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- 22:52 Riley: and got it there
- 22:52 Jaybone25: yeah so yo uhad a stick
- 22:52 Riley: yea yea
- 22:52 Jaybone25: i did it as adult : /
- 22:53 Jaybone25: and just decided it was 1 check
- 22:53 Jaybone25: and i was ok with LL it
- 22:53 Jaybone25: figures lol
- 22:53 Riley: wait was it plentiful?
- 22:53 Jaybone25: nah there were PoH
- 22:54 Riley: then is there an extra shadow key I dont know of? lol
- 22:54 Jaybone25: there are 6
- 22:54 Riley: o
- 22:54 Jaybone25: one before the wooden walls
- 22:54 Riley: I thought there was only 5 lol
- 22:54 Jaybone25: and one at the start
- 22:54 Riley: oh right
- 22:54 Riley: damn xD
- 22:54 Jaybone25: figures, the one check i said i was ok orphaning
- 22:54 Jaybone25: was it
- 22:54 Jaybone25: damn coulda been done like 2 hours ago lol
- 22:55 Riley: dude
- 22:55 Riley: I forgot adult anju
- 22:55 Jaybone25: lol did you get magic off lacs?
- 22:55 Riley: I wasnt too happy and lost all faith lmfao
- 22:55 Riley: no
- 22:55 Jaybone25: i mean its rsl
- 22:55 Riley: fire is Magic locked
- 22:55 Jaybone25: little shit like that just happens
- 22:55 Jaybone25: oh right
- 22:55 Riley: and so is LS
- 22:55 Riley: so :P
- 22:56 Jaybone25: so the funnyt hing is there was a key on silver guantlets hand and i told mys elf i should just scum the key and climb spirit
- 22:56 Jaybone25: if i do that i woulda been done too :(
- 22:56 Riley: I scummed it lol
- 22:56 Riley: had to go back for it later
- 22:57 Jaybone25: yeah damn i shoulda just done it
- 22:57 Jaybone25: oh well
- 22:57 Riley: also
- 22:57 Riley: when I got magic of of anju
- 22:57 Riley: and then got Zl on volv
- 22:57 Riley: I knew hovers couldnt be ZL locked
- 22:57 Riley: so I just had magic locked checks let
- 22:57 Riley: and then I beat water
- 22:57 Riley: and just casually shoot the sun
- 22:58 Riley: and lord and behold hovers lol
- 22:58 Jaybone25: i got stone of agony and one of the first hints i read was "Lake Hylia is on the way of th hero"
- 22:58 Jaybone25: so i just went and beat it real quick
- 22:58 Riley: well rang was there
- 22:58 Jaybone25: yeah
- 22:58 Riley: so it was fufilled
- 22:58 Jaybone25: but figured might as well its a song anyways
- 22:58 Riley: for water?
- 22:58 Jaybone25: yeah it was SoT
- 22:58 Riley: I dipped shadow got LS
- 22:58 Riley: went straight to water to get the song
- 22:58 Riley: then right back into shadow
- 22:59 Riley: lol
- 22:59 Jaybone25: yeah....i did the same thing then realized i only had 3 keys
- 22:59 Jaybone25: so was prayiong for a 4th to pop up in shadow
- 22:59 Riley: ah I see
- 22:59 Jaybone25: was it just shadow trial?
- 22:59 Riley: spirit too
- 23:00 Jaybone25: meh so two fast ones
- 23:00 Riley: yea I was hoping fire was on but light off
- 23:00 Jaybone25: i felt super behind so i 3 key'd forest ina BO seed KEKW
- 23:00 Riley: since I was missing a ganons s.key
- 23:00 Jaybone25: the other ganon key is on impa's cow
- 23:00 Riley: and had got str 3 in a kinda super ool spot lol
- 23:00 Riley: where is epona?
- 23:01 Jaybone25: yeah PG
- 23:01 Jaybone25: like i said i 3 keyed lol
- 23:01 Riley: oh nice lol
- 23:01 Jaybone25: i felt behind so went for a hail mary
- 23:01 Riley: its rsl feeling behind is a bad idea mindset lol
- 23:01 Jaybone25: i mean it just happens when you're looking for 1 key for 2 hours lol
- 23:02 Riley: seed was mentally brutal for me
- 23:02 Riley: o well
- 23:02 Jaybone25: yeah didn't help i'm exhausted but at least IM FREE NOW
- 23:02 Jaybone25: all the tourneys are done lol
- 23:02 Riley: I free you from everything F
- 23:02 Riley: freed*
- 23:03 Jaybone25: well not the MW tourney
- 23:03 Jaybone25: devin resetting 50 min away did that
- 23:03 Jaybone25: :D
- 23:03 Riley: tru
- 23:03 Riley: rip
- 23:03 Riley: who was that against?
- 23:03 Jaybone25: creative team name
- 23:03 Jaybone25: super early
- 23:03 Riley: dang
- 23:03 Jaybone25: so it destroyed our tie break score
- 23:03 Jaybone25: props to sponge for playing from a hospital
- 23:04 Jaybone25: that must have sucked lol
- 23:04 Riley: yeah it sounded awful
- 23:05 Jaybone25: anyways i need dinner, ggs gl against vod
- 23:05 Riley: ty
- 23:05 Riley: thanks for the games
- 23:05 Jaybone25: ye ggs
- 23:05 Riley: ggs
- 23:11 Race result recorded by jaybone25#7000