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- 12:30 Yace_Dante: what's the seetings ? leagye ?
- 12:30 Melrose: weekly
- 12:30 Riley: weekly
- 12:30 Riley: and yea
- 12:30 Riley: 10 mins
- 12:30 kzeldero: hi
- 12:30 Melrose: who is cheating in a mentor league
- 12:30 Melrose: hi zeldero
- 12:31 Yace_Dante: AW SCRUBS SANITY
- 12:31 Melrose: no scrubs
- 12:31 Riley: they say its to prep us for when the mai tourneys happen cuz they are all wit hDelay
- 12:31 Melrose: this is the new weekly settings detailed in #racing-announcements
- 12:31 Melrose: fair point
- 12:31 Goomba: nah alttp community is just paranoid as fuck about streamsniping
- 12:31 Goomba: KEKW
- 12:31 Yace_Dante: okay cool
- 12:32 Goomba: just finished the thing i was watching, gonna run to the bathroom rq
- 12:32 Riley: kk
- 12:32 Exodus#5327 joins the race.
- 12:32 Melrose: hi exodus
- 12:32 Yace_Dante#4179 joins the race.
- 12:32 kingzeldero#7369 joins the race.
- 12:32 Jimbo: Hey o7
- 12:33 Jimbo: do I have time to make some coffee really quickly? Literally just woke up lol
- 12:33 Melrose: yo jimbo
- 12:33 Melrose: riley needs this race to start soon
- 12:33 Melrose: like, 2 mins
- 12:33 Riley: if you can speedrun
- 12:33 Riley: and set up real quick
- 12:33 Riley: go for it
- 12:33 Melrose: which we know you can
- 12:33 Riley: not like 2 mins quck
- 12:33 Jimbo: ah okay nvm it’s cool I don’t wanna hold it up
- 12:33 Melrose: no worries
- 12:34 Melrose: any other day we would otherwise
- 12:34 Melrose#4744 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 12:34 Damdayou#9554 joins the race.
- 12:34 Jimbo: Oh yeah it’s cool I understand lol I just slept a few mins too much lmaoo
- 12:34 Exodus#5327 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 12:34 Damdayou: hi! can I still join?
- 12:34 Melrose: we really need to start in the next minute tbh
- 12:34 Melrose: probably not enough time
- 12:35 Melrose: sorry
- 12:35 Riley: how long will you take?
- 12:35 Riley: it seems at this rate its gonna be a bit longer then that mel
- 12:35 Melrose: for context we're already 5 mins over scheduled start
- 12:36 Goomba: obs is being a bitch lol
- 12:36 Melrose: but obs things
- 12:36 Yace_Dante#4179 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 12:36 Melrose: ok saw the others go live so I'll wait
- 12:37 Riley#6863 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 12:37 Goomba#5087 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 12:37 Yace_Dante: something very different about previous weekly ?
- 12:37 Melrose: yes
- 12:37 Damdayou#9554 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 12:37 Sonny#7662 joins the race.
- 12:37 Riley: ganons closed open deku no scrubs
- 12:37 Damdayou: ty very much
- 12:37 Melrose: previous weekly was a scrubs tournament qualifier
- 12:37 Sonny#7662 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 12:37 Melrose: now that's a ready speedrun
- 12:37 Yace_Dante: THANKS
- 12:38 Sonny: Sorry for intrusion
- 12:38 Goomba: the bonta cosplay Pog
- 12:38 Melrose: no worries
- 12:38 Riley: nah its chill
- 12:38 Melrose: kinda feel bad for jimbo now
- 12:38 Sonny: Wasn't sure if I'd be ready in time
- 12:38 kingzeldero#7369 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 12:38 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 12:38 Melrose: glhf
- 12:38 Goomba: glhf
- 12:38 Riley: im sure he can find something else to do in this morning :P
- 12:38 Riley: gl hf!
- 12:38 Damdayou: glhf
- 12:38 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 14:49 Melrose#4744 has forfeited from the race.
- 14:57 Jagger: never gamble kids
- 15:29 Goomba#5087 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:50:31!
- 15:30 Sonny: GG
- 15:31 Goomba: ggs
- 15:32 kzeldero: gg
- 15:48 Exodus#5327 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:09:55!
- 15:49 Sonny: GG
- 15:50 Riley#6863 has forfeited from the race.
- 15:51 Riley#6863 added a comment.
- 15:56 Sonny#7662 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:17:20!
- 16:10 Melrose#4744 added a comment.
- 16:51 Yace_Dante#4179 has finished in 4th place with a time of 4:12:07!
- 16:57 Damdayou#9554 has finished in 5th place with a time of 4:18:14!
- 16:57 kingzeldero#7369 has forfeited from the race.
- 16:57 Race finished in 4:18:50.0
- 17:07 Yace_Dante#4179 added a comment.
- 13:09 Race result recorded by Goomba#5087