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- 16:21 Kirox#6033 joins the race.
- 16:22 Kirox#6033 invites HollowLogic#2254 to join the race.
- 16:22 HollowLogic#2254 accepts an invitation to join.
- 16:22 Kirox: HashFrog
- 16:22 RSLBot: Welcome to the OoTR Random Settings League! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 16:22 RSLBot: If no preset is selected, default RSL settings will be used. For a list of presets, use !presets
- 16:22 RSLBot: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 16:22 HollowLogic: Or of course you can. That works too lmao
- 16:23 Kirox: Any break preference? Personally i like the good old 5 min every 2h
- 16:24 Kirox: !fpa on
- 16:24 RSLBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 16:24 HollowLogic: I'm good with whatever you would like! 5m at every 2 hours is perfectly fine by me
- 16:24 Kirox: nice !
- 16:24 Kirox: !breaks 5min every 2h
- 16:24 RSLBot: Sorry Kirox, I don't recognise that format for breaks. Example commands: !breaks 5m every 2h30, !breaks off
- 16:25 Kirox: !breaks 5m every 2h
- 16:25 RSLBot: Breaks set to 5 minutes every 2 hours.
- 16:25 HollowLogic: I'm the crazy who likes doing 6+ hour seeds without breaks, but I get that, uh... I'm crazy
- 16:25 Kirox: bathroom breaks are OP tho HashFrog
- 16:25 HollowLogic: lmfao
- 16:26 Kirox: wanna roll the seed?
- 16:26 HollowLogic: Oh no. No no no. I don't wanna run one of my seeds. My seeds are bad. You can do it haha
- 16:26 Kirox: XD
- 16:26 Kirox: npnp
- 16:26 Kirox: !seed
- 16:26 RSLBot: Rolling seed…
- 16:27 RSLBot: Kirox, here is your seed:
- 16:27 RSLBot updated the race information.
- 16:33 Kirox: alright, i'm good to go whenever i think
- 16:33 HollowLogic: Same, I think. I'm already nervous for the seed but I'm happy to be racing!
- 16:33 Kirox#6033 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:33 HollowLogic: GLHF - I'll be ready in 10 seconds here
- 16:33 Kirox: GL HF !
- 16:34 HollowLogic#2254 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:34 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:34 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:29 RSLBot: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 18:34 RSLBot: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 18:39 RSLBot: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 19:16 Kirox#6033 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:41:55!
- 19:16 HollowLogic: GGs
- 19:16 Kirox: ggs !
- 19:18 HollowLogic: I'm still missing Bow, pretty hard
- 19:19 HollowLogic: Then... possibly a fire source though I'm not sure it's needed 100% if a bow is available
- 19:19 HollowLogic#2254 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:19 Race finished in 2:44:55.6
- 19:19 HollowLogic: I'm GUESSING something is deep fire, though I'm not certain
- 19:20 Kirox: Oh bow is in adult fountain
- 19:20 Kirox: there's a fountain woth in fountain lol
- 19:20 Kirox: i read it after putting FW down in jabu
- 19:21 Kirox: so yeah that bow is the only one, logically at least
- 19:22 Kirox: there's dins in ganon castle
- 19:22 Kirox: my go mode was a stupid water key lol
- 19:22 HollowLogic: ... Hold up, what the heck? So ZL was a hinted path?
- 19:23 HollowLogic: I didn't think ZL could be hinted. Huh. Well then, I was digging looking for LACS
- 19:23 HollowLogic: lmao
- 19:23 Kirox: yeah, ZL is the ToT woth
- 19:23 HollowLogic: Learning more about RSL, that's the point though haha
- 19:23 Kirox: chaos distribution doesn't have conditional like that
- 19:24 Kirox: so yeah ZL was just for fountain access
- 19:24 HollowLogic: Ah, I did not know that.
- 19:26 HollowLogic: Yep. It was the Dins Fire and me assuming LACS would be needed with the path hinted Volvagia
- 19:27 Kirox: i'm not entirely sure volvagia was hard required
- 19:27 Kirox: oh i guess we can check now lol
- 19:27 HollowLogic: I'm going through it lmao
- 19:28 HollowLogic: LACS was nothing, and Volv only had a deku shield, but I THINK... it might still have been logically required
- 19:28 Kirox: wait why is longshot on chest mini game woth lol
- 19:28 HollowLogic: Boss Key in Water logically needs long
- 19:28 Kirox: oh duh i'm dumb
- 19:28 Kirox: i even failed the trick 3 times
- 19:28 HollowLogic: I would have done it with hovers too lmao
- 19:29 Kirox: that's a nasty longshot location, with lens on frogs 2
- 19:29 HollowLogic: So Dins IGC locked Spirit. Our logical access to Colosus was THROUGH Spirit because Epona's was at Col and needed for Lens for logical wasteland
- 19:30 HollowLogic: Colossus also had Rang in the Fairy
- 19:30 Kirox: seems like no other dungeon was beatable
- 19:30 Kirox: damn
- 19:30 HollowLogic: So no Jabu, Spirit, Forest was in Spirit so no Forest
- 19:30 HollowLogic: You... COULD have beaten Shadow I think depending on Keys
- 19:30 Kirox: hmm, only had 2
- 19:31 HollowLogic: GF had a key
- 19:31 HollowLogic: So longshot locked behind Lens
- 19:31 HollowLogic: So again, locked
- 19:31 Kirox: so nope, also unavailable
- 19:31 HollowLogic: ... I think... Yeah, Fire Deku Dodongo were the only 3 logical beatable
- 19:32 HollowLogic: All other dungeons were locked up behind that
- 19:33 HollowLogic: Well GG!
- 19:33 Kirox: ggs again !
- 19:33 Kirox: was a fun seed, but man i was scared when looking for a single water key at the end xD
- 19:33 Kirox: such a stupid go mode
- 20:30 Race result recorded by Jimbo