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- 15:32 KeiperDontCare: wait what
- 15:33 DareDevinX: FHLG
- 15:33 Kevin_818: the starting song is suns song
- 15:33 Kevin_818#9130 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 15:33 Kevin_818: gl all
- 15:33 CANMaple: oh god
- 15:33 CANMaple#1272 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 15:33 DareDevinX: jimbo, jimbo?
- 15:33 Jimbo is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:34 Sponge: well this is awkward
- 15:34 DareDevinX: what's up?
- 15:34 Sponge: im just slow
- 15:34 CANMaple: sooo
- 15:34 DareDevinX: oh ok :D
- 15:34 CANMaple: how do goal hints work
- 15:34 Jimbo: my hands are fucking frozen
- 15:34 Jimbo: this is gonna suck
- 15:34 CANMaple: jimbo
- 15:34 CANMaple: shush
- 15:34 FantaTanked: breathe on them
- 15:34 CANMaple: ur not in canada
- 15:34 CANMaple: jkjk
- 15:35 KeiperDontCare: hint will say "X location leads to X boss"
- 15:35 CANMaple: i have a heated blanked exactly for this reason
- 15:35 DareDevinX: they play mostly the same as woth hints, but in addition they tell you what boss you need them for
- 15:35 Kevin_818: hey Jimbo
- 15:35 Kevin_818: flyers are going down tmr
- 15:35 CANMaple: OOF
- 15:35 Jimbo: you shut your mouth rn
- 15:35 Jimbo: take it back
- 15:35 Kevin_818: canes baby
- 15:35 Jimbo: we'll see
- 15:35 CANMaple: is ottawa doing anything yet?
- 15:36 CANMaple: or r we still shit
- 15:36 CANMaple: i think we were 2-1
- 15:36 CANMaple: but that was a bit ago
- 15:36 Jimbo: senators OMEGALUL
- 15:36 Kevin_818: shite
- 15:36 Jimbo: jkjk
- 15:36 Kevin_818: ya'll are doing better than montreal at least
- 15:36 Kevin_818: no carey price tho
- 15:36 Kevin_818: shows just how good he is lmao
- 15:37 CANMaple: 2 teams that will always have a place in my heart is philadelphia and ottawa, philly because it was my favourite team for so many years and ottawa cuz i live here
- 15:37 CANMaple: i just hate how as soon as we got good, BOOM expansion draft, plus BOOM teammates hated eachother
- 15:37 CANMaple: or teammates wives hated eachother
- 15:37 Jimbo: expansion draft is a joke
- 15:38 CANMaple: it benefits the new teams
- 15:38 CANMaple: like vegas
- 15:38 Jimbo: yeah i know
- 15:38 Jimbo: it's horseshit
- 15:38 Kevin_818: yeah expansion draft is op
- 15:38 CANMaple: and i remember for CFL red blacks went to grey cup in their 2nd and 3rd year winning in their 2nd
- 15:38 KeiperDontCare: melqwii says "Go Wild"
- 15:38 CANMaple: wining in 3rd
- 15:38 KeiperDontCare: idk what that even means
- 15:38 CANMaple: not 2nd
- 15:38 Jimbo: tell her to hush
- 15:39 CANMaple: minneosta
- 15:39 CANMaple: the Minnesota Wild
- 15:39 Sponge: ok glhf
- 15:39 Jimbo: glhf
- 15:39 Sponge: sorry about that
- 15:39 CANMaple: theyll always be a budget canadian team even though the canadian teams dont have many canadians on them
- 15:39 Jimbo: npnp
- 15:39 DareDevinX: np =) let's gooo
- 15:39 Sponge#9355 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:39 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:40 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:23 CANMaple#1272 has forfeited from the race.
- 17:42 SariasObject#3370 has forfeited from the race.
- 17:52 Kevin_818#9130 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:12:00!
- 17:52 Kevin_818: GGs
- 17:52 Jimbo: gg
- 17:58 Sponge#9355 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:18:39!
- 17:58 Sponge: ggs
- 17:58 Jimbo: gg
- 17:59 DubuDeccer: ggs
- 18:09 Exodus#5327 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:29:46!
- 18:10 DeadlyThunder#9617 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:30:51!
- 18:11 Jimbo has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:31:16!
- 18:11 Jimbo: ggs
- 18:11 DeadlyThunder: GGs!
- 18:13 DareDevinX#1691 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:14 Jimbo: :(
- 18:17 Lefty#7499 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:31 Yace_Dante#4179 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:51:27!
- 18:32 KeiperDontCare#8389 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:52:05!
- 18:32 KeiperDontCare#8389 added a comment.
- 18:33 Jimbo added a comment.
- 18:37 DeadlyThunder#9617 added a comment.
- 18:50 AlexanderHD#8749 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:10:26!
- 18:50 Race finished in 3:10:26.4
- 18:51 AlexanderHD#8749 added a comment.
- 20:25 Race result recorded by ArthurOudini#1948