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- 18:34 Gogeta#1793 joins the race.
- 18:35 Gogeta#1793 invites BrotinderDose to join the race.
- 18:35 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a release seed with !seed <preset> or a latest dev seed with !seeddev <preset>
- 18:35 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !race to generate a release seed with a spoiler log.
- 18:35 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets for release and !presetsdev for dev
- 18:35 BrotinderDose accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:36 BrotinderDose: o7
- 18:36 papy_grant: lol
- 18:36 papy_grant: o/
- 18:36 papy_grant: j'etai en train d'ouvrir une room
- 18:36 Gogeta: o/
- 18:36 Gogeta: ouais normalement ZSR aurait du l'ouvrir mais ils ont l'air à la bourre LUL
- 18:36 papy_grant: met moi race monitor je crois que vous en avez pas
- 18:37 papy_grant: ben ils demandent si y a un race monitor du coup je vais le faire
- 18:37 Gogeta#1793 invites papy_grant#8513 to join the race.
- 18:37 Gogeta#1793 promoted papy_grant#8513 to race monitor.
- 18:37 Gogeta#1793 removes papy_grant#8513 from the race.
- 18:37 papy_grant: !fpa on
- 18:37 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 18:37 papy_grant: you both are on vc ?
- 18:38 Gogeta: You should start the stream Brot
- 18:38 BrotinderDose: RA
- 18:38 BrotinderDose: already did thx HashFrog
- 18:38 papy_grant: ok. so don't forget to show your settings as usual :)
- 18:38 papy_grant: thanks
- 18:38 BrotinderDose: sure thx :)
- 18:38 papy_grant: and so i will do french restream today
- 18:38 papy_grant: who have clean audio please ?
- 18:39 Gogeta: I will
- 18:39 BrotinderDose: same
- 18:39 papy_grant: ok thanks
- 18:41 papy_grant: don't forget to start your stream ;)
- 18:41 shirosoluna: thanks papy for doing the monitoring :)
- 18:41 shirosoluna: zsr also doing a restream as well, Im just not a monitor lol
- 18:42 papy_grant: oh ok
- 18:42 papy_grant: i didn't see it
- 18:42 shirosoluna: it was just assigned 5 hours ago, so very recent
- 18:45 papy_grant: may the odds be in your favor ....
- 18:45 papy_grant: !seed s6
- 18:45 RandoBot: papy_grant, here is your seed:
- 18:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 18:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 18:46 Gogeta: It won't. Not with a papy seed. Prepare to suffer Brot KEKW
- 18:46 Gogeta: We're in for a ride
- 18:48 BrotinderDose: showed my ra settings right after loading the seed
- 18:48 papy_grant: perfect
- 18:58 shirosoluna: glhf :)
- 18:58 BrotinderDose: glhf gogeta =)
- 18:58 BrotinderDose is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:58 Gogeta: I might be a tad late
- 18:58 papy_grant: when you are ready ... autostart off
- 18:58 Gogeta: have no sound on my monitor
- 18:59 papy_grant: no worries
- 19:03 Gogeta: ok, I fixed it
- 19:03 BrotinderDose: Pog
- 19:03 papy_grant: perfect
- 19:03 papy_grant: glhf guys !!
- 19:03 Gogeta: gl hf
- 19:03 Gogeta#1793 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:04 BrotinderDose: glhf
- 19:04 papy_grant: see you in 4 hours !
- 19:04 Gogeta: you can start the race
- 19:04 papy_grant#8513 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:04 Gogeta: not in 4h Madge
- 19:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:56 BrotinderDose has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:52:08!
- 19:56 BrotinderDose is no longer done.
- 19:57 BrotinderDose: sry
- 19:57 papy_grant: ;)
- 19:58 Gogeta: that was fast Kappa
- 21:54 BrotinderDose has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:49:40!
- 21:54 Gogeta: gg
- 21:54 BrotinderDose: ggs
- 21:54 Gogeta: what a stupid seed
- 21:55 BrotinderDose: i think it was okayish Kappa
- 21:55 Gogeta: I just have TR left
- 21:55 Gogeta: and child spirit + chickens
- 21:57 shirosoluna: GGs!
- 22:00 Gogeta#1793 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:00 Race finished in 2:56:18.1
- 22:01 shirosoluna: GGs Gogeta
- 22:01 shirosoluna: either of you up for interview when restreams catch up?
- 22:01 BrotinderDose: sure
- 22:02 papy_grant: gg !!
- 22:02 papy_grant: sorry for the seed ;)
- 22:02 Gogeta: Yeah sure
- 22:03 shirosoluna: lol papy
- 22:03 BrotinderDose: jet with 1/2 item hunt
- 22:03 BrotinderDose: we love that Kappa
- 22:03 BrotinderDose: :D
- 22:04 shirosoluna: can join zsr discord whenever ready, bout 17-18 min to catch up
- 22:15 papy_grant: gogeta on t'attend apres en interview ;)
- 23:50 Race result recorded by Jimbo