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- 18:55 Fer: 1200s
- 18:56 JustSam: have you started your stream or no ?
- 18:56 CesarMartins12: how long until you go live?
- 18:56 Fer: yeah its write starting stream
- 18:57 Fer: button on gray
- 18:57 JustSam: whats the timer on that ?
- 18:57 CesarMartins12: yeah, but on OBS on the right below side you have a countdown
- 18:57 JustSam: ^
- 18:57 CesarMartins12: you can see you many seconds to you go live
- 18:57 Fer: 2 minutos to go
- 18:58 JustSam: ok
- 18:58 Fer: 1 min
- 18:58 CesarMartins12: ok thks :)
- 18:58 Fer: sorry imnot good at this ^^
- 18:58 JustSam: all good
- 18:58 CesarMartins12: no problem man, always learning hehehe
- 18:59 Fer: good
- 18:59 Marco#4636 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:59 CesarMartins12: ok you're live
- 18:59 JustSam: auto-start is off you can ready whenever
- 18:59 Fer#0856 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:00 Marco: gl fer!
- 19:00 CesarMartins12: but please when this happens use your stream scene to help to crop
- 19:00 CesarMartins12: GLGL
- 19:00 Fer: gl hf marco
- 19:00 JustSam: glhf to both of you and have a great race !
- 19:00 Fer: thks
- 19:01 JustSam: alright
- 19:01 JustSam: glgl
- 19:01 JustSam#5727 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:11 Fer: !fpa
- 19:11 RandoBot: @everyone FPA has been invoked by @Fer.
- 19:11 Fer: control issues
- 19:11 JustSam: @Marco
- 19:11 Marco: stopped
- 19:13 JustSam: ill do a countdown in racetime Fer is good
- 19:13 Fer: done, we can star
- 19:13 JustSam: both of you are good ?
- 19:13 Fer: start
- 19:13 Marco: yeah
- 19:13 JustSam: alright
- 19:14 JustSam: 5
- 19:14 JustSam: 4
- 19:14 JustSam: 3
- 19:14 JustSam: 2
- 19:14 JustSam: 1
- 19:14 JustSam: go
- 19:34 JustSam: Marco your stream is up ?
- 19:34 Marco: obs tells me it is
- 19:34 Marco: green square
- 19:35 JustSam: alright i think it dropped for us
- 19:40 JustSam: Tout est OK Marco merci !
- 20:27 Marco: je suis désolé la prochaine fois je reprendrai xsplit la prochaine fois, je pensais qu'avec le déménagement et la nouvelle co ça marcherait mieux mais nan, xsplit marchait quand j'avais test en s5
- 20:27 Marco: mais là vous aurez ptet rien jusqu'a la fin
- 20:27 JustSam: pas de problème Marco on se débrouille :)
- 20:30 Fer: ?
- 20:31 JustSam: hes having OBS problems but nothing to worry Fer
- 20:32 Fer: ok
- 21:12 Marco: omg live
- 21:12 JustSam: yep
- 21:13 Marco: j'ai démarré un 2ème obs pour record et coupé le record du 1er
- 22:00 Marco#4636 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:59:21!
- 22:01 Fer: gg
- 22:01 Icola: gg !
- 22:01 Fer#0856 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:01 Race finished in 2:59:47.4
- 22:01 JustSam: gg both of you
- 22:02 Marco: thx
- 22:02 Marco: ggs
- 22:02 JustSam: tu viens nous voir pour l'interview quand tu auras terminé sur le restream ?
- 22:02 Marco: sorry again for the issues, I'll upload all of the vod right now just to be sure
- 22:02 Marco: oui
- 22:02 JustSam: parfait
- 22:06 Fer: where was long?
- 22:07 Marco: gerudo valley hammer rocks
- 22:07 Marco: a gossip stone told me that
- 22:07 Fer: wow, i never got the hammer kek
- 22:07 Marco: maybe the dmt one near biggoron
- 22:07 Marco: hammer was in spirit at the top
- 22:07 Marco: last chest
- 22:07 Fer: did spirit only to the hand
- 22:07 CesarMartins12: GG's guys
- 22:08 Marco: ah
- 22:08 Marco: et
- 22:09 CesarMartins12: Marco if you want to join the interview let me know to send you the server invite link
- 22:10 Fer: thanks for the race marco, good luck in the tournament
- 22:11 Marco: I think I'll only join the french one, I didn't eat and I'm hungry right now
- 22:11 Marco: thank you fer
- 22:11 Marco: gl to you too for the rest
- 22:11 Fer: thanks
- 22:11 CesarMartins12: ok no problem
- 22:12 CesarMartins12: thanks for allow us to restream
- 13:39 Race result recorded by Jimbo