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- 17:12 Lefty#7499 joins the race.
- 17:12 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 17:12 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 17:12 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 17:12 Lefty: !lock
- 17:12 RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors.
- 17:12 Lefty: !fpa on
- 17:12 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 17:17 ketchuptheduck#4785 requests to join the race.
- 17:17 Lefty#7499 accepts a request to join from ketchuptheduck#4785.
- 17:17 Lefty#7499 promoted ketchuptheduck#4785 to race monitor.
- 17:20 Jaybone25: Gonna be typing up a storm in the race room in discord, if everyone could take a look when I’m done that’d be appreciated
- 17:23 tanjo3 requests to join the race.
- 17:24 Lefty#7499 accepts a request to join from tanjo3.
- 17:38 CANMaple#1272 requests to join the race.
- 17:39 ketchuptheduck: Good afternoon my friends!
- 17:39 tanjo3: hello!
- 17:40 ketchuptheduck: Would either of you like to provide some clean audio for the restream, please?
- 17:40 Lefty#7499 accepts a request to join from CANMaple#1272.
- 17:40 tanjo3: oh there's a restream!
- 17:41 Lefty#7499 updated the race information.
- 17:41 Lefty:
- 17:41 tanjo3: my audio should be clean, but there have been crackles here and there recently
- 17:41 Lefty: got seed!
- 17:41 CANMaple: mines clean too
- 17:42 ketchuptheduck: I'll go with Maple just to be safe. then
- 17:42 ketchuptheduck: Thank you both, though. Good luck and have fun!!
- 17:43 tanjo3: ty
- 17:47 CANMaple: am i allowed to warm up movement in different seed?
- 17:47 Lefty: as long as it isn't the race seed, yea sure
- 17:48 CANMaple: just let me know when you need to see my settings
- 17:48 Lefty#7499 removes Lefty#7499 from the race.
- 17:52 Lefty: fpa is enabled, as usual. !fpa will shoot me a notification. don't talk or mention anything here in the race room I'll handle anything once a call is made
- 17:53 ketchuptheduck: hmmmmm, might be a slight delay, seems discord is shitting it up a little
- 17:53 ketchuptheduck#4785 quits the race.
- 17:53 Cyberion: Hi, I'm one of the trackers and discord is acting up
- 17:53 CANMaple: ok
- 17:53 tanjo3: no worries
- 17:54 Lefty: tanjo I see you're on biz and I see your fps, can I'll ask to see settings once you load the race seed
- 17:55 tanjo3: sure
- 17:55 tanjo3: oh wait, nvm i read that wrong lmao
- 17:55 Lefty: lol my ad
- 17:55 Lefty: bad*
- 17:57 Lefty: aight maple... what you playin on?
- 17:57 CANMaple: why couldnt my file selection music be hf or a dungeon
- 17:57 CANMaple: and pj
- 17:58 Lefty: ok
- 17:58 CANMaple: fe3h music is too good
- 18:00 CANMaple: just lmk when u want me to show settings
- 18:00 tanjo3 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:00 Lefty: yea I'm ready
- 18:01 Lefty: ok ty maple
- 18:01 Lefty: your whole desktop is showing now though
- 18:02 Lefty: there you go
- 18:03 tanjo3 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 18:04 tanjo3 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:04 CANMaple: oh well just give me a sec
- 18:04 tanjo3: lol
- 18:04 CANMaple#1272 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:05 CANMaple: alright lets go team canada
- 18:05 tanjo3: go canada
- 18:05 tanjo3: glhf
- 18:05 CANMaple: i think im lagging a tiny bit
- 18:05 CANMaple: cuz my messages here are a bit delayed
- 18:05 tanjo3: could be just rt
- 18:06 Lefty: good luck yall
- 18:07 Lefty: see you on th eother side
- 18:07 Lefty#7499 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:07 CANMaple: yeh theres an outage on sc rn just checked
- 18:07 CANMaple: oh shit
- 18:07 CANMaple: gl
- 18:07 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:05 tanjo3 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:58:22!
- 22:06 ketchuptheduck: GG tanjo!
- 22:06 CANMaple: gg
- 22:06 tanjo3: gg
- 22:06 CANMaple#1272 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:06 Race finished in 3:58:45.6
- 22:06 Lefty: gg guys!
- 22:06 ketchuptheduck: Interviews?
- 22:06 tanjo3: sure
- 22:06 CANMaple: why not
- 22:07 ketchuptheduck: See you in the waiting room them x
- 13:50 Race result recorded by ArthurOudini#1948