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- 23:36 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Let me roll a seed for you. I promise it won't hurt.
- 23:36 RandoBot: If this is a draft race, use !s7 tournament for official matches, otherwise use !s7 <draft|random>
- 23:36 JasonArilani joins the race.
- 23:36 alfalfa#3653 joins the race.
- 23:36 alfalfa: o/
- 23:37 JasonArilani: Heyo
- 23:37 JasonArilani: Gonna go heat up a quick thing for food and then we can do things
- 23:38 alfalfa: no hurry, take yr time
- 23:51 JasonArilani: I have returned. Food was delicious. Do you want to roll the seed or do you want me to?
- 23:52 alfalfa: yeah go for it
- 23:55 JasonArilani:
- 23:56 alfalfa: hoping it's a fun one
- 23:56 JasonArilani: I heard the other two today were ass. So we'll see if this one is or not xD
- 23:56 alfalfa: i was watching aughoti's race, it was such a trash board
- 23:58 alfalfa#3653 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:58 alfalfa: no hurry, ready whenever
- 23:59 alfalfa: oh wait, just checking - we mark squares that aren't part of the tree, right?
- 23:59 alfalfa: and beat ganon at the end?
- 00:03 JasonArilani: Yeah. We still mark all squares. Just need to form the tree and then beat Ganon.
- 00:03 alfalfa: sounds good!
- 00:03 JasonArilani: And sorry for the delay. Trying to get a Bingo gossip stones layout to work properly
- 00:03 alfalfa: no worries
- 00:12 alfalfa: any progress?
- 00:14 JasonArilani: Yep. Got myself ready to go. Sorry about that
- 00:14 alfalfa: no problem, glhf!
- 00:15 JasonArilani: GLHF!
- 00:15 JasonArilani is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:15 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:15 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:13 alfalfa: forgot to mark that one, so sorry
- 03:45 alfalfa#3653 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:30:12!
- 03:46 JasonArilani has forfeited from the race.
- 03:46 Race finished in 3:31:15.5
- 03:46 alfalfa: ggs, rough seed
- 03:46 JasonArilani: GG
- 03:46 JasonArilani: It was an interesting one for sure.
- 03:46 JasonArilani: Where was Ruto's?
- 03:46 alfalfa: twinrova
- 03:47 JasonArilani: Damn
- 03:47 alfalfa: i didn't have much else left
- 03:47 alfalfa: couple of items in water, a few overworld checks
- 03:47 alfalfa: pretty brutal location for it
- 03:47 JasonArilani: Yeah... I figured you were still looking for it but had assumed that you had already beaten all of Spirit when you marked the Stone of Agony square
- 03:48 alfalfa: i had a rough rova fight, i almost died
- 03:48 JasonArilani: So I went in, got the child skull, and left
- 03:48 JasonArilani: I definitely wasn't finding that
- 03:48 alfalfa: sorry again about forgetting the shadow keys square
- 03:48 JasonArilani: That's okay. I forgot to mark the 3 Boots square until maybe 30 minutes after I got the Irons
- 03:49 alfalfa: super close race, that could've gone either way
- 03:49 JasonArilani: Definitely
- 03:49 JasonArilani: I'm glad that it was that close
- 03:49 alfalfa: me too, i enjoyed that a lot!
- 03:50 alfalfa: i'm gonna figure out how to submit the results and then hit the sack, thanks again fro the race