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- 21:41 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 21:41 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 21:41 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 21:41 Cola#5395 invites furlim#4509 to join the race.
- 21:41 Cola#5395 joins the race.
- 21:41 furlim#4509 accepts an invitation to join.
- 21:42 furlim: hey o/
- 21:42 Cola: yo waddup
- 21:42 furlim: more in a rush than I expected but all good xD
- 21:42 Cola: if you need more time we can also start a bit late
- 21:42 furlim: I dunno if there'll be a restream at randobrasil, let me just check
- 21:43 furlim: ok thx
- 21:43 furlim: I just need a few minutes to eat and then I'm all set
- 21:47 furlim: randobrasil will be able to restream, is it ok with you?
- 21:47 Cola: ye
- 21:50 furlim: okay, all good for me
- 21:50 furlim: who's rolling? :eyes:
- 21:50 Cola: ehh idc, you can
- 21:51 furlim: lol ok
- 21:51 furlim: I just hope it's not another disaster
- 21:52 furlim:
- 21:53 furlim: this new tf blitz website is so pog
- 21:53 Cola: ye looks nice plus youll have a log after the race
- 21:53 furlim: yeah that's the better part
- 21:56 CesarMartins12: Hi there
- 21:56 CesarMartins12: Brazilian restreamer here
- 21:56 CesarMartins12: for Randomizer Brasil
- 21:56 Cola: yo waddup
- 21:57 CesarMartins12: doing good neighbor hehehe
- 21:57 CesarMartins12: midnight game
- 21:57 Cola: i mean i slept beforehand, so its fine
- 21:58 Cola: scheduling is a bit hard between us since we work completely different shifts
- 21:58 Cola: it is what it is
- 21:58 furlim: yeah...
- 21:58 CesarMartins12: yeah I know how it is
- 21:58 CesarMartins12: I live in Spain
- 21:59 furlim: thx for willing to race so late btw
- 21:59 Cola: ive done worse times for EU
- 21:59 furlim: lol I see
- 21:59 furlim: yeah scheduling with the EU is the hardest for me
- 22:00 Cola: im ready anytime, just waitin for the restream
- 22:01 furlim: me too, just finished setup too
- 22:01 furlim: emerald and minuet start right?
- 22:01 Cola: yep
- 22:02 CesarMartins12: OK guys, restream ready, your call
- 22:02 Cola#5395 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:02 Cola: glhf :)
- 22:02 CesarMartins12: GL both
- 22:02 furlim: let's go then
- 22:02 furlim: GLHF Cola :)
- 22:02 furlim#4509 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:07 CesarMartins12: F capture Furlim
- 22:38 Spell: thanks for the compliments on the new site friends :) i saw you were using the feature.
- 23:08 Cola#5395 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:05:45!
- 23:08 Cola: gg
- 23:09 furlim: wow gg
- 23:09 furlim: just found rutos
- 23:09 furlim#4509 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:09 Race finished in 1:06:13.3
- 23:09 furlim: where was 3rd?
- 23:09 Cola: beatin jabu gives zl, ice has requiem, child spirit has the piece
- 23:09 furlim: yeah I was on the way, but you did it way faster lol
- 23:10 iceninetm: GG guys
- 23:10 furlim: or did you find hovers for Ic ool?
- 23:10 Cola: nah i got zl
- 23:10 Cola: no idea where hovers are
- 23:10 furlim: well I got beat up hard then haha
- 23:10 furlim: GG
- 23:10 furlim: really well played
- 23:11 iceninetm: Do you guys want to be interviewed?
- 23:11 iceninetm: (on behalf of the restream)
- 23:11 Cola: sure but i cant speak spanish
- 23:11 furlim: I'll go in a minute
- 23:11 furlim: we can't either lmao, english is fine
- 23:11 iceninetm: me neither, Cola hahaha
- 23:11 Cola: ah okay
- 23:11 iceninetm: We can do it in english if you desire
- 23:12 Cola: ye english is fine for me
- 23:12 iceninetm: allright, sending an invite
- 21:33 Race set to not recorded by Xopar