
Ocarina of Time Randomizer OoTR Random settings league Start :20 Random Settings League HashMirrorShield HashMushroom HashBeans HashBigMagic HashMap https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1859886
Opened by
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
  • videocam
  • list_alt
  • filter_2
  • filter_3
  • filter_4
  • visibility
  • chevron_right
  • chevron_left
  1. 1st BrotinderDose he / him Finished 40
  2. 2nd Aosuna #6959 he / him more Spent more time writting and farming than playing Finished 70
  3. 3rd Ramond #9520 he / him Finished 29
  4. 4th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 192
  5. 5th Machie #1863 he / him more seed de con Finished 101
5 entrants (0 inactive)