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- 00:31 Majarkin: Also reminder to local record just incase
- 00:32 Majarkin: We will use Race 1-1 and Race 1-2 vocals for fpa calls. Please join before the race starts.
- 00:32 Majarkin: Just reminders you both know what you are doing haha
- 00:33 Cubsrule21: Ok, crazy though - we make this a DK64R race
- 00:33 Cubsrule21: You two in?
- 00:34 MrMario7788: i have played dk64r a whole once
- 00:34 MrMario7788: and it was a vanillamizer and i crashed on the first level
- 00:34 Majarkin: Engel is at 0 haha
- 00:34 MrMario7788: so probably not lol
- 00:34 Engel: can I have dos coach me the whole time?
- 00:34 Majarkin: I am going to play dk64 after challenge cup is done
- 00:34 Cubsrule21: Mario, that's just the vanilla game
- 00:34 Majarkin: starting with vanillamizer
- 00:34 Cubsrule21: Not rando lol
- 00:34 Majarkin: it has all the quality of life changes though
- 00:34 MrMario7788: yea
- 00:35 MrMario7788: no cutscenes
- 00:35 Majarkin: gotta learn somewhere
- 00:35 Cubsrule21: And all the vanilla hugs, apparently
- 00:35 MrMario7788: idk it crashed when i tried to unlock diddy
- 00:35 Cubsrule21#2508 joins the race.
- 00:35 Majarkin: dk64 crashing? no never
- 00:35 Cubsrule21: look, there's only one acceptable response to that
- 00:35 Cubsrule21: dosWhyR
- 00:45 Majarkin: !seed s6
- 00:45 RandoBot: Majarkin, here is your seed:
- 00:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 00:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 00:49 Engel: excuse me I think my majarkin seed is bugged, it's not AD for requiem :)
- 00:49 MrMario7788: i was about to say how do you know but ig that means we start with req lol
- 00:49 Engel: ye lol
- 00:50 Majarkin: I used up all my AD for req seeds
- 00:50 Majarkin: 4 in a row and randobot was like enough is enough
- 00:50 Majarkin: (hard required AD for req)
- 00:51 MrMario7788: yikes
- 00:51 Majarkin: randobot has been rude lately
- 00:51 Majarkin: one of the cc tie breakers was brutal.
- 00:51 Majarkin: 40 skulls for irons, for hovers in toilet, 50 skull dins. vanilla rang, no bottles to help with skulls
- 00:52 Majarkin: I was no expecting to commentate for almost 4 hours in a s6 seed
- 00:56 Cubsrule21: engel how much longer on delay?
- 00:57 Majarkin: Also reminder to join the tourney vocals for fpa calls
- 00:58 Majarkin: It is up cubs
- 00:58 Engel: ye
- 00:58 MrMario7788: right
- 00:58 Cubsrule21: just saw it - thanks
- 00:58 Majarkin: Settings looked good too
- 00:59 Majarkin: I am guessing you have it from here cubs?
- 00:59 MrMario7788#4876 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:59 Cubsrule21: yeah, can take it. thanks :)
- 00:59 Engel: glhf
- 00:59 Majarkin: ping me if you need me
- 00:59 Majarkin: I will be watching anyway
- 00:59 Engel#2700 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:59 MrMario7788: glhf!
- 00:59 Majarkin: gl hf
- 01:00 Cubsrule21: aight, here we go
- 01:00 Cubsrule21: glhf :)
- 01:00 Cubsrule21#2508 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:16 MrMario7788#4876 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:15:52!
- 03:17 Engel#2700 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:16:28!
- 03:17 Race finished in 2:16:28.5
- 03:17 Cubsrule21: GG both of you!
- 03:17 Engel: well I sure choked at the end
- 03:17 Engel: but gg
- 03:18 Cubsrule21: up for interviews after the delay catches up?
- 03:18 MrMario7788: holy shit
- 03:18 MrMario7788: ggs
- 03:18 MrMario7788: i knew this would be a close one
- 03:18 Engel: I fell on dorf
- 03:18 MrMario7788: i'll interview
- 03:18 Engel: like actually choked it
- 03:18 MrMario7788: D:
- 03:18 MrMario7788: big question
- 03:18 MrMario7788: did you do deku
- 03:18 Engel: no
- 03:19 MrMario7788: ooh
- 03:19 MrMario7788: i didn't have the balls to skip it
- 03:19 MrMario7788: plus it was night at the time so i'd rather do a dungeon than wait in HF
- 03:20 Engel: just watched my vod... I think I win by 1-2 sec if I don't choke ugh
- 03:20 Engel: lost like 37 sec to failing dorf 1 cycle
- 03:21 MrMario7788: ah shit
- 03:34 Cubsrule21: both heading to dorf - couple min left
- 03:34 Cubsrule21: engel up to you if you want to interview
- 03:34 MrMario7788: i'm stressed watching
- 03:34 MrMario7788: jesus
- 03:34 Engel: bruh why couldn't you just do normal spirit
- 03:35 MrMario7788: I would've saved time if i did lol
- 03:35 Engel: ye then I wouldn't have choked lol
- 03:35 MrMario7788: lmfao
- 03:35 Engel: you'd have just won ez
- 03:36 Cubsrule21: hop in ZSR VC when ready
- 03:37 Cubsrule21: waiting for engel's finish, then will pull you both in
- 01:24 Race result recorded by Jimbo