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- 00:00 Jaybone25#6542 joins the race.
- 00:00 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! I can roll a race seed for you. If you dare.
- 00:00 RandoBot: If this is a draft race, use !s7 tournament for official matches, otherwise use !s7 <draft|random>
- 00:01 tanjo3 joins the race.
- 00:01 tanjo3 joins KINGsamps0n.
- 00:01 tanjo3: o/
- 00:01 Jaybone25: yo
- 00:01 Jaybone25#6542 joins I Blame My Partner.
- 00:02 Cfalcon#0137 joins the race.
- 00:02 Cfalcon#0137 joins I Blame My Partner.
- 00:21 HaydeyPatatey#1406 joins the race.
- 00:21 HaydeyPatatey#1406 joins SariasObjects.
- 00:21 Jaybone25: woah 3 team race
- 00:22 HaydeyPatatey: lol
- 00:22 HaydeyPatatey#1406 leaves SariasObjects.
- 00:22 HaydeyPatatey#1406 quits the race.
- 00:22 HaydeyPatatey#1406 joins the race.
- 00:22 Jaybone25: :)
- 00:22 HaydeyPatatey#1406 joins KINGsamps0n.
- 00:22 HaydeyPatatey: Sorry its been a long day
- 00:22 Jaybone25: !seed coop
- 00:22 RandoBot: Jaybone25, here is your seed:
- 00:22 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 00:22 Jaybone25: all good take your time
- 00:22 Jaybone25: im in no rush
- 00:22 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 00:23 Cfalcon: Same, I'm still struggling a bit with post root canal pain from last week, gave the pain meds a few extra min to kick in lol
- 00:23 HaydeyPatatey: that sucks!!! Im sorry. I hate the Dentist >:(
- 00:29 Jaybone25: i had to do a double take...this is literally the exact same start as the last seed we played lol
- 00:31 Jaybone25#6542 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 00:31 Cfalcon#0137 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:32 HaydeyPatatey#1406 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:32 Jaybone25: gl hf
- 00:32 tanjo3: glhf
- 00:32 tanjo3 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:32 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:32 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:36 tanjo3 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:04:00!
- 02:37 HaydeyPatatey#1406 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:04:22!
- 02:39 Jaybone25: ggs
- 02:39 Jaybone25#6542 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:39 HaydeyPatatey: gg
- 02:39 Jaybone25: seed sucks lol
- 02:40 HaydeyPatatey: hahaha
- 02:40 tanjo3: gg
- 02:40 Cfalcon#0137 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:40 Race finished in 2:07:27.2
- 02:40 HaydeyPatatey: yeah that was def a weird one
- 02:40 Jaybone25: we i go moded jabu
- 02:40 Jaybone25: i go moded*
- 02:40 HaydeyPatatey: OOOH
- 02:40 HaydeyPatatey: hahaha
- 02:40 HaydeyPatatey: I talked Tanjo out of it
- 02:40 Jaybone25: i also lost my chicken going up river as child :/
- 02:40 HaydeyPatatey: I think in a casual race it makes sense to skip it
- 02:40 HaydeyPatatey: D:
- 02:40 Jaybone25: i had zl but i fell in the water
- 02:41 Jaybone25: so couldn't get out
- 02:41 Cfalcon: Yeah, nice required gold scale, cool Irons location, and cool Mirror location when I go moded DC and skipped LS and had to go back
- 02:41 HaydeyPatatey: Scale locking Iron boots is just toooo funny
- 02:41 Jaybone25: but yeah i was about to walk across field for the 10th time
- 02:41 Jaybone25: bobbys in go lol
- 02:42 HaydeyPatatey: lol dude that sucks
- 02:42 Cfalcon: Yeah I just beat Fire, had to just clean up Spirit and Shadow
- 02:42 HaydeyPatatey: GG though!
- 02:42 Jaybone25: we were pretty far behind
- 02:42 HaydeyPatatey: i mean skipping Jabu will do that this seed
- 02:42 Jaybone25: yeah ggs gl on your game 2
- 02:42 Jaybone25: thx for the practice
- 02:42 HaydeyPatatey: Thanks GL with your games!!