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- 18:27 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 18:27 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 18:27 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 18:27 Chimpanreeve#9719 joins the race.
- 18:28 Xef199221#3025 joins the race.
- 18:29 Xef199221: Hey !
- 18:29 Chimpanreeve: Hey Xef
- 18:30 Xef199221: Guess I'm early today XD
- 18:31 Chimpanreeve: or just on time ;)
- 18:43 Chimpanreeve: now everyone is just late Kappa
- 18:43 Xef199221: Yeah XD
- 18:43 Nopons#4783 joins the race.
- 18:44 Chimpanreeve: Hey Nopons
- 18:44 Nopons: hey
- 18:44 Xef199221: Hey
- 18:44 Nopons: 1st time i race on racetime :)
- 18:45 Chimpanreeve: welcome to the future
- 18:45 Kirox#6033 joins the race.
- 18:45 Chimpanreeve: Hey Kirox
- 18:46 Kirox: Hey Chimp, Nopons, Xef o/
- 18:46 Chimpanreeve: okay quick admin for those that are here
- 18:47 Chimpanreeve: if you are running Emulator, please ensure your FPS display is on. If you are running on Retroarch, please display your framerate settings when you go live
- 18:47 Xef199221: If you're on VC, you just understood that VC > emu Kappa
- 18:47 Kirox: Xef you traitor pieMad
- 18:47 Chimpanreeve: Both teams have signed the FPA, OPWBR, please join voice channel race 3-1 when you are ready, DDR please join Race3-2
- 18:47 Chimpanreeve: that all clear?
- 18:48 Xef199221: Clear !
- 18:48 Nopons: yep
- 18:48 Kirox: crystal clear
- 18:48 Chimpanreeve: I'll hand out the patch now. I'll ping Plopeur in a couple of minutes to see where they are
- 18:48 Chimpanreeve:
- 18:54 Chimpanreeve: Leplopeur will be 15 minutes late
- 18:54 Nopons: :(
- 18:54 Chimpanreeve: is everyone okay with that?
- 18:54 Xef199221: Sure, no problem
- 19:10 LePlopeur#3629 joins the race.
- 19:10 Chimpanreeve: o/
- 19:11 Chimpanreeve:
- 19:11 Chimpanreeve: race patch is there dude
- 19:11 Xef199221#3025 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 19:15 LePlopeur: all ready, just need racetime to update that I'm live
- 19:15 Kirox#6033 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 19:15 LePlopeur: sry for being late
- 19:15 LePlopeur: ife happen
- 19:15 Kirox: npnp
- 19:15 Xef199221: No worries !
- 19:15 LePlopeur#3629 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:16 Nopons#4783 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:16 Xef199221: GLHF !
- 19:16 Kirox: GL HF
- 19:16 Nopons: glhf
- 19:16 LePlopeur: GL HF
- 19:16 LePlopeur: may the best baguette win
- 19:16 Chimpanreeve: okay GL to both teams, if you need to enact the FPA, please directly ping me in Discord
- 19:16 Chimpanreeve#9719 quits the race.
- 19:16 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:16 10...
- 19:16 5...
- 19:16 4...
- 19:16 3...
- 19:16 2...
- 19:16 1...
- 19:17 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:32 jimmy neutron: i missed it
- 22:38 Xef199221#3025 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:21:26!
- 22:41 LePlopeur#3629 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:24:19!
- 22:41 Kirox#6033 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:24:46!
- 22:41 Chimpanreeve: Holy shit guys what a race
- 22:42 Kirox: what a seed
- 22:42 Kirox: gg guys
- 22:42 LePlopeur: we lost
- 22:42 LePlopeur: coz we both died in ganons tower
- 22:42 LePlopeur: on the knuckle LUL
- 22:42 Kirox: WE BOTH DIED TOO
- 22:42 Kirox: LMAO
- 22:42 LePlopeur: I afk 10min too LUL
- 22:42 Chimpanreeve: I fucking died when you all died LUL
- 22:42 Xef199221: Never a seed like this one monkaS
- 22:42 Nopons#4783 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:25:51!
- 22:42 Race finished in 3:25:51.3
- 22:42 LePlopeur: that gtg plz
- 22:42 Xef199221: Never again
- 22:42 Xef199221: Yeah
- 22:43 Chimpanreeve: what a race, GG all of you
- 22:43 Xef199221: 3 trip GTG KEKW
- 22:43 LePlopeur: only 2
- 22:43 Kirox: at least Chimp must have had fun lol
- 22:43 LePlopeur: I killed morpha KEKW
- 22:43 Xef199221: GGs that was a close one