
Ocarina of Time Randomizer OoTR Standard Ruleset S7 Practice HashDekuStick HashBottledFish HashFrog HashBeans HashHoverBoots https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1532150
Opened by
Hyper #8571
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  1. 1st TheLightswoord #2757 he / him Finished 16
  2. 2nd Oakishi he / him more yoooooooo meta gamed myself to do AD for frogs 2 sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Finished 21
  3. rockchalk #3494 he / him DNF DNF 21
  4. Hyper #8571 he / him DNF DNF 7
  5. HaydeyPatatey #1406 he / him more Playing bad plus im tired. DNF DNF 5
5 entrants (3 inactive)