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- 13:12 P.Titou: who's sarannis?
- 13:13 GoldenSierpinski: Our British friend
- 13:13 GoldenSierpinski: in RG's Discord
- 13:13 P.Titou: oh okay
- 13:14 keymakr: im just happy i woke up in time for today race
- 13:14 keymakr: last week i woke up like 15 mins after it started
- 13:14 DobbyDigital: Huh, Snarky isn't here either
- 13:16 keymakr: seed 15 mins before or 10 mins before?
- 13:16 GoldenSierpinski: 10
- 13:16 keymakr: wow, punishing us vcheaters i see
- 13:16 keymakr: Kappa
- 13:16 DobbyDigital: That's what you get for VCheating Kappa
- 13:17 keymakr: thats fair
- 13:18 GoldenSierpinski: I'll try to make it 15 minutes in the future. I didn't realize getting things set up on VC was so disgusting
- 13:18 GoldenSierpinski: But for today, you VCheaters must suffer OpieOP
- 13:19 keymakr: its fine, 10 is usually enough
- 13:19 P.Titou: 10 is allright
- 13:19 keymakr: if something goes wrong its a problem tho
- 13:19 DobbyDigital: Don't have a problem then Kappa
- 13:19 Hapenfors: 4Head
- 13:19 keymakr: need to make the seed, put it on a sd card, get that into the wii, then install the wad file on the wii.
- 13:19 P.Titou: what's the wr for that? Kappa
- 13:19 keymakr: and my computer doesnt have an sd card slot so i do it on a laptop
- 13:20 GoldenSierpinski#3145 updated the race information.
- 13:20 GoldenSierpinski:
- 13:20 GoldenSierpinski: Ocarina Stone Chicken Chicken Frog
- 13:21 GoldenSierpinski: Snarky skipping this week because of schoolwork
- 13:22 keymakr: :(
- 13:22 DobbyDigital: Schoolworkd FeelsBadMan
- 13:22 P.Titou: school in july KEKW
- 13:22 DobbyDigital: That grad student life FeelsBadMan
- 13:22 DobbyDigital#3319 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 13:22 P.Titou: fast installation Pog
- 13:23 DobbyDigital: Everdrive ;)
- 13:23 Titou#0711 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 13:24 DobbyDigital: Are you officially in this race, Golden? You're listed on the side
- 13:24 keymakr#8783 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 13:24 keymakr: nvmd apparently 10 is plenty
- 13:25 P.Titou: sub 2 is possible
- 13:25 keymakr: only if you play on the fast console tho
- 13:25 ArthurOudini: sub2 monkaS
- 13:25 GoldenSierpinski: Kokiri Emerald for the Free Slot
- 13:25 GoldenSierpinski: Man, I think the randomizer is rigged. It's so rare that we get a medallion to start with
- 13:26 Hapenfors: It's so rare that we have a nice bomb bag location too DansGame
- 13:26 shaggy#1594 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 13:27 Hapenfors#5331 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 13:29 ArthurOudini#1948 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 13:29 keymakr: .shame
- 13:30 GoldenSierpinski#3145 quits the race.
- 13:30 DobbyDigital: Wow, Golden forfeiting before even starting. That's how you know it's a bad seed Kappa
- 13:30 GoldenSierpinski: Kappa
- 13:30 Hapenfors: monkaS
- 13:30 GoldenSierpinski: Good luck everyone! Kappa
- 13:30 keymakr: RG busy being attacked by beard ninjas
- 13:30 P.Titou: is that a plando? monkaS
- 13:30 Hapenfors: All aboard the AD 50 skulls no bomb bag seed tuuut tuuut
- 13:31 DobbyDigital: monkaS
- 13:31 TheSnarkyLesbian: Yeah I bet Golden made sure the bombs are even less acquirable this time
- 13:31 ArthurOudini: gl hf monkaS
- 13:31 Runnerguy2489#0756 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 13:31 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 13:31 GoldenSierpinski: bombs pepeHands
- 13:31 keymakr: glhf
- 13:31 P.Titou: glhf
- 13:31 shaggy: glhf
- 13:31 Hapenfors: GL HF <3
- 13:31 GoldenSierpinski: glhf
- 13:31 DobbyDigital: glhf
- 13:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 14:45 shaggy: is trials skip allowed in ddr?
- 14:46 keymakr: dont need to barrier is off
- 14:46 shaggy: oh ok
- 16:54 Titou#0711 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:23:15!
- 16:55 Hapenfors: gg
- 16:55 DobbyDigital: gg
- 16:55 Titou#0711 added a comment: "Happy 4th of July, America! :D"
- 16:56 TheSnarkyLesbian: All Countries Matter :D
- 16:56 keymakr: gg
- 17:02 ArthurOudini#1948 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:31:00!
- 17:08 Runnerguy2489#0756 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:36:42!
- 17:08 Hapenfors: ggs
- 17:08 ArthurOudini: ggs
- 17:08 keymakr: ggs
- 17:15 Runnerguy2489#0756 added a comment: "oof"
- 17:23 Hapenfors#5331 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:52:17!
- 17:24 Hapenfors#5331 added a comment: ""YEP""
- 17:35 keymakr#8783 has finished in 5th place with a time of 4:03:28!
- 17:35 keymakr: well fuck that
- 17:35 keymakr#8783 added a comment: "AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!"
- 18:29 DobbyDigital#3319 has finished in 6th place with a time of 4:57:59!
- 18:30 DobbyDigital#3319 added a comment: "Definitely a Golden seed. Oof"
- 19:26 shaggy#1594 has finished in 7th place with a time of 5:54:29!
- 19:26 Race finished in 5:54:29.3
- 19:28 shaggy#1594 added a comment: "couldn't find boomerang"