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- 18:50 Hellknight86: Who is which world on which team?
- 18:50 LePlopeur: Hey, when we choose a new team it put a random name, how to change it?
- 18:50 Hamsda: @drachma_
- 18:51 Hamsda: you need to actually create it and invite the others
- 18:51 Alaszun: @LePlopeur from the page hams linked click "Manage" on your team and you can change the name
- 18:52 Drachma_: he found thanks :)
- 18:52 LePlopeur#3629 joins slideshow &co.
- 18:52 Drachma_#2581 joins slideshow &co.
- 18:52 Nopons#4783 joins slideshow &co.
- 18:52 soli#9689 requests to join the race.
- 18:53 Drachma_: soli it's a match tournament you can't join ^^
- 18:54 Alaszun: soli's their third
- 18:54 Hamsda#9463 accepts a request to join from soli#9689.
- 18:54 Alaszun: just under whatever name he's sing rn
- 18:54 Drachma_: not sariasObject?
- 18:54 Alaszun: that's midori
- 18:54 Hamsda: that is midori
- 18:54 Drachma_: ok my bad
- 18:55 Alaszun: lots of$_1000x1000_$&$product=PartyCity/175745 going on rn
- 18:55 Hamsda: @Hellknight86 can you join real quick so I can give you race monitor so you can start?
- 18:55 midori: :)
- 18:55 Hellknight86#4990 requests to join the race.
- 18:55 Hamsda#9463 promoted Hellknight86#4990 to race monitor.
- 18:56 Hamsda#9463 removes Hellknight86#4990 from the race.
- 18:56 Alaszun: soli make sure you join your team please here
- 18:56 Hellknight86: Tip: You can invite someone to gve them race monitor
- 18:56 Hamsda: i see
- 18:56 Hamsda: i always forget you can invite
- 18:57 soli#9689 joins The 3 Ahegaos.
- 19:00 Hellknight86: Who is which world?
- 19:01 FantaTanked: soli - 1, midori - 2, fanta - 3
- 19:01 LePlopeur: I'm P1,nopons P2 and drachma's P3
- 19:01 LePlopeur: hash is hammer GS bow SoA GS right?
- 19:03 FantaTanked: hammer gold scale bow soa gold scale yep
- 19:03 LePlopeur#3629 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 19:03 Nopons#4783 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 19:04 Hamsda: viel glück!
- 19:07 FantaTanked#6752 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 19:08 FantaTanked: vanilla bridge is light arrows + shadow + spirit right?
- 19:08 Drachma_: yes
- 19:08 FantaTanked: ok ty
- 19:08 Drachma_#2581 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:09 Hellknight86: How close are you to ready?
- 19:09 FantaTanked: we're in the bizhawk room so shouldn't be long
- 19:10 midori#0072 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:10 soli#9689 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:10 FantaTanked: glhf
- 19:11 LePlopeur: gl hf
- 19:11 midori: if anything fps happens can you guys say in this chat cause we're not in VC
- 19:11 midori: Fpa*
- 19:11 FantaTanked: i'm in vc as well just in case
- 19:12 midori: Oh ok
- 19:12 FantaTanked: but yeah here first if better so soli / midori can see
- 19:12 FantaTanked: is*
- 19:12 Drachma_: you don't vocal together?
- 19:13 FantaTanked: no
- 19:13 Hellknight86: We are good
- 19:13 Drachma_: that legit they don't go in vocal in discord MW?
- 19:14 Drachma_: another chanel
- 19:14 FantaTanked: no voice chat, i'm in the multiworld though
- 19:14 FantaTanked: multiworld vc room*
- 19:15 FantaTanked: can we get going please
- 19:17 Hamsda: up to hellknight
- 19:17 Hamsda: once restream is ready
- 19:17 FantaTanked: he said they were ready
- 19:17 Hamsda: did not see, my bad
- 19:17 Hamsda: well lets go then
- 19:17 Hamsda: have fun
- 19:17 FantaTanked: glgl
- 19:17 Drachma_: GL
- 19:17 Hamsda#9463 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:18 Hamsda: sorry for the delay
- 19:18 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:59 Nopons#4783 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:41:31!
- 23:13 LePlopeur#3629 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:55:27!
- 23:49 midori#0072 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 4:31:10!
- 23:51 Drachma_#2581 has finished in 4th place with a time of 4:33:08!
- 23:51 Hellknight86: GG
- 23:51 Drachma_: GG
- 23:51 LePlopeur: gg
- 23:51 Hamsda: gg
- 23:51 Nopons: gg
- 23:51 Hellknight86: Would you like to join us for an interview?
- 23:52 FantaTanked: gg
- 23:53 LePlopeur: I can
- 23:53 LePlopeur: but I think nopons and drachma wont
- 23:53 Hellknight86: Alright
- 23:53 Hellknight86: join a VC in the TSG discord :)
- 23:55 midori: ggs
- 23:55 LePlopeur: I'l in 1-1
- 00:02 soli#9689 has finished in 5th place with a time of 4:44:08!
- 00:08 FantaTanked#6752 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:08 Race finished in 4:50:01.9
- 07:59 Race result recorded by Xopar