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- 20:49 Xopar: whelp
- 20:49 Synii: Shit
- 20:49 Synii: Uh, want to maybe restart?
- 20:50 Xopar: i cant do 2 seeds a day
- 20:50 Xopar: like my brain wont let me do it
- 20:50 Xopar: i think we need to just play it out and leave it up to whomever
- 20:50 Xopar: since its the last day
- 20:50 Synii: I also have trouble with 2 seeds a day
- 20:50 Synii: Want to do it?
- 20:51 Xopar: i mean =/ tbh i like this seed and want to finish it lol but whether we rematch or something can be independent of that
- 20:51 Synii: There's sound but no videa
- 20:51 Xopar: that said, if i do another seed, especially a seed like this
- 20:51 Xopar: it wont be good
- 20:51 Xopar: ill forget things everywhere
- 20:51 Synii: Mee too
- 20:51 RSLBot: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 20:52 Xopar: imo lets just play for now and we deal with it after
- 20:52 Xopar: ill extend the round to tomorrow if need be KEKW
- 21:36 Xopar has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:49:53!
- 21:37 Xopar: gg!
- 21:37 Synii: Gg
- 21:37 Synii#6419 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:37 Race finished in 2:50:35.6
- 21:37 Synii: Where's the longshot?
- 21:37 Xopar: the two i got were richard and gy ledge
- 21:37 Synii: Dang, never got around to richard
- 21:38 Xopar: ah dang
- 21:38 Xopar: was expecting you maybe got potion shopped
- 21:38 Xopar: since its the chu shop door lol
- 21:38 Xopar: i missed tcg and back alley doors because of it
- 21:38 Synii: I had way too long of an adult stint
- 21:38 Xopar: lol i skipped ice
- 21:38 Xopar: because i wanted to do it with blue fire arrows
- 21:38 Xopar: and then did it first thing in adult 2
- 21:38 Synii: I did ice and got the beans
- 21:38 Xopar: lol
- 21:38 Xopar: had to go back child right away lol
- 21:39 Xopar: and thats when i did market
- 21:39 Synii: Time of day never worked for me for market
- 21:39 Synii: Well, no decision needed for this match at least
- 21:39 Synii: Did you ever find the lab?
- 21:39 Xopar: yeahhh
- 21:39 Xopar: nop
- 21:40 Xopar: i think it was out of logic
- 21:40 Xopar: since shadow was path
- 21:40 Xopar: for str 3
- 21:40 Synii: Hinted str and can't find it
- 21:40 Xopar: i was on my way to domain/fountain to check for it ool lol
- 21:40 Xopar: when i realized i forgot the grotto on river and that had shadow
- 21:40 Synii: Lol
- 21:40 Xopar: also that fucking ocarina hint lol
- 21:40 Synii: I did the same
- 21:41 Xopar: right after that market play in child 2 i went adult and then like 5mins in i found the llr has ocarina hint
- 21:41 Synii: Yeah, that hint
- 21:41 Xopar: and AGAIN went straight back child lol
- 21:41 Xopar: found nothing in both child/adult
- 21:41 Xopar: so dumb xD
- 21:41 Synii: Even did poes ool
- 21:41 Xopar: lol same
- 21:41 Xopar: i was figuring at that point i had the hint for la in fire, str in lab dive, path shadow
- 21:41 Xopar: and only missing str3 and la
- 21:41 Xopar: so i was okay with going ool xD
- 21:41 Synii: I got lights in spirit
- 21:42 Xopar: yeah same
- 21:42 Synii: Did you ever find an ocarina?
- 21:42 Xopar: nope
- 21:42 Synii: Same
- 21:42 Xopar: log should be up i think?
- 21:43 Xopar: dang light trial
- 21:43 Xopar: so early str 3 could set you wayyyy off on a goose chase
- 21:43 Synii: dang, deep ocarina
- 21:44 Xopar: also dc which was market back alley
- 21:44 Synii: wow, really should not have skipped child night market for so long
- 21:44 Xopar: lab was in a storms grotto, dmt
- 21:45 Synii: that str is reachable
- 21:45 Xopar: yeah
- 21:45 Xopar: wait what is path shadow then?
- 21:45 Synii: yeah, how?
- 21:45 Xopar: yeah that str is path
- 21:45 Synii: we can get 4 strengths
- 21:45 Xopar: maybe ool storms?
- 21:45 Xopar: was on pg in deku
- 21:45 Synii: its in logic, deku boss
- 21:46 Synii: should be in logicc to do it as child
- 21:46 Xopar: oh wait
- 21:46 Xopar: king dodongo isnt in dc lol
- 21:46 Xopar: prob
- 21:46 Synii: oh
- 21:46 Synii: where is he?
- 21:46 Xopar: forest boss
- 21:46 Xopar: well entrance lol
- 21:46 Synii: never found forest
- 21:46 Synii: ah
- 21:47 Xopar: so yeah you need the other str3 to get ocarina in light trial
- 21:47 Xopar: to get the other strength lol
- 21:47 Synii: what a mess
- 21:48 Synii: other hook in goron pot, lol
- 21:48 Xopar: lol
- 21:53 Synii#6419 added a comment.
- 22:29 Race result recorded by Jimbo