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- 16:46 Vodzilla: go for it
- 16:46 Xopar: !roll
- 16:46 Xopar: inc 1 piece th
- 16:46 Xopar: !seed
- 16:46 RSLBot: Rolling seed…
- 16:47 RSLBot: Xopar, here is your seed:
- 16:47 RSLBot updated the race information.
- 16:47 RSLBot: The hash is Cucco, Cucco, Gold Scale, SOLD OUT, Gold Scale.
- 16:47 Xopar: you're on vc right? so someone will need to check your settings
- 16:47 Xopar: ra*
- 16:47 Xopar: im on vc
- 16:47 Xopar: no fpa for this match so no breaks or any of that stuff
- 16:48 Vodzilla: accurate
- 16:48 emosoda: I’m on emu yeah
- 16:48 Xopar: do you have clean audio?
- 16:48 Xopar: kekekekek
- 16:48 Vodzilla: wtf is happening
- 16:48 Xopar: lets make it a 3 way
- 16:48 emosoda joins the race.
- 16:48 Vodzilla: BAWH GAWD IS THAT EMO'S MUSIC?
- 16:48 emosoda: Aight
- 16:48 emosoda: :P
- 16:48 emosoda quits the race.
- 16:48 Xopar: on the restream
- 16:49 Xopar: "in the xopar v vodzilla match, it appears that....emosoda? has won?"
- 16:49 emosoda: lmao
- 16:49 Xopar: but yeah, do you have clean audio vod? =X
- 16:49 Vodzilla: i do
- 16:49 VXR441: is the music dmca safe?
- 16:50 Vodzilla: i took out all the rick astley and smashmouth and such - all the custom songs are from video games
- 16:50 Xopar: i think chrono trigger is bad too
- 16:50 Vodzilla: ain't got none of chrono
- 16:51 Xopar invites vxr441#1566 to join the race.
- 16:51 Xopar promoted vxr441#1566 to race monitor.
- 16:51 Xopar removes vxr441#1566 from the race.
- 16:51 Xopar: auto start if off, vxr you can start
- 16:51 VXR441: cool
- 16:52 Xopar: i hope rslbot rolled us a hellmode seed
- 16:52 Xopar: i almost beat that seed last night
- 16:52 Xopar: got to 92 tokens, had SoT locked stuff in spirit, bow locked stuff in forest, and 10 poes left
- 16:53 Xopar: capture card working first try zsrLewd
- 16:54 Vodzilla: 267
- 16:54 Xopar: i dont know what that means r0b =X
- 16:54 Vodzilla: it means we're fucked
- 16:54 Xopar: thats low right?
- 16:54 r0bd0g: not that low
- 16:54 r0bd0g: probably a couple
- 16:55 Xopar: ah nice
- 16:55 Vodzilla: fuck i gotta turn off all my alerts
- 16:55 r0bd0g: barely possible for it to be none
- 16:55 Xopar: oh dang
- 16:55 Xopar: what is none?
- 16:55 Xopar: like 150ish?
- 16:55 PolarBailey: glhf YALL
- 16:55 r0bd0g: none is like 160 to 260 range usually idk lol
- 16:56 r0bd0g: if you want a guess I'll say there's 2
- 16:56 r0bd0g: glhf :O
- 16:59 VXR441: I've switched to the game layout so your live soon is on the restream xopar
- 17:00 Xopar: KEK
- 17:02 Vodzilla#9485 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:02 Xopar is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:03 Vodzilla: time to throw POGDOG
- 17:03 Xopar: sorry was setting up and didnt see time =X
- 17:03 VXR441: glhf!
- 17:03 Vodzilla: glhf
- 17:03 vxr441#1566 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:11 Vodzilla#9485 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:08:03!
- 17:11 Vodzilla#9485 is no longer done.
- 17:12 Vodzilla: my b
- 17:12 Xopar: kekekekek
- 17:12 Xopar: gg
- 17:13 Star1468: KEKW you guys
- 17:13 Star1468: I'm taking over as restreamer, also tracking
- 19:58 Vodzilla#9485 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:54:19!
- 19:58 Vodzilla#9485 is no longer done.
- 19:58 Vodzilla: sry again damnit
- 19:58 Xopar: bruh
- 19:59 Star1468: lol
- 21:32 Xopar: its 4:33
- 21:32 Xopar: chaz is informign me its time to go to the park
- 21:34 Vodzilla: whatchu wanna do
- 21:39 Xopar has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:36:10!
- 21:40 Xopar: gg!
- 21:40 Star1468: GG!
- 21:40 Vodzilla#9485 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:40 Race finished in 4:36:38.8
- 21:40 RSLBot: Here is the spoiler log:
- 21:40 Vodzilla: gg
- 21:40 Star1468: Interview guys?
- 21:40 Xopar: ok
- 21:40 Star1468: lights in the shadow BK chest
- 21:40 Vodzilla: sure
- 17:13 Race result recorded by Cubsrule21#2508