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- 23:30 Mido: Welcome to this Brackets Round 1 race! Learn more about the event at
- 23:44 Stuck_man: I really wanted to get at least one match outta the way before the weekends :)
- 23:44 toburr: yeah, it's good peace of mind for sure!
- 23:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 23:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 23:46 Stuck_man: I'm gonna start stream asap and will be ready to go as soon as I'm done with my coffee
- 23:47 toburr: sounds good
- 23:48 toburr: once i have stream ready i need to use the bathroom
- 23:48 toburr: but i'll be ready after that
- 23:48 Stuck_man: no rush
- 23:48 Stuck_man: :)
- 23:55 toburr: ok i think i'm ready to go :)
- 23:55 Stuck_man: alright then!
- 23:55 Stuck_man: glhf!
- 23:56 toburr: take your time if you're still working on your coffee
- 23:56 Stuck_man: I'm ready to go :D
- 23:56 toburr: alright cool
- 23:56 toburr: glhf HashFrog
- 23:56 Stuck_man: good luck!
- 23:56 toburr#2847 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:56 Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:47 Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:50:59!
- 01:47 toburr#2847 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:47 Race finished in 1:51:08.0
- 01:47 toburr: ggs!
- 01:47 Stuck_man: gg
- 01:47 toburr: glad you got a quick one
- 01:47 toburr: i dodged letter :(
- 01:48 Stuck_man: yeah I figured
- 01:48 toburr: where was it?
- 01:48 Stuck_man: there was no way I could win with such an execution
- 01:48 Stuck_man: Bottom of the well
- 01:48 toburr: ah
- 01:48 toburr: i played it too safe, checked gtg and spirit
- 01:48 Stuck_man: I went there before forest because I went towards Goron city and realized I couldn't pass to LW
- 01:48 Stuck_man: And then everything flew and I was in go mode
- 01:48 toburr: oh wow
- 01:48 Stuck_man: I died 3 times in forest trial
- 01:48 toburr: oh no!
- 01:49 Stuck_man: yeah you kinda got me with the trials lol
- 01:49 toburr: but yeah i never actually went back child cause i kept finding too many items as adult
- 01:49 Stuck_man: I haven't practiced them enough
- 01:49 Stuck_man: Yeah this seed was super jet
- 01:49 toburr: well you did fine enough tonight
- 01:49 Stuck_man: Well if you want to have a laugh, check my stream at GC
- 01:49 toburr: oh wait so you got storms in child 1, huh?
- 01:49 Stuck_man: It's fairly embarrassing to say the least
- 01:50 Stuck_man: actually no I got it as an adult
- 01:50 toburr: oh right it was on requiem
- 01:50 toburr: the seed was so quick i left a lot of my notes empty lol
- 01:51 Stuck_man: wait wasn't storms composer's grave?
- 01:51 toburr: yeah it was
- 01:51 toburr: i just put it off for a long time
- 01:51 Stuck_man: yeah
- 01:51 toburr: sorry i meant zl was on requiem
- 01:51 Stuck_man: oh yeah yeah
- 01:51 toburr: and with nocturne in ice i just never really routed in graveyard for too long
- 01:51 Stuck_man: Damn you went places didn't you
- 01:51 toburr: and by the time i did i was like "it could be well but it could also be spirit, gtg, dc..."
- 01:52 Stuck_man: Yeah that was basically "find the letter" the seed
- 01:52 toburr: yeah i messed around with the 20 chu pack and got the hammer/strengths/bombs all out of order
- 01:53 toburr: so did you get your magic after jabu then?
- 01:53 Stuck_man: How many skulls did you get before getting magic?
- 01:53 toburr: 17
- 01:53 Stuck_man: I got it just before
- 01:53 Stuck_man: same amount lol
- 01:53 toburr: i went ice at around 50 minutes i think?
- 01:53 Stuck_man: But I went to Lon lon night just for that so it felt bad
- 01:53 toburr: oh noooo
- 01:53 Stuck_man: Yeah, it felt horrible, in such a jet, to lose like a good 3/4 minutes to skull collecting
- 01:53 Stuck_man: I was too pessimistic
- 01:54 toburr: well i was probably taking at least another 30 minutes on this seed, i was really afraid of going child without letter
- 01:54 Stuck_man: I see
- 01:54 Stuck_man: Generally I botch the jets
- 01:54 toburr: yeah same lol
- 01:54 Stuck_man: So I'm happy I chose the right place
- 01:55 Stuck_man: But it must have felt terrible for you and I feel ya
- 01:55 toburr: it's a nice feeling when everything falls into place
- 01:55 toburr: it happens, i'm used to it lol
- 01:55 Stuck_man: lmao
- 01:55 Stuck_man: Yeah generally I'm the one
- 01:55 toburr: honestly i'm happy you got to go back to sleep pretty quick, you deserve it haha
- 01:55 toburr: get*
- 01:55 Stuck_man: Honestly? I'm not gonna dwell on it too much, but I could have shoved 6 minutes on that on big exe mistakes
- 01:56 toburr: well now you know what to practice
- 01:56 Stuck_man: I almost considered ffing in a flash after my third (or second?) death in forest trial
- 01:56 toburr: if not for our next match then for multiworld
- 01:56 Stuck_man: yeah. Are we going on Sunday for round 2?
- 01:56 toburr: yeah i'm still down
- 01:56 Stuck_man: Alright, let's see the details tomorrow then?
- 01:57 toburr: sounds good
- 01:57 Stuck_man: alright thanks, gg and have a great rest of your day!
- 01:57 toburr: thanks, gg, have a great rest of your friday!