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- 19:02 Goomba#5087 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:02 Star1468: GL HF
- 19:02 JustSam: GL HF guys :D
- 19:02 Goomba: glhf
- 19:02 Hamsda#9463 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 19:02 YUSoEpic: GLHF Gamerz
- 19:02 YUSoEpic#1418 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 19:03 Star1468: deciding who to listen to rn....
- 19:03 Fredaso: us wtf
- 19:03 Goomba: my stream is just weeb music
- 19:03 JustSam: KEKW
- 19:03 Goomba: KEKW
- 19:03 Fredaso: OMEGALUL
- 19:03 YUSoEpic: Practice your French
- 19:03 YUSoEpic#1418 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:03 Star1468: yeah no goomba, that's a fast ticket to a bad headache
- 19:03 JustSam: your canadian french Kappa
- 19:03 Star1468: French it is
- 19:03 Alaszun: figuring out which broadway to listen to rn
- 19:04 Hamsda#9463 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:04 Alaszun: you guys all ready?
- 19:04 Fredaso: OkayChamp
- 19:04 JustSam: yep
- 19:04 Star1468: seems like it :P, I'm not gatekeeping
- 19:05 YUSoEpic: lets get it
- 19:05 Alaszun: that's why I checked star lol
- 19:05 Alaszun: glhf
- 19:05 Alaszun#5375 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:05 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:08 Hamsda#9463 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:03:35!
- 22:09 Star1468: GG!
- 22:15 Alaszun#5375 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:09:53!
- 22:16 Star1468: GG
- 22:16 Fredaso: PepeHands
- 22:18 Goomba#5087 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:12:39!
- 22:18 JustSam: ggs
- 22:18 Star1468: GGs guys
- 22:18 Goomba: ggs
- 22:18 Fredaso: ggs
- 22:18 Hamsda: ggs
- 22:18 Alaszun: Time to RAID: Shadow Temple
- 22:18 YUSoEpic: GGs
- 22:18 JustSam#5727 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:19 YUSoEpic#1418 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:19 Fredaso#3705 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:19 Race finished in 3:13:41.6
- 22:19 Star1468: we're in VC if you want to join
- 22:19 Alaszun: ggs
- 22:19 Fredaso: gonna go eat so no for me :p
- 22:19 YUSoEpic: No thanks
- 22:20 Fredaso: was fun tho :)
- 22:20 Alaszun: what were you missing?
- 22:20 Alaszun: p1 longshot?
- 22:20 Hamsda: ye chill settings
- 22:20 Alaszun: Seed was p chill tbh
- 22:20 Fredaso: ya long shot for me
- 22:20 Alaszun: lab dive
- 22:20 Alaszun: p1
- 22:20 Alaszun: gold scale's in zora
- 22:20 Fredaso: yeah figured
- 22:20 Alaszun: river
- 22:20 Alaszun: I'm =assuming= that our irons are in p3's GTG
- 22:21 Fredaso: was literally going there
- 22:21 Alaszun: since the k sword in shadow was WOTH
- 22:21 Goomba: p1 irons are presumably in p3 gtg
- 22:21 Goomba: but yeah we never found em
- 22:21 Fredaso: yep just got scale KEKW
- 22:21 Alaszun: also p1 ruto's K E K W
- 22:21 Fredaso: OMEGALUL
- 22:22 Alaszun: That thing was logic bearing for us for like 90 minutes lmao
- 22:22 Alaszun: Until I finally went to spirit
- 22:22 Fredaso: got dins at the end of the seed, so it was all behind FAE pog
- 22:22 Alaszun: Yeah
- 22:22 Alaszun: I kept being just about to FAE
- 22:23 Alaszun: and then got my din's
- 22:23 Alaszun: really chill seed tho, ggs
- 22:23 Fredaso: I did FAE as soon as I could
- 22:23 Alaszun: I had a point where I had some shit stuff in logic
- 22:23 Alaszun: or I could reverse to GTG, FAE, or KZ skip
- 22:23 Goomba: also AD for bolero KEKW
- 22:23 Alaszun: since I was at like 3 chus I reversed
- 22:24 Alaszun: I was terrified that bomb bag on bongo for p2 was the WOTH lmao
- 22:24 Fredaso: we never found another one for p2 so we still didn't know
- 22:24 Alaszun: But then I KZ skipped for forest and at some point hit maybe go mode so rushed to go check water temple entrance
- 22:24 Alaszun: our GTG has one for him
- 22:24 Alaszun: so we were able to dismiss it
- 22:24 Star1468: AD for bolero, bomb bags were pretty silly, I had a fun time watching this
- 22:25 Alaszun: But I rushed it anyway as soon as I got dins, was p3 ksword
- 22:25 Alaszun: which opens GTG for p1's irons LMAO
- 22:26 Fredaso: ya
- 22:28 Alaszun: Irons are in the ice arrows chest LMAO
- 22:31 Star1468: yep lol
- 22:34 Fredaso: ggs overall :D