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- 13:24 kenokeefe#1306 invites ALPHAMARIOX#7392 to join the race.
- 13:24 RSLBot: Welcome to the OoTR Random Settings League! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 13:24 RSLBot: If no preset is selected, default RSL settings will be used. For a list of presets, use !presets
- 13:24 kenokeefe#1306 joins the race.
- 13:25 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 accepts an invitation to join.
- 13:26 kenokeefe: o/
- 13:26 ALPHAMARIOX: o/
- 13:26 kenokeefe: !fap on
- 13:26 RSLBot: Sorry kenokeefe, I don't recognize that command.
- 13:26 kenokeefe: !fpa on
- 13:26 RSLBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 13:26 kenokeefe: lol
- 13:26 kenokeefe: 5m breaks every 2 hours is ok for you ?
- 13:27 ALPHAMARIOX: It should be fine for me.
- 13:27 kenokeefe: !breaks 5m every 2h
- 13:27 RSLBot: Breaks set to 5 minutes every 2 hours.
- 13:30 kenokeefe: Here comes the monster !
- 13:30 kenokeefe: !seed
- 13:30 RSLBot: Rolling a Random Settings League seed…
- 13:30 RSLBot: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 13:30 RSLBot: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 13:30 RSLBot updated the race information.
- 13:42 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 13:43 kenokeefe: gl hf :)
- 13:43 kenokeefe#1306 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 13:43 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 13:43 ALPHAMARIOX: gl hf
- 13:43 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 15:38 RSLBot: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 15:43 RSLBot: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 15:48 RSLBot: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 15:49 kenokeefe: onbreak
- 15:49 kenokeefe: missed it ^^'
- 15:49 kenokeefe: 10.5
- 17:02 kenokeefe#1306 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:18:45!
- 17:02 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 has forfeited from the race.
- 17:02 Race finished in 3:18:56.6
- 17:02 kenokeefe: gg
- 17:02 kenokeefe: What were you missing ?
- 17:02 ALPHAMARIOX: Hammer + Magic
- 17:02 kenokeefe: Hammer was on skull behind the lab
- 17:02 kenokeefe: Magic GTG
- 17:03 ALPHAMARIOX: Makes sense for the GTG path.
- 17:03 ALPHAMARIOX: Where was Gerudo Card?
- 17:03 kenokeefe: Fishing child
- 17:03 ALPHAMARIOX: Welp.
- 17:03 kenokeefe: But I don't get why gtg was path for Bongo
- 17:03 ALPHAMARIOX: GGs anyways. At least I can volunteer for the RSL tourney.
- 17:03 kenokeefe: I've never encountered Bongo
- 17:03 ALPHAMARIOX: Boss shuffle.
- 17:04 kenokeefe: Yeah but my bosses were Twinrova, KD, Morpha
- 17:04 ALPHAMARIOX: Bongo was either in Spirit or Water (more likely Spirit, despite the shortcut being open).
- 17:04 ALPHAMARIOX: Same here.
- 17:04 kenokeefe: I think he was in water temple because gtg got the water boss key
- 17:05 ALPHAMARIOX: Then that's probably the path.
- 17:05 kenokeefe: yeah but never found longshot
- 17:05 ALPHAMARIOX: The other Water BK was in GC.
- 17:06 kenokeefe: I had to get back to child for fire arrow haha
- 17:07 kenokeefe: Well gg anyway :)
- 17:07 kenokeefe#1306 added a comment.
- 22:53 Race result recorded by Jimbo