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- 20:38 Marco#4636 requests to join the race.
- 20:38 JohnnytheJester: just an fyi
- 20:38 Johnny Gameshow#9974 accepts a request to join from Marco#4636.
- 20:40 RickyofKokiri: okay, with both / either of you have clean audio?
- 20:40 Marco: I won't
- 20:40 WTHH: my audio is pretty meh
- 20:40 Marco: ah
- 20:41 Marco: I guess if my audio is better then I can mute my mic
- 20:41 WTHH: maybe you can check right now
- 20:41 RickyofKokiri: yeah let me load your stream
- 20:41 WTHH: it just switches to mono sometimes since the wires are kinda fucked up
- 20:41 Marco: your sound is usually pretty quiet too
- 20:41 RickyofKokiri: oh I see
- 20:41 RickyofKokiri: it sounds fine to me
- 20:41 WTHH: ok cool
- 20:41 Marco: do you want me to have clean audio just in case?
- 20:42 WTHH: i made it a bit louder
- 20:42 RickyofKokiri: oh wait now it's louder and buzzing
- 20:42 WTHH: uh oh
- 20:42 WTHH: ok what about now
- 20:42 RickyofKokiri: okay no buzzing
- 20:43 RickyofKokiri: okay so WTHH just leave your volume there and it should be fine
- 20:43 WTHH: ok
- 20:43 RickyofKokiri: Marco go ahead and use mic we should be okay
- 20:43 Marco: alright
- 20:43 RickyofKokiri: how are you two handling breaks?
- 20:43 Marco: 5min every 2 hours I think?
- 20:43 WTHH: yeah that's good with me
- 20:43 RickyofKokiri: okay
- 20:45 JohnnytheJester: !seed
- 20:45 RSLBot: Rolling seed…
- 20:45 RSLBot: Johnny Gameshow, here is your seed:
- 20:45 RSLBot updated the race information.
- 20:45 RSLBot: The hash is Bottled Milk, Bottled Milk, Stone of Agony, Bottled Fish, Silver Gauntlets.
- 20:45 JohnnytheJester: !fpa
- 20:45 RSLBot: Fair play agreement is not active. Race monitors may enable FPA for this race with !fpa on
- 20:45 JohnnytheJester: !fpa on
- 20:45 RSLBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 20:46 JohnnytheJester: good luck you two
- 20:48 Xopar: Ill be the race mod for you guys. If there are any problems send a ping my way =)
- 20:48 Xopar joins the race.
- 20:48 WTHH: hey xopar
- 20:48 Xopar removes Xopar from the race.
- 20:48 Xopar: hey o/
- 20:49 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 quits the race.
- 20:49 JohnnytheJester: lol
- 20:49 Xopar: auto start is off btw
- 20:49 PolarBailey: Good Luck yall
- 20:49 JohnnytheJester: Doesn't it need to be off?
- 20:50 JohnnytheJester: I need to make you both race mods lol
- 20:51 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 requests to join the race.
- 20:51 Johnny Gameshow#9974 promoted Ricky of Kokiri#9443 to race monitor.
- 20:51 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 withdraws a request to join.
- 21:00 WTHH: shit just need one min
- 21:00 RickyofKokiri: okay
- 21:00 Marco#4636 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:00 WTHH: alright
- 21:01 WTHH: GL HF dude, hope it's a hype one
- 21:01 Marco: good luck!
- 21:01 Marco: let's hope so
- 21:01 WTHH#3353 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:01 RickyofKokiri: okay!
- 21:01 RickyofKokiri: gl hf!
- 21:01 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:58 Xopar: reminder of the break in 5
- 23:03 Xopar: its mid break time btw
- 23:03 Marco: I'm always waiting for the alert
- 23:04 Xopar: ah sorry about that
- 23:05 Xopar: do you want a ping when ready to get going again?
- 23:06 Marco: I guess it's fine if I know in advance I stop and go by myslef
- 23:06 Star1468: yeah
- 23:06 Marco: I stopped late though so I'll wait
- 23:07 Xopar: its no worries, i didnt realize you were going ot be waiting haha. I can ping moving forward
- 23:07 Marco: so when do I start over at this point? =p
- 23:07 Xopar: you were 1:40 late
- 23:07 Marco: okay
- 23:07 Xopar: so 2:06:40
- 00:57 Xopar: break in 5
- 01:01 Xopar: @wthh @marco break time
- 01:06 Xopar: go ahead and resume
- 02:21 WTHH#3353 has finished in 1st place with a time of 5:19:12!
- 02:21 Xopar: gg!
- 02:21 Marco: gg
- 02:21 sanzeau: GG les boys
- 02:21 Xopar: interview?
- 02:22 WTHH: gg
- 02:22 WTHH: yeah
- 02:25 Marco: I guess I'm in go mode so I can get in?
- 02:25 Xopar: join a vc and i can drag you
- 02:40 Marco#4636 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 5:39:00!
- 02:40 Race finished in 5:39:00.1
- 02:40 RSLBot: Here is the spoiler log:
- 17:53 Race result recorded by Xopar