu, same offer
- 00:52 karu#7734 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:52 Race finished in 2:52:37.9
- 00:52 AnimusUnited: sure
- 00:52 picks: just hop into waiting room and i'll pull you in
- 23:24 Race result recorded by Jimbo