
Ocarina of Time Randomizer OoTR Standard Ruleset S8 practice - start at xx:45 HashDekuNut HashDekuStick HashKokiriTunic HashDekuNut HashHeart | Password: NoteA NoteCleft NoteCup NoteCdown NoteCup NoteCdown https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1812193
Opened by
papy_grant #8513
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
  • videocam
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  1. 1st Aosuna #6959 he / him more suffit de parler de merdes avant la race pour s'en prendre une sur le coin du museau Finished 122
  2. 2nd Exodus #5327 he / him more longest s8 seed Finished 1
  3. 3rd papy_grant #8513 he / him Finished 25
  4. Alpha #2256 DNF DNF 10
  5. Engel #2700 he / him more got hovers with 1 other check left in the game, got str2 with 0 other checks remaining... season 8 is the season that kills zootr. Time for dinner DNF DNF 3
  6. tanjo3 he / him more im just here to rush river, forfeit, and then go do something else DNF DNF 5
  7. DubuDeccer #0242 he / him more oh I didn't read skulls lmao DNF DNF 15
  8. interloper #0934 he / him more crash DNF DNF 72
8 entrants (5 inactive)