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- 18:53 Schulzer#3184 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:53 Schulzer: I was about the create the room myself
- 18:53 Schulzer: o/
- 18:53 Nopons: o/ 1ST time i create a room so
- 18:54 Schulzer: Everything looks fine, but normally you add a description like Schulzer vs. Nopons or something :)
- 18:54 Nopons#4783 updated the race information.
- 18:55 Schulzer: So, who should roll?
- 18:55 Schulzer: this is also not a team race :D
- 18:56 Nopons: :) i don't find the option for the team race but yeah
- 18:56 Schulzer: IT
- 18:56 Schulzer: It
- 18:56 Schulzer: 's the first box :)
- 18:57 Schulzer: !seed
- 18:57 RSLBot: Rolling seed…
- 18:57 RSLBot: Schulzer, here is your seed:
- 18:57 RSLBot updated the race information.
- 18:57 Nopons: do you want somme breaks?
- 18:57 Nopons: some
- 18:58 Schulzer: 2h30 5 minutes?
- 18:58 Nopons: ok
- 18:58 Nopons: !breaks 5min every 2H30
- 18:58 RSLBot: Sorry Nopons, I don't recognise that format for breaks. Example commands: !breaks 5m every 2h30, !breaks off
- 18:58 Schulzer: You also have to deactive team race, otherwise we can't sart I think
- 18:58 Nopons: !breaks 5m every 2H30
- 18:58 RSLBot: Breaks set to 5 minutes every 2 hours and 30 minutes.
- 18:59 Schulzer: It is the first box when you adjust the settings
- 18:59 Nopons: ok
- 19:01 Nopons: but i don't have any option for the team
- 19:01 Nopons: i 'm so bad :(
- 19:01 Schulzer: Where you also added the description, the first box is for team races
- 19:01 Schulzer: no worries, it's the first time for everybody :)
- 19:02 Schulzer: otherwise promote to a race monitor with the 3 dots
- 19:04 Nopons: i have require even team but that's all
- 19:05 Schulzer: I've send you a picture :)
- 19:06 Schulzer: maybe it only works when you started a room
- 19:07 Schulzer#3184 joins The Good, The Bad and The Shopskipper.
- 19:07 Schulzer: Let's just choose different teams and go then
- 19:08 Nopons#4783 joins slideshow &co.
- 19:09 Nopons: !fpa
- 19:09 RSLBot: Fair play agreement is not active. Race monitors may enable FPA for this race with !fpa on
- 19:09 Nopons: !fap on
- 19:09 Nopons: !fpa on
- 19:09 RSLBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 19:10 Nopons: gl and sorry again :)
- 19:11 Schulzer: gl hf :)
- 19:11 Schulzer: and now worries :)
- 19:11 Schulzer#3184 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:11 Nopons#4783 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:11 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:11 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:36 RSLBot: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 21:41 RSLBot: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 21:46 RSLBot: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 22:33 Nopons#4783 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:21:39!
- 22:34 Schulzer: gg
- 22:34 Nopons: gg
- 22:35 Schulzer: have you evef found hovers?
- 22:36 Nopons: nop :)
- 22:36 Schulzer: is this some weird LS+scarecrow thing for DMC?
- 22:37 Nopons: yep i have it one time in the last tournament so i did it this time
- 22:38 Schulzer: I don't even know where I can spawn the scarecrow, but I think there is also a glitchless jump
- 22:39 Nopons: you need to jump from the higher platform in front of the gossip stone behind the wall
- 22:39 Nopons: on a platform on the lava
- 22:40 Schulzer: what was your gomde?
- 22:40 Nopons: magic
- 22:40 Schulzer: same
- 22:41 Nopons: i have skipped the scale in the graveyard because i don't have any rupee
- 22:41 Nopons: and i found it very late
- 22:42 Schulzer: Yeah, I got it after Ice
- 22:42 Schulzer: with ZL
- 22:42 Schulzer: money was such a big problem in this seed
- 22:43 Nopons: yep
- 22:43 Schulzer: I even did part of the biggoron chain to spawn the childs again YEP
- 22:43 Nopons: i did it as well ahah
- 22:43 Nopons: fucking mushroom
- 22:44 Schulzer#3184 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:33:19!
- 22:44 Race finished in 3:33:19.8
- 22:46 Schulzer: not reversing wastlend twice would have cut a lot of time for me, atleast like 7 minutes
- 22:47 Nopons: yep sure
- 22:49 Schulzer: I also skipped the wallet on child fishing for a good while because I was short on ruppees
- 22:49 Schulzer: that HS before going to GTG would have been so nice
- 22:50 Nopons: oh it's my first but i did the lake a bit late
- 22:51 Schulzer: It felt so nice getting to GC and you are like: If no light or fire trial this seed is actually quick
- 22:54 Nopons: yep and with MS the first check i thank that the spirit will be the stone to do but nop
- 22:55 Schulzer: I had that shield kinda late, because I did it at daytime
- 22:55 Schulzer: not that it mattered
- 03:32 CSV results file:
- 03:32 Race result recorded by Jimbo