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- 18:07 huffpuff1337#4259 joins the race.
- 18:08 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 18:08 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 18:08 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 18:08 huffpuff1337#4259 invites TheOtherNate#8907 to join the race.
- 18:10 TheOtherNate#8907 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:11 huffpuff1337: gonna open it real quick so i can connect livesplit. you connect or not?
- 18:12 huffpuff1337#4259 sets the race to be open. Anyone may now join.
- 18:12 huffpuff1337#4259 sets the race to be invite only.
- 18:13 TheOtherNate: I am not, never had figured out how to connect that, lol
- 18:14 huffpuff1337: ah alright. is just under racetime races in livesplit
- 18:14 huffpuff1337: obviously can't be seen right now as it's invitational
- 18:15 TheOtherNate: ah, that was probably my problem in the past
- 18:16 huffpuff1337: you wanna roll? my seeds are usually horrifically bad
- 18:17 TheOtherNate: Sure, I've rolled a few bad ones lately, so don't get your hopes up, lol
- 18:18 TheOtherNate: I forget, do we use dev build or stable?
- 18:18 huffpuff1337: dev
- 18:18 TheOtherNate: okay, thanks
- 18:18 huffpuff1337: league preset doesn't exist on stable
- 18:19 TheOtherNate:
- 18:20 huffpuff1337: hold on gonna reconnect my livesplit, i may have screwed it up
- 18:20 huffpuff1337#4259 sets the race to be open. Anyone may now join.
- 18:20 huffpuff1337#4259 sets the race to be invite only.
- 18:20 huffpuff1337: forgetting about numpad being livesplit controls :^)
- 18:24 TheOtherNate: haha, yup, done that plenty of times
- 18:25 huffpuff1337#4259 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:25 huffpuff1337: autostart should be off
- 18:27 TheOtherNate#8907 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:27 huffpuff1337: alright
- 18:27 TheOtherNate: glhf!
- 18:27 huffpuff1337: glhf
- 18:28 huffpuff1337#4259 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:28 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:37 TheOtherNate#8907 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:09:10!
- 21:37 huffpuff1337: gg
- 21:37 TheOtherNate: gg
- 21:37 huffpuff1337: just got spirit BK to get out of schrodinger's go mode xd
- 21:39 huffpuff1337: so that knocks me and marreparres out of contention for first
- 21:39 TheOtherNate: yeah, sorry
- 21:40 TheOtherNate: keep practicin, good luck with next season if you stick with it
- 21:40 huffpuff1337: yeah GL to you too
- 21:40 TheOtherNate: thanks!
- 21:43 huffpuff1337: hopefully i have a bit more success in the TMCR tourney :p
- 21:44 huffpuff1337: also how far out of logic did you go with this
- 21:45 TheOtherNate: not much that I remember
- 21:45 huffpuff1337: i know i had two bomb bags, letter and longshot OOL
- 21:45 huffpuff1337: never got epona's so a bunch of other stuff is OOL right now
- 21:46 TheOtherNate: I got bombbag with ST1 out of goron pot
- 21:46 TheOtherNate: never got epona eaither, but found longshot early enough to do GTG
- 21:46 huffpuff1337: yeah same on both
- 21:46 huffpuff1337: what was the graveyard WOTH for? scale or zora?
- 21:47 TheOtherNate: I almost missed boomerang, grabbed scarecrow for fire and seriously considered warping immediatly
- 21:47 huffpuff1337: ah yeah
- 21:47 huffpuff1337: i just sort of did it on my way to water
- 21:48 TheOtherNate: I think graveyard was either scale for river access, or slingshot for child spirit, not sure
- 21:50 huffpuff1337: oh there was a sling in graveyard?
- 21:50 TheOtherNate: yeah, on composer grave chest I think
- 21:51 TheOtherNate: I did do that out of logic too though
- 21:51 huffpuff1337: ah, fire storage?
- 21:51 TheOtherNate: yeah
- 21:52 huffpuff1337#4259 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:24:22!
- 21:52 Race finished in 3:24:22.6
- 21:52 huffpuff1337: yeah, never got a fire source
- 21:53 huffpuff1337: hence the schrodinger's go mode in spirit
- 20:46 Race result recorded by Goomba#5087