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- 18:28 rockchalk: glhf
- 18:28 Star1468: GL HF
- 18:28 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:28 Star1468: oh yeah sorry forgot to mention that
- 20:23 Star1468: break in 4 minutes!
- 20:28 Star1468: @entrants break!
- 20:28 Challensois_: im broke
- 20:28 Challensois_: euh wait break
- 20:28 Challensois_: Kappa
- 20:28 Star1468: lol
- 20:29 Challensois_: had a crash but didn't lose too much time
- 20:30 Star1468: yeah I saw, that's fine that you didn't call FPA
- 20:30 rockchalk: monkaS
- 20:31 Challensois_: yeah i didnt know when i saved last KEKW
- 20:31 Star1468: I don't even know why you crashed, but I did make a note of it in the race mod channel
- 20:33 Star1468: Go!
- 20:33 Star1468: GL HF
- 21:53 rockchalk#3494 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:25:28!
- 21:53 Star1468: GG
- 21:53 rockchalk: gg
- 21:54 Star1468: removed the active race role from you rock, you can now see things again
- 21:54 rockchalk: sounds good
- 22:01 Challensois_: gg
- 22:16 Challensois_: collapse sadKEK
- 22:21 rockchalk: I feel that
- 22:22 Challensois_: 30 min diff monkaS
- 22:22 Challensois_#7759 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:54:08!
- 22:22 Race finished in 3:54:08.8
- 22:22 RSLBot: Here is the spoiler log:
- 22:22 rockchalk: gg!
- 22:22 Star1468: GG!
- 22:22 Challensois_: ggs again
- 22:22 Fenhl: gg
- 22:22 Challensois_: i struggled on the strength
- 22:23 Star1468: GG
- 22:23 Star1468: yeah, other strength was on HBA
- 22:23 Challensois_: haha i hesitated to free epona before going across valley
- 22:23 Challensois_: but it's so long to do the race
- 22:24 Challensois_: for 2 checks in the end
- 22:24 rockchalk: I freed epona before I had LS
- 22:24 Challensois_: ah makes sense
- 22:24 Challensois_: so you got str3 in gtg
- 22:24 Challensois_: and bailed ?
- 22:24 Star1468: you were a bit behind already sadly, due to going ice
- 22:24 Star1468: yea
- 22:24 rockchalk: yeah gtg str was my last
- 22:24 Star1468: rockchalk's first magic was from ganon's
- 22:24 Star1468: never found the windmill
- 22:25 Challensois_: i mean.. doing ice was kinda stupid from me
- 22:25 Challensois_: we knew it was casino pretty early on
- 22:25 Challensois_: with plentiful and everything open
- 22:25 rockchalk: tldr plentiful sucks
- 22:25 Challensois_: just had to rush big zones
- 22:25 Challensois_: yeah plentiful sucks :/
- 22:25 Star1468: we were very confused why you went ice, since you could full clear water challensois
- 22:25 Star1468: and then it turns out your rang was shoot the sun LUL
- 22:26 Challensois_: LUl
- 22:26 Challensois_: which boomerang did rock get ?
- 22:26 Star1468: the lights were amazing btw
- 22:26 Star1468: shoot the sun
- 22:26 Star1468: neither of you ended up touching Fire
- 22:26 Challensois_: lights at 20 and 50 KEKW
- 22:26 Star1468: the gerudo cards were funny too
- 22:27 Star1468: both of you detoured for the ranch one before going ganon's
- 22:27 rockchalk: yeah, I only went ranch cause I wanted to go gtg after ganon's lmao
- 22:27 Challensois_: haha nice
- 22:27 Challensois_: yeah same haha
- 22:27 Challensois_: and then the scrub just sells it to you
- 22:27 rockchalk: yup
- 22:27 Star1468: it was great lol
- 22:28 Star1468: that WOTH hammer was interesting too
- 22:28 Challensois_: oh other hammer was on LACS haha
- 22:28 Star1468: since with vanilla keys, hammer didnt'actually lock much
- 22:28 Star1468: yeah lol
- 22:28 Challensois_: i was pretty sure it was WOTH because it locked the other hammer honestly
- 22:28 Challensois_: never bothered following that WOTH
- 22:28 rockchalk: yeah I knew it was for trials at that point
- 22:29 Star1468: yeah it could only be WOTH if it locked the other hammer
- 22:29 rockchalk: but figured later on I would check hammer stuff just in case, then got my LS out of it
- 22:29 Star1468: more was curious since there wasn't much hammerlocked
- 22:29 Star1468: rock that was challensois's first hook very, very early
- 22:29 Star1468: challensois rock finally got the GY hook at 1h35
- 22:29 rockchalk: yeah that makes sense
- 22:30 Challensois_: i'm kinda mad at myself for doing ice
- 22:30 Challensois_: i wanted skulls to reach 50
- 22:30 Challensois_: in case other ights were really bad
- 22:30 Challensois_: lights*
- 22:30 Challensois_: and then they are just at 20 KEKW
- 22:30 Star1468: I have also removed the active race role from you now challensois, you can now see the results channel
- 22:30 Star1468: yeah KEKW
- 22:31 Challensois_: thanks star for moderating
- 22:31 Star1468: always a pleasure :)
- 22:31 Challensois_: thanks rock for kicking my sorry ass into loser's brackets
- 22:31 Star1468: GL in your next matches!
- 05:29 Race result recorded by Xopar