
Ocarina of Time Randomizer OoTR Random settings league RSL of the day baybay ! Start around XX:30 (13h30 CET) (Waiting for Cybrou Kappa) Random Settings League HashGoldScale HashBombchu HashStoneOfAgony HashCucco HashSaw https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1855554
Opened by
GreenPepperCH #3489
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
  • videocam
  • list_alt
  • filter_2
  • filter_3
  • filter_4
  • visibility
  • chevron_right
  • chevron_left
  1. 1st GreenPepperCH #3489 he / him Finished 77
  2. 2nd Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 1,261
  3. 3rd Ch0c0 #3389 he / him Finished 41
  4. 4th DinoLink #7948 he / him Finished 94
  5. 5th Machie #1863 he / him more gerudo carded ICANT Finished 8
  6. 6th Timmy2405 #6103 he / him Finished 22
  7. 7th Kratyos #7542 he / him Finished 19
  8. 8th Garon #5217 Finished 15
  9. 9th Cybrou #8097 he / him Finished 21
  10. 10th Blueguy #5937 he / him Finished 66
10 entrants (0 inactive)