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- 18:30 Mido: Welcome to this Bracket Round 1 race! Learn more about the event at
- 18:30 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 18:30 Mido invites SeYsEy#2150 to join the race.
- 18:30 Mido invites Chuckles501#5294 to join the race.
- 18:30 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors (if any) should enable notifications using the bell đŸ”” icon below chat.
- 18:30 Mido: Your seed will be posted in 15 minutes.
- 18:31 SeYsEy#2150 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:31 Chuckles501#5294 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:31 Chuckles501: hey :)
- 18:32 SeYsEy: o/
- 18:40 Mido: @entrants Remember to go live with a 15 minute (900 second) delay and set your chat to emote only!
- 18:45 Mido: Rolling a seed…
- 18:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 18:45 Mido: HashLensOfTruth HashGoldScale HashMirrorShield HashHoverBoots HashHammer
- 18:45 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 18:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 18:58 Chuckles501#5294 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:58 Chuckles501: gl hf :)
- 18:59 SeYsEy: gl hf Chuckles !
- 18:59 SeYsEy#2150 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:59 SeYsEy#2150 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:59:30!
- 20:59 Chuckles501#5294 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:59:46!
- 20:59 Race finished in 1:59:46.6
- 21:00 Chuckles501: damn GGs
- 21:00 SeYsEy: oh, gg !
- 21:00 Chuckles501: I couldn't have done better
- 21:00 Chuckles501: was a fun seed
- 21:00 SeYsEy: Yeah, seed was great
- 21:01 Chuckles501: was hoping you wouldn't do ten skulls haha
- 21:01 SeYsEy: Haha, I always do skulls !
- 21:01 Chuckles501: yehhh I thought you did hahaha
- 21:01 SeYsEy: Got MS after shadow
- 21:01 Chuckles501: yep same
- 21:01 Chuckles501: that was my go
- 21:01 SeYsEy: Same
- 21:01 Chuckles501: I screwed up on morpha
- 21:01 Chuckles501: lost about 90 seconds
- 21:02 Chuckles501: did you do the well child 1?
- 21:02 SeYsEy: Also lost some time on execution, don't blame you about those 16 seconds
- 21:02 SeYsEy: Yep
- 21:02 SeYsEy: Almost full cleared my child 1, except valley
- 21:02 Chuckles501: I did the lake hints before going child, got the hookshot hint
- 21:02 SeYsEy: Oh
- 21:02 Chuckles501: I was really hoping the other skull mask hint was somewhere trash
- 21:03 Chuckles501: but was just in LW
- 21:03 SeYsEy: The hint at LW screw up my routing a bit, but at least I got the hint yeah
- 21:03 Chuckles501: did you do compass first in water to get the BK?
- 21:03 SeYsEy: Nope, map first
- 21:03 Chuckles501: yeh same
- 21:03 SeYsEy: Was scared to lose because of this
- 21:04 SeYsEy: The seed was pretty straight forward, looks like we pretty much did the same things
- 21:04 SeYsEy: Did you do child domain ?
- 21:05 Chuckles501: omg yes I did
- 21:05 Chuckles501: I did river as child, went into domain
- 21:05 Chuckles501: then got the domain hint after forest
- 21:05 SeYsEy: Same haha
- 21:05 Chuckles501: was so madge
- 21:06 SeYsEy: adult river was so strong on this seed, with frog1 + child domain being hinted
- 21:06 Chuckles501: yeh that's true
- 21:06 Chuckles501: did you complete DC?
- 21:06 SeYsEy: Yep
- 21:06 Chuckles501: ahh I left after getting the magic to go shadow
- 21:06 Chuckles501: so I was happy requiem was requiem too
- 21:06 SeYsEy: Prelude was... nuts...
- 21:07 Chuckles501: hahahaha fuck
- 21:07 Chuckles501: did you do DC before forest/
- 21:07 SeYsEy: Yeah
- 21:07 Chuckles501: ok I did it after
- 21:07 SeYsEy: After entering forest, I only did the prog dungeon + 10 skulls basically
- 21:08 Chuckles501: yehh just do the dungeons
- 21:08 Chuckles501: well, GGs, good luck in your next match
- 21:08 SeYsEy: Thanks, gg to you too !
- 21:12 Flouche: THA HECK
- 21:12 Flouche: so clooose
- 21:12 Flouche: ggs boyz
- 21:13 SeYsEy: Thanks Flouche !
- 21:13 Chuckles501: LOL Flouche <3