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- 12:01 GreenPepperCH: bah g mis
- 12:01 kammy: c'est du standard greenpepper je reconnais
- 12:02 GreenPepperCH: bah non, shopsanity, scrubsanity, close dot, ocarina shuffle
- 12:02 GreenPepperCH: precompleted dj
- 12:03 GreenPepperCH: on ajoute vanilla spawn
- 12:03 Kenpachi: ahbah je part si y'a spawn vanilla x)
- 12:03 GreenPepperCH#3489 updated the race information.
- 12:04 GreenPepperCH: !seed random shop deku open scrubs affordable dot closed ocarina shuffle bridge precompleted start vanilla
- 12:04 Mido: Désolé GreenPepperCH, je ne reconnais pas un des settings. Utilisez cette liste :
- 12:04 Mido: weirdegg: skip (défaut: Skip Child Zelda) ou shuffle
- 12:04 Mido: start: random (défaut) ou vanilla (vanilla spawns, pas de consommables, pas de Deku Shield)
- 12:04 Mido: keysy: off (défaut) ou on
- 12:04 Mido: camc: on (défaut) ou off
- 12:04 Mido: deku: closed (défaut) ou open
- 12:04 Mido: card: vanilla (défaut) ou shuffle
- 12:04 Mido: merchants: off (défaut) ou shuffle
- 12:04 Mido: ocarina: startwith (défaut) ou shuffle
- 12:04 Mido: chubags: off (défaut) ou on
- 12:04 Mido: dungeon-er: off (défaut), on ou mixed
- 12:04 Mido: songs: songs (défaut), anywhere ou dungeon (difficile)
- 12:04 Mido: cows: off (défaut) ou on
- 12:04 Mido: shops: off (défaut) ou random
- 12:04 Mido: scrubs: off (défaut) ou affordable
- 12:04 Mido: skulls: off (défaut), dungeons, overworld (difficile) ou all (difficile)
- 12:04 Mido: bosskeys: dungeon (défaut) ou anywhere
- 12:04 Mido: warps: off (défaut) ou on
- 12:04 Mido: dot: open (défaut) ou closed
- 12:04 Mido: fountain: closed (défaut) ou open
- 12:04 Mido: boss-er: off (défaut) ou on
- 12:04 Mido: 1major: off (défaut) ou on
- 12:04 Mido: bridge: <4–6>meds (GBK 6 meds, défaut: 6), stones (3 stones, GBK 6 rewards), vanilla (GBK 6 meds), <5–9>dungeons, precompleted (9 rewards, 2 pre-completed dungeons, map/compass gives info)
- 12:04 Mido: shortcuts: off (défaut) ou on (difficile)
- 12:04 Mido: mixed-er: off (défaut) ou on (difficile: intérieurs et grottos mixés)
- 12:04 Mido: keysanity: off (défaut), on (difficile) ou keyrings (difficile)
- 12:04 Mido: trials: 0 (défaut) ou random (difficile)
- 12:04 Mido: itempool: balanced (défaut), minimal (difficile) ou scarce (difficile)
- 12:04 Mido: reachable: all (défaut) ou required (difficile)
- 12:04 Deeplygends: shops random au lieu de random shop
- 12:04 GreenPepperCH: roh mais nique-toi mido
- 12:04 GreenPepperCH: !seed shops random deku open scrubs affordable dot closed ocarina shuffle bridge precompleted start vanilla
- 12:04 Mido: Génération d'une seed avec vanilla start, open Deku, shuffled ocarinas, shopsanity random, scrubsanity affordable, closed Door of Time et 2 pre-completed dungeons…
- 12:04 GreenPepperCH: merki <3 Deeply
- 12:04 Deeplygends: soit gentil avec Mido STP
- 12:05 Mido: @entrants Voici votre seed :
- 12:05 Mido: Le spoiler log sera disponible sur le lien de la seed après la seed.
- 12:05 Mido updated the race information.
- 12:05 GreenPepperCH: Pardon
- 12:05 Deeplygends: C'est lui qui genere la seed et un jour les IA domineront le monde donc soit gentil
- 12:07 GreenPepperCH: ok jvais chercher de l'eau + café + caca et j'suis ready :)
- 12:11 Yoyocarina#2131 joins the race.
- 12:11 Yoyocarina: Hello hello
- 12:12 GreenPepperCH: Yoyo Pog
- 12:13 GreenPepperCH#3489 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 12:13 kammy#1898 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 12:14 Kenpachi#5219 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 12:16 RyuuKane#3246 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 12:17 Yoyocarina#2131 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 12:17 KCNecro#5721 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 12:17 PetiteLulu: glhf
- 12:17 PetiteLulu#7727 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 12:17 GreenPepperCH: gl hf tlm
- 12:17 RyuuKane: GLHF
- 12:17 GreenPepperCH: <3
- 12:17 Kenpachi: glhf
- 12:18 Yoyocarina: GLHF
- 12:18 Arah_Masky: GLHF
- 12:18 kammy: GL pas de fun pour kenpa par contre
- 12:18 Arah_Masky#9960 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 12:18 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 12:18 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 12:34 Arah_Masky#9960 has forfeited from the race.
- 12:35 Arah_Masky#9960 added a comment.
- 12:38 Arah_Masky#9960 has un-forfeited from the race.
- 12:44 Arah_Masky#9960 has forfeited from the race.
- 12:45 Arah_Masky#9960 added a comment.
- 14:47 KCNecro#5721 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:28:58!
- 14:47 Yoyocarina: GG !
- 14:47 Yoyocarina#2131 has forfeited from the race.
- 14:48 KCNecro: merci gg
- 14:48 RyuuKane: GG!
- 14:48 PetiteLulu: gg
- 14:48 GreenPepperCH: gg
- 14:50 Yoyocarina#2131 added a comment.
- 14:57 RyuuKane#3246 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:38:59!
- 14:58 RyuuKane#3246 added a comment.
- 15:00 PetiteLulu: gg
- 15:02 RyuuKane: ty gg
- 15:06 kammy#1898 has forfeited from the race.
- 15:06 kammy#1898 added a comment.
- 15:06 PetiteLulu#7727 has forfeited from the race.
- 15:06 GreenPepperCH: bouuuh
- 15:31 Kenpachi#5219 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:12:45!
- 15:32 GreenPepperCH#3489 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:13:54!
- 15:32 Race finished in 3:13:55.0