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- 14:58 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 14:58 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 14:59 Suigh#9331 invites BruZZler#7185 to join the race.
- 15:00 BruZZler#7185 accepts an invitation to join.
- 15:00 Suigh#9331 joins the race.
- 15:00 Suigh: Hi!
- 15:00 BruZZler: yo! How are you?
- 15:00 Suigh: im fine
- 15:01 BruZZler: we scheduled for 1h from now right?
- 15:01 Suigh: yes, but im a little bit anxious kkkkk
- 15:01 Suigh: so i already create the room
- 15:03 BruZZler: i see :D
- 15:03 BruZZler: well keep in mind the room deletes itself after 30 min, if not 2 people join. Happened to me once, when my enemy was late.
- 15:04 Suigh: omg
- 15:05 Suigh: ok, lets cancel this room
- 15:05 Suigh: ill create another later
- 15:05 BruZZler: it's fine once 2 people are in
- 15:06 BruZZler: we are safe
- 15:06 Suigh: ok
- 15:29 Suigh#9331 updated the race information.
- 15:45 BruZZler: do you want to rolle the seed? :)
- 15:45 Suigh: no hahaha my seeds are so bad
- 15:46 BruZZler: same KEKW
- 15:46 BruZZler: but i can do it ^^
- 15:46 Suigh: ok =)
- 15:47 BruZZler: !seed league
- 15:47 RandoBot: BruZZler, here is your seed:
- 15:47 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 15:47 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 15:48 BruZZler: !fpa on
- 15:48 RandoBot: Sorry BruZZler, only race monitors can do that.
- 15:49 BruZZler: ok i guess you have to do that command
- 15:51 Suigh: well, im playing in retroarch, so unless my energy wont troll me, ill not have problems with this.
- 15:51 Suigh: but if you got any problem, its ok to me to wait for you until you ragain your progress
- 15:52 Suigh: 5 min pause in 2h?
- 15:52 BruZZler: you should be able to do the command
- 15:52 BruZZler: ok
- 15:52 Suigh: !fpa
- 15:52 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is not active. Race monitors may enable FPA for this race with !fpa on
- 15:52 BruZZler: just pause and start at 2:05=
- 15:52 BruZZler: *?
- 15:52 Suigh: yes
- 15:52 BruZZler: ok i hope i remember :D
- 15:53 BruZZler: otherwise mods need to check
- 15:53 Suigh: me too, but ill text here
- 15:53 BruZZler: ok wierd, i thought it is done that way, nevermind
- 15:54 BruZZler: ah wait you forgot the on
- 15:54 BruZZler: "!fpa" is for calling fpa not for activating
- 15:54 Suigh: !fpa
- 15:54 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is not active. Race monitors may enable FPA for this race with !fpa on
- 15:54 Suigh: !foa on
- 15:55 Suigh: !fpa on
- 15:55 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 15:55 BruZZler: we got it
- 15:55 Suigh: ok, im ready
- 15:55 Suigh#9331 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:55 Suigh#9331 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 15:55 BruZZler: ok gl hf start in 3 seconds
- 15:55 BruZZler#7185 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:55 Suigh#9331 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:55 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:56 Suigh: GLGL
- 15:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:29 Suigh: i forgot the pause kekw
- 18:30 BruZZler: just do it now :D
- 18:30 Suigh: ok
- 18:30 Suigh: 5 min?
- 18:30 BruZZler: y
- 18:31 BruZZler: i paused at 2h for 5min
- 18:32 Suigh: ok, sorry for that
- 19:59 BruZZler#7185 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:03:07!
- 19:59 Suigh#9331 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:59 Race finished in 4:03:15.5
- 19:59 Suigh: \gg
- 19:59 BruZZler: gg
- 19:59 Suigh: what is yout go mode?
- 19:59 BruZZler: how was this seed such a bait
- 20:00 BruZZler: rang
- 20:00 BruZZler: visited ganon at 2:05
- 20:00 Suigh: magic was mine
- 20:00 Suigh: me too
- 20:00 BruZZler: oh yeah magic in light trial
- 20:00 Suigh: omg, what a seed
- 20:00 BruZZler: and then another 2h LUL
- 20:00 Suigh: kkkkkk
- 20:01 BruZZler: i didn't want to go to gtg a second time, i did everything before going there
- 20:01 Suigh: im in well right now
- 20:01 BruZZler: so close
- 20:01 Suigh: i think 7 or 10 min
- 20:02 Suigh: well, gg! next time ill generate the seed ahahahha
- 20:02 Suigh: bye!
- 20:02 BruZZler: bye
- 20:02 BruZZler: yeah i warned you :D
- 22:28 Race result recorded by ArthurOudini#1948