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- 19:39 Mido: Welcome! This is a practice room for the 3rd Mixed Pools Tournament. Learn more about the tournament at
- 19:39 incoherent#6156 invites LDK7#6672 to join the race.
- 19:39 incoherent#6156 joins the race.
- 19:40 incoherent: !fpa on
- 19:40 Mido: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell đŸ”” icon below chat.
- 19:45 LDK7#6672 accepts an invitation to join.
- 19:45 LDK7: yo
- 19:46 incoherent: hi
- 19:51 incoherent: !seed
- 19:51 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 19:51 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 19:51 Mido updated the race information.
- 19:51 incoherent: how do you feel about breaks
- 19:52 LDK7: I lean towards preferring them, 5min every 2h is plenty
- 19:52 incoherent: sgtm
- 19:52 incoherent: !breaks 5 every 2
- 19:52 Mido: Breaks set to 5 minutes every 2 hours.
- 19:53 incoherent: sometimes you get a short one in this format but it's nice to have them on the longer seeds
- 19:53 LDK7: ye
- 19:59 incoherent: ok happy hiking
- 19:59 incoherent#6156 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:59 LDK7: glhf
- 19:59 LDK7#6672 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:59 incoherent: glhf
- 20:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:55 Mido: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 22:00 Mido: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 22:00 incoherent: breaking
- 22:00 LDK7: paused
- 22:03 LDK7: is there protocol for what to do if you're in a cutscene as break starts? It barely didn't happen to me just now, I assume pause emulator is sufficient but idk what a vc player would do besides wait an additional 10 or whatever seconds after the implied break period finished
- 22:03 incoherent: kinda just best effort; you could delay your start by however long the cutscene lasted
- 22:04 LDK7: k
- 22:04 incoherent: fwiw I hit reset at like :59 but that'll probably be close enough
- 22:05 Mido: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 23:55 Mido: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 00:00 Mido: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 00:00 incoherent: breaking
- 00:01 LDK7#6672 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:00:59!
- 00:01 LDK7: gg either way, dunno if 1 minute matters
- 00:02 incoherent: you are actually supposed to break even during the ganon fight
- 00:02 incoherent: I'm not going to make it in 1 minute but I'm gonna play it out legit
- 00:04 LDK7: feels weird that you have to even with less than 1 minute of gameplay left but noted, if this comes up again I'll break
- 00:05 Mido: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 00:11 incoherent#6156 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 4:11:34!
- 00:11 Race finished in 4:11:34.6
- 00:11 incoherent: gg
- 00:12 LDK7: gg again
- 00:12 incoherent: I had just warped back to kak after barinade at the 4h mark
- 00:12 LDK7: Did you do spirit?
- 00:12 incoherent: everything but the boss
- 00:12 incoherent: since I didn't have a way to get the BK when I went there as child
- 00:12 incoherent: also did the str3 checks
- 00:12 LDK7: I actually metagamed myself out of doing spirit
- 00:12 incoherent: only did the front of forest at least
- 00:13 LDK7: I also did courtyard + str3
- 00:13 incoherent: but like the 2:45 hook was a bit rough
- 00:14 LDK7: yea, I warped bolero straight off the bat, I don't think it took me until 2:45 to go back to goron for the wallet but it was def still a late hook
- 00:15 incoherent: I kept expecting to find adult access to goron city
- 00:16 LDK7: that makes sense
- 00:16 incoherent: but yeah once I got the 5th woth and it just turned into full casino it just turns into who does the thing first
- 00:16 LDK7: mhm, classic rando, mixed pools doesn't seem to help
- 00:16 incoherent: rando gonna rando
- 00:17 LDK7: yea, I'm gonna get going, gg again
- 00:17 incoherent: gg
- 00:17 incoherent: you get the honors of submitting