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- 19:49 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 19:49 Mido updated the race information.
- 19:49 alkalineace#3477 accepts an invitation to join.
- 19:50 Ramond#9520 accepts an invitation to join.
- 19:52 Ramond: any restreamer?
- 19:53 alkalineace: Marius is taking it
- 19:54 alkalineace: same as game 1
- 19:58 Cokotier: glhf
- 19:59 Ramond: ok im set
- 19:59 Ramond: glhf
- 19:59 alkalineace: i'm also set
- 19:59 Ramond#9520 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:00 alkalineace: alright, seems restream is ready too, so let's go
- 20:00 alkalineace: glhf !
- 20:00 alkalineace#3477 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:13 Ramond#9520 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:12:44!
- 21:13 alkalineace#3477 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:13 Race finished in 1:12:48.9
- 21:13 alkalineace: gg
- 21:13 Ramond: omg gg
- 21:13 alkalineace: str3 in spirit ?
- 21:13 Ramond: yea
- 21:13 alkalineace: so i was correct to skip deku then
- 21:13 Ramond: dang, i was so sure i was gonna lose after not doing lake bean foreeeever
- 21:13 Cokotier: ggs
- 21:13 Ramond: so much unnecessary backtracking
- 21:13 alkalineace: i did too much things early
- 21:13 Ramond: what were you missing for spirit?
- 21:13 alkalineace: i'm in
- 21:14 Ramond: ah ok
- 21:14 alkalineace: which chest ?
- 21:14 Ramond: main lobby, the one opposite of the 4key door adult side
- 21:14 Ramond: i was in spirit first time without hook and couldnt get it lol
- 21:14 Ramond: felt terrible
- 21:14 alkalineace: oh this one
- 21:14 alkalineace: so i was less than 5mins from finishing
- 21:14 Ramond: yeah most likely
- 21:15 alkalineace: just had to beat any boss then go light trial
- 21:15 alkalineace: would probably choose PG
- 21:15 Ramond: yeah i did pg while i was there
- 21:15 Ramond: how early did you grab hook?
- 21:15 alkalineace: 2 minutes ago
- 21:15 Ramond: insanely terrible hook location too, dang
- 21:15 alkalineace: i knew it was there but it just sucks to go lake
- 21:15 Ramond: it does. i also tried to postpone and maybe get another hook or a sclae somewhere
- 21:16 Ramond: but after doing bad decisions mid-game at some point i just went for it
- 21:16 alkalineace: it's when i got my crater strenth that i went OH SHIT
- 21:16 alkalineace: got baited by saria, went child for that one check in GC
- 21:16 Ramond: lol me too
- 21:17 alkalineace: was a mistake that cost me the race probazbly
- 21:17 Ramond: i mean the crater->gc hint just lined up perfectly
- 21:17 alkalineace: i mean, i lost this BO3 by 6 seconds, i'm perfectly fine with that lmao
- 21:17 Ramond: yeah that's insane
- 21:17 alkalineace: ok time to eat lmao i am hunger
- 21:17 Ramond: hey man
- 21:17 Ramond: ggs, and have fun with totk
- 21:18 Ramond: i was sweating a lot this bo3
- 21:18 alkalineace: yeah me too
- 21:18 alkalineace: can't believe i won one and nearly another
- 21:18 alkalineace: gg and good luck
- 21:18 Ramond: i heard the only reason i won game 1 was because i opened the chest in light trial first, before killing the enemies
- 21:18 alkalineace: i killed mid skull and left bat
- 21:18 alkalineace: took less than 6 s
- 21:18 alkalineace: so not really imho
- 21:18 Ramond: hmm ah, didnt know that
- 21:19 alkalineace: there's a billion things that lost me way more
- 21:19 alkalineace: like falling from roofio in kak at the start ?
- 21:19 alkalineace: KEKW
- 21:19 Ramond: but i still think you're doing pretty well in tfb, reading correctly and stuff
- 21:19 Ramond: oof yeah i lost a league race by 11 seconds due to lots of small execution fails
- 21:19 alkalineace: i think i'm good at reading, but kinda garbo at exec
- 21:20 Ramond: then the more power to you for reading, usually the macro decisions make the game
- 21:20 Ramond: then there're the one-off seeds where it's just seconds
- 21:20 alkalineace: i DID learn the DC bombchu trick last week DURING THE RSL ASYNC LMAO
- 21:20 alkalineace: opened youtube and rolled with it mid race
- 21:20 Ramond: that's cool, it has come in handy a couple times
- 21:20 Ramond: not a bad trick
- 21:21 alkalineace: it helped G2
- 21:21 alkalineace: very good in TFB
- 21:21 alkalineace: more than any other mode
- 21:22 alkalineace: ok i'm dying from hunger, gg and see you later
- 21:22 Ramond: gl in your future endeavors, we'll probably still meet in casual tfb races
- 21:22 Ramond: bon appetit!
- 21:22 alkalineace: thanks !
- 23:13 Race set to not recorded by Jimbo