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- 22:08 felixoide4: Is it plugged in?
- 22:08 Chaosicx#9469 is not ready. (4 remaining)
- 22:08 inthenameofDT: thanks
- 22:09 felixoide4: no problem? I guess?
- 22:11 Chaosicx#9469 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:12 felixoide4: Looks good on my end
- 22:13 Alucard2004: unfortunately DT's control stick doesn't work right now
- 22:13 Alucard2004: :(
- 22:13 felixoide4: Auto-start is enabled, so go when you want.
- 22:13 felixoide4: Oh shit
- 22:13 Chaosicx: rip
- 22:13 Alucard2004: he's troubleshooting, but we're not sure what the problem is
- 22:13 Alucard2004: other buttons are binding fine, but the analog stick is rip
- 22:13 felixoide4: Uhhh, is he focused on the lua console or on the bizhawk window?
- 22:14 Alucard2004: i think he closed bizhawk and reopened so no lua
- 22:14 Alucard2004: the other buttons are binding fine tho
- 22:14 felixoide4: Ok, I'll try and see what could cause that
- 22:14 Alucard2004: yeah we're looking
- 22:14 Alucard2004: sorry for the delay
- 22:14 Chaosicx: np
- 22:14 inthenameofDT: trying to just find another controller
- 22:14 inthenameofDT: sorry
- 22:15 felixoide4: So the stick itself just wasn't being recognized?
- 22:15 Alucard2004: yes, other buttons seemed to work ok
- 22:15 felixoide4: Ok
- 22:15 inthenameofDT: every button stopped after that
- 22:15 inthenameofDT: couldn't even use my discord hotkey with it
- 22:16 felixoide4: huh, never heard of that one before
- 22:17 Alucard2004: new controller seems to be working
- 22:17 felixoide4: good
- 22:17 Alucard2004: might be a controller issue, but at least we might be sorted
- 22:17 Dutoc#1329 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:17 felixoide4: We can look into the issue afterwards if you'd like
- 22:17 Alucard2004: Thanks for your patience!
- 22:17 Chaosicx: all good
- 22:17 felixoide4: But otherwise, gl and hf!
- 22:17 inthenameofDT: thinking dead controller, with no previous warning signs
- 22:17 inthenameofDT: new controller mapped just fine
- 22:17 inthenameofDT: sorry for the delay
- 22:17 felixoide4: That's what it sounds like yeah
- 22:17 felixoide4: All good, you gave me some time to eat
- 22:17 Chaosicx: you guys take a bit of extra time now, and we'll route poorly and lose hard
- 22:18 Alucard2004: good plan
- 22:18 Alucard2004: I like when my opponent knows when I'm gonna skip kak
- 22:18 Chaosicx: pog
- 22:19 Alucard2004#0271 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:19 inthenameofDT: thanks again guys >.< =(
- 22:19 Chaosicx: np, glhf guys!
- 22:19 inthenameofDT: im ready if you're all still good to go
- 22:19 Alucard2004: gl hf :)
- 22:19 Chaosicx: I think we're good
- 22:19 Mindame: we good
- 22:19 inthenameofDT#4078 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:19 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:19 WildAnaconda69: glgl
- 22:19 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:34 Chaosicx: !fpa
- 22:34 RandoBot: @everyone FPA has been invoked by @Chaosicx.
- 22:34 Chaosicx: Dutoc lost connection
- 22:34 Alucard2004: pausing
- 22:34 WildAnaconda69: paused
- 22:34 inthenameofDT: paused
- 22:34 Mindame: paused
- 22:35 felixoide4: Alright
- 22:35 felixoide4: 5
- 22:35 felixoide4: 4
- 22:35 felixoide4: 3
- 22:35 felixoide4: 2
- 22:35 felixoide4: 1
- 22:35 felixoide4: Go
- 01:04 Alucard2004#0271 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:44:50!
- 01:41 WildAnaconda69#7808 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:21:29!
- 02:23 Chaosicx#9469 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 4:03:30!
- 02:30 inthenameofDT#4078 has finished in 4th place with a time of 4:10:47!
- 02:30 Chaosicx: ggs
- 02:30 WildAnaconda69: gg
- 02:30 Mindame: gg
- 02:30 inthenameofDT: gg's
- 02:30 Chaosicx: this seed my god
- 02:30 Alucard2004: gg
- 02:30 Dutoc#1329 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:30 Mindame: where p2 kok sword?
- 02:30 Mindame#5317 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:30 Race finished in 4:11:13.7
- 02:31 Chaosicx: three way 1-item go mode lock
- 02:31 Alucard2004: oh no
- 02:31 Chaosicx: for last 1:15
- 02:31 Mindame: just hit BK mode
- 02:31 Mindame: on sword
- 02:31 Dutoc: gg
- 02:32 Alucard2004: don't remember tbh
- 02:35 felixoide4: GG!
- 02:38 Alucard2004: P2 kokiri sword was in P3 GTG
- 02:38 Alucard2004: just looked it up gg!