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- 23:36 Mido: Welcome! This is a practice room for the 3rd Mixed Pools Tournament. Learn more about the tournament at
- 23:36 Oakishi joins the race.
- 23:36 Oakishi invites methinkso#7428 to join the race.
- 23:39 methinkso#7428 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:39 methinkso: Ahoyhoy
- 23:46 Oakishi: Ayoooo
- 23:46 Oakishi: Finishing dinner, hopefully will be ready on time
- 23:47 methinkso: No worries, I’m not at my pc yet anyway
- 23:51 Oakishi: !seed
- 23:51 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 23:51 Mido: HashMushroom HashFairyOcarina HashHeart HashLongshot HashMirrorShield
- 23:51 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 23:51 Mido updated the race information.
- 00:00 methinkso: alright, glhf!
- 00:00 methinkso#7428 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:01 Oakishi: glhf!
- 00:01 Oakishi is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:10 Oakishi has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:08:45!
- 02:10 Oakishi: GG
- 02:10 methinkso: GG
- 02:17 methinkso#7428 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:16:28!
- 02:17 Race finished in 2:16:28.1
- 02:18 methinkso: should have respected the jet
- 02:19 Oakishi: IGC was my go im assuming the same?
- 02:19 methinkso: Yup, same
- 02:19 Oakishi: I had DMC entrances left, well entrance, and Fortress
- 02:19 Oakishi: Honestly nothing insane
- 02:20 Oakishi: where did you et your first bow though?
- 02:20 methinkso: lon lon tower, which was top of dmt
- 02:21 Oakishi: ah okay, theres on in lon lon ranch in the tower entrance
- 02:21 methinkso: yeah found that one later
- 02:21 Oakishi: used hook to get to the lw bridge from below and had lon lon through the child grotto
- 02:22 methinkso: oh nice, I never found LW as adult
- 02:22 Oakishi: Thats fair, the first 30 mins of this seed was just trekking throuhg hyrule field xD
- 02:22 methinkso: spent too long in my child play though, should've went back to adult after realizing IGC was ~100% MS
- 02:23 methinkso: yeah put the running man to shame this seed HashFrog
- 02:23 Oakishi: my only fear was str3. did you find str 2/3?
- 02:23 methinkso: I didn't even find str1
- 02:23 Oakishi: oh damn, top of lake hylia lab roof
- 02:24 methinkso: oh yeah makes sense since I never found that whole LW, LH, DMT bit as adult
- 02:24 Oakishi: It was basically all dead anyways xD, either way good luck on the future matches brother, I hope to see you in brackets :D
- 02:24 methinkso: bongo bongo forced as child scared the shit out of me lmao
- 02:25 Oakishi: I was 99% sure it was gonna be barrinade
- 02:25 methinkso: same. thankfully found sling/ks before having to commit
- 02:25 methinkso: GL on your future matches too!